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Not a new member, but I have never responded to this thread.

Reserve. Joined as a NavSig, amalgamated to NavComm, been in for 15+ years.  Currently have a CT in for AC Op.
Reg MARS (well, on the route to be, but you get the idea)

Naval Communications operator, NDADOP 274, I wish I was still in, the new trade
sounds pretty good. Although I suspect the workload is now even more intense.
the new trade sounds pretty good. Although I suspect the workload is now even more intense.

You would think the workload would be more intense, but it isn't.  Ships now send most of their messages ashore via OUTLOOK, yeah they send it to us at NRS via email.  When I arrived on my first ship (IRO) we had the bdcst numbers rollover in 3.5 weeks, close to 13,000 incoming/outgoing messages 3 broadcasts.  Now you get messages over email.  The IT side of it is OK, but for the most part we are held hostage by the unions who won't let us troubleshoot our shiplan servers, MARPAC has 2 SME's on the shiplan and I think they will be holding on to their empire for a while yet.  Ashore we can only do so much, but we usually end up doing the jobs that the civies don't want to do, or can't be bothered to do (blackberry resets, printer resets, email restorals)

What most people are noticing is that the trade is watered down we are knowledgeable in all areas of (262/274 trades) but we have no experts.  Gone are the days when you got off watch feeling brain dead from all the activity that occurred on watch, now you have to deal with calls from ops when Chat goes yellow, and fighting to get on a computer to surf the net or play games.  The future of our trade does look appealing to some, but not me, hence the OT.  I need a more challenging/exciting job. 

Hey Sub_guy, you paint a pretty depressing picture(unless of course everyone likes to be a skiver now)
When I first was in I was sent to a teletype ship with antiquated breadboards etc. now that
was work,  between morse code and properly tuning racalls it was pretty mind numbing
after you finished your watch. It sounds like there is lots of free time now
aahh those days of tickertape flying everywhere.
That's just my opinion and by no means am I a skiver and for the most part our trade is full of hard working people. 
There are some issues that I think are hurting our trade.

1. No more fleet exam, AB's get them just for breathing.
2. Nesop/Tasop/Nciop all get spec pay.  Now this is touchy and if you talk to an HONEST ops type they will agree that Navcomms should be getting it.  Lets be honest here, port lookout gets spec pay while the LS running OOW maneuvers doesn't?  But that argument could go on forever, not to mention that our job ashore is somewhat more demanding that our job at sea (most times). 

We still manage to attract new personnel, (I think the IT skills lure them in), there are quite a few OT's out as well.  I miss the old stuff.
Now there is no challenge as my 4 year old daughter can use chat and email.
Sub, I'm a naval reservist and just finished bmq in the summer and plan to put in my ct for a reg force navcomm. What do/did you like about the trade?, such as your training on and off ship.
1.  Training, Navcomms I think have one of the largest training budgets in the navy and most of it is I.T related stuff
2.  Always in the "know" rumours can fly around the ship all day long, but we know what's going on
3.  I really like working in the CCR, usually with a MS supervising, junior people learn to supervise/lead/ early on in their career
Navcomms tend to do well on PLQ
4.  Working shift work at NRS, I really like working there, but it all depends who you work for, I have keeners below me and relaxed supervisors who let the keeners run the show.  There are other watches with some unhappy people on them but you can't keep everyone happy.
5.  Although very very very short, working on the Vic, Navcomms have the best job on the boat, there only 2 and you work 6 hour shifts.
Overall I like the trade, there isn't another trade in the Navy that I would want to be, Navcomms have one of the best foreign port duty watches, we work in our space which is out of sight of everyone else.  Working on the bridge is good, but you are under a microscope up there and if you make a mistake it will be noticed!  TRUST ME.....I still feel the burn from my mistake I made 5 years ago.  Anyway thats how you learn, if you aren't making the odd mistake then you aren't learning.

Anyway I had a taste of Hotels/td pay/"lunch money" on the submarine, so I figured I would take the smell of a$$ out of the picture and try my luck at AESOP!

1.  Working as a LS at NRS (MS now) that wasn't fun, you have close to 30 killicks trying to get their leaf, think about that for a second
2.  Training we get all this IT training and we almost never get a chance to use it! 
3.  People who resist change, trust me this is deflating when you run into one of these, sad but these guys usually hold key positions (J61)
change will not occur until these guys retire

I do like the trade, but I don't find the work challenging nor exciting, I like the navy there are some silly things that irk me but thats me, silly little things piss me off
Morning joke, pipes on ship its lunch time I know its time to eat but the navy has to announce this?, time wasted cleaning I like cleaning but when I have to sit there for 2 hours cleaning a 6 foot square just because I have to be cleaning for 2 hours is stupid. 

The job is good, and for the most part the people are good too, ask around there are plenty navcomms kicking around.  NavyMitch is one, and pigpen is one too I am sure they will give you more information.

Had a taste of Hotels/Td Pay/"lunch Money" on the submarine, I figured I would take the smell of a$$ out of the picture and join the airforce as an AESop (try to as messages won't be cut for 2 more months)
Sub_Guy said:
...ask around there are plenty navcomms kicking around.  NavyMitch is one...

Sub_guy, you and I are great ones to ask with us both having our own CT's in, eh?  LOL

But seriously, I like the trade.  Or rather, I liked the trade.  Time for me to move on now, but SoF, if you have any other questions, please feel free to post them.  I see alot of other threads started trade-specific.  I think there is one on NavComms, or one with lots in it.  If not, maybe some of this can be split off and a thread started.
HT 00124.  Former Meathead, Reserve Gunner.  18 yr Reg, 5 Res.  Enjoy the Navy still, and don't regret moving on from my former life.
Started off in the Army reserves (N Sask R, B Coy),then Reg Force Navy NCIOP, then remustered to AESop (PO2 or Cpl AESop, hmmm), now a dumb civy back in school in the DC area.  Enjoyed my time in all 3 branches, plus and minuses in all 3 (less so AESop, lol)  Navy was a blast, great people, but truly enjoyed myself in the Air Force. Damn women complicating my life, lol  Felt soo guilty taking full TD and staying in hotels, lol. Must admit always jealous of the CCR types, hidden away in their own world, away from prying eyes. 
Former comm rsch, former clerk, NES OP on training now, love the trade so far and very excited to work in that trade for the first time in my time with the Canadian military
Reg force NES OP doing my QL3.  Hmmm... in fact I think Collin T. is in my class. 