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Drug Policy

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Hi, i am currently a CIC officer who was in the process of trying to CT to the Reg Force Navy.  During my enrollment process i had to do the pre enrollment drug screening and indicated that i have indeed tried and have used marijuana a few times which coincided with my time as a CIC officer.  The Officer in charge of the recruiting centre stopped my application and informed my unit CO of the transgression and it is now going up the chain of command.  I guess i am wondering if this will get me releases from the CIC, or if it doesn't can i continue with applying to the regular force.  My unit CO doesn't seem to know and i have no one else to ask.
My guess would be not to do drugs while a member of the CF....
Zero tolerance. If you need more information, this site is equipped with a handy search utility.

If you're question is about past drug use for new applicants, there are plety of threads on that. If you're question is current drug use for a serving member, you should know the answer. You can also do a search in the public domain, so I won't quote the official policy of the CF, but rest assured, drug use will not be tolerated by your counterparts in the CF (alcohol somewhat excused from this).
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