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Drill Team Practice Length

Verbal Boy said:

condor888000 said:

Core, corps SAME THING GUYS! Stop HAVING A cow!!

I'd rather say core.

I'm from an ARMOURED core. We say tropper instead of private. We have troops instead of PLATOONS.

I say core, you say CORPS. I say tomato, you say tamato.

SAME THING... holy smokes.
lovinghockey2 said:
Core, corps SAME THING GUYS! Stop HAVING A cow!!

I'd rather say core.

I'm from an ARMOURED core. We say tropper instead of private. We have troops instead of PLATOONS.

I say core, you say CORPS. I say tomato, you say tamato.

SAME THING... holy smokes.

If you were typing a memo would you type "Armoured Core" or "Armoured Corps"?

Thought so...  ;)
lovinghockey2 said:
Core, corps SAME THING GUYS! Stop HAVING A cow!!

I'd rather say core.

I'm from an ARMOURED core. We say tropper instead of private. We have troops instead of PLATOONS.

I say core, you say CORPS. I say tomato, you say tamato.

SAME THING... holy smokes.

Dictionary said:
core  Audio pronunciation of "core" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (kôr, kr)

  1. The hard or fibrous central part of certain fruits, such as the apple or pear, containing the seeds.
  2. The central or innermost part: the hard elastic core of a baseball; a rod with a hollow core.
  3. The basic or most important part; the essence: a small core of dedicated supporters; the core of the problem. See Synonyms at substance.
  4. A set of subjects or courses that make up a required portion of a curriculum.
  5. Electricity. A soft iron rod in a coil or transformer that provides a path for and intensifies the magnetic field produced by the windings.
        1. Computer Science. A memory, especially one consisting of a series of tiny doughnut-shaped masses of magnetic material. Also called core memory.
        2. One of the magnetic doughnut-shaped masses that make up such a memory. Also called magnetic core.
  7. The central portion of the earth below the mantle, beginning at a depth of about 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) and probably consisting of iron and nickel. It is made up of a liquid outer core and a solid inner core.
  8. A mass of dry sand placed within a mold to provide openings or shape to a casting.
  9. A reactor core.
  10. A cylindrical sample of rock, ice, or other material obtained from the center of a mass by drilling or cutting.
  11. The base, usually of soft or inferior wood, to which veneer woods are glued.
  12. Archaeology. A stone from which one or more flakes have been removed, serving as a source for such flakes or as a tool itself.
  Note how none of these mentions a unit or body in the sense you're looking for.

corps  Audio pronunciation of "corps" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (kôr, kr)
n. pl. corps (kôrz, krz)

        1. A separate branch or department of the armed forces having a specialized function.
        2. A tactical unit of ground combat forces between a division and an army commanded by a lieutenant general and composed of two or more divisions and auxiliary service troops.
  2. A body of persons acting together or associated under common direction: the press corps. See Synonyms at band2.

Oh look, jackpot.

Its not tomato/tamato (which by the way are still spelled the same way), it is someone being lazy and not bothering to correct themselves.  Tomato/"tamato" is a pronounciation difference, corps and core is not.

Set the example for your cadets, don't make up excuses to cover your own mistakes.  Everyone makes them, and if you don't correct it yourself who will?  Cadets learn from those they were under when they were being formed into leaders, leading by example should be taken literally as cadets WILL learn from your good habits, as well as the bad.  This means that YOUR attitude as a senior carries over into the juniors.

This has been lenient, and should you persist you will be placed on verbal warning.  Plus, spelling it incorrectly makes you look like an idiot, especially after you have been corrected.  Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.
Actually enough is enough!  ONTO VERBAL with our hotshot who is displaying a poor attitude and insists on thumbing her nose to everyone on the site

Bad attitude displayed by lovinghockey2  in this Topic and others has earned her the introduction to the Warning System and a VERBAL WARNING.


If you have any complaints, questions, queries; bring them up with a Mod or seek a second opinion from the site owner.
lovinghockey2 said:
Core, corps SAME THING GUYS! Stop HAVING A cow!!

I'd rather say core.

I'm from an ARMOURED core. We say tropper instead of private. We have troops instead of PLATOONS.

I say core, you say CORPS. I say tomato, you say tamato.

SAME THING... holy smokes.

And you wonder why you have been introduced to the Warning System.

I have been a member of the Armour Corps for over thirty years.  I don't need some young 'Joanie Come Lately' with a bad attitude carrying on like this, after she has been corrected.  I do not like my Corps being disrespectfully referred to as something like an 'apple core'.  I do not appreciate someone making fun of the rank of Trooper, because she can't use the English language or grammar correctly.  I don't appreciate a person who can not correct their faults when corrected by their peers, and later their superiors.  I don't have any time for a person who has no respect for others or other people's property.   

This is not a CHAT ROOM, nor is it a Air Soft Site, nor is it a Cadet only site.  It is a Site dedicated to the Canadian Forces and as such we try to keep it on a 'Professional footing'.
As to the above argurment, I was also taught to say corps, instead of core. And I am part of an Armoured Corps. I don't however believe the person was making fun of the rank trooper, I like the rank trooper. And can't imagine myself being called a private when I was younger (five years ago).

Anyways, my C.O comes to all practises and when he feels the need we're done we go home. Its usually 2.5 hours long.

Sneaky, sneaky. Banned again. You didn't learn, did you? Pretty pathetic when you register another account to come in and argue against yourself - are you schizophrenic? No matter, you're gone.

Banned right to the CORE.
I'm not on a drill team but my sister is. She is on the silent rifle/drill team. They practice Wednesday nights from 7-9(2 hours) and Saturday mornings 9-12(3 hours). The team I am on at my corps practices the same time as the silent rifle/drill team.
cadet-drum-major said:
As to the above argurment, I was also taught to say corps, instead of core. And I am part of an Armoured Corps. I don't however believe the person was making fun of the rank trooper, I like the rank trooper. And can't imagine myself being called a private when I was younger (five years ago).

Anyways, my C.O comes to all practises and when he feels the need we're done we go home. Its usually 2.5 hours long.

They never learn do they?    ::)
I have no idea about this corps thing, because I am in air cadets. However, the army cadets I have been around say corps like "core". If you were to pronounce it like it is spelt, do you mean that it is pronounced like "Corpse" or "Corp"? I'm not trying to be offensive and it seems like a sensitive topic, I am just trying to clarify for future reference. Thanks

For the sake of keeping on topic, my drill team practices 2 hours on Friday nights and an extra few hours when it gets closer to competition.
Pronounced as core, spelled at corps.
This year, our drill team was very spontanious. My corps hasn't put a drill team in for over 10 years, and finally this year we decided to put one in, at the last minute. We had only 4 hours of practice, and only a few of the pople showed up who said they were going to. This lack of motivation makes me mad. These were simple drill movements with some that counld take a drill lesson to learn.
After all my worries and concerns, my units drill team has qualified for the finals. We came in 3rd (top 3 teams advance). And to put the icing on the cake, we beat 51!!!

Quebec City here we come!