I completed my BMQ last summer and here are a few tips that you may find useful:
1. Bring the foam shaving cream instead of the liquid gel stuff (The gel tends to come out of the can and make a mess, your course staff may or may not inspect your items for abolutions)
2. LOCKS FOR YOU KIT BAGS (Not only to keep your stuff safe from other candidates who like to steal, but during inspections if your bags are left unlocked the course staff may want to make "kit soup")
3. Maintain a positive attitude during the duration of the course, if you can show the course staff that you can handle whatever stress they throw at you, you'll do just fine (This goes for ALL courses)
4. When preparing for inspections, once you have your own quarters sorted, go and help your section mates. If your entire section is sorted and you have the time, go help out other sections if possible. Course staff like to see teamwork.
5. During your time off on weekends (If you get time off), don't just loaf around for the entire weekend. Do some PT, or practice the drills you learned with your section mates and others from the course.
The course staff will surely notice this and give you kudos for the extra effort.
Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any specific questions and I'll do my best to answer them [