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Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)


Perhaps this should be merged with
Army.ca Forums > The Parade Square > The Canadian Army > "And we are in Afghanistan because??" 
Perhaps a slightly more academic answer might be to read Sean Maloney's writings on the myth of peacekeeping.  There are other articles circulating that touch on why Canada goes to such places as Afghanistan.  It is an important discussion that more people need to participate in. 

One point though, Pike's question is not one that should be merely blown off; it is fair to have a measured, reasonable response to it.  My own answer to the question is simplistic, but it here it is: 

We are in Afghanistan because it is in our national interest to be there.  Our presence there supports our military and political alliances; it is tangible evidence that Canada is a participant in stopping religious and ethnic violence, and it is a commitment of our country to show that we stand against the religious fundamentalism and economic frustration that has contributed to terrorist attacks around the world.  In short, we have soldiers in Afghanistan because we need to have them there to protect our own way of life.

Thanks for being there for us, troops!
What a self serving piece of dreck.......Pike, how could you....oh no...


I'm not feeling so good.....


Leaves a bad taste in your mouth after reading it.....

Franko said:
What a self serving piece of dreck.......Pike, how could you....oh no...


I'm not feeling so good.....

Leaves a bad taste in your mouth after reading it.....

Where on EARTH did you get that graphic of the smily vomiting?  Sheesh, now I've seen it all
(and I mean this in a good way) :cheers:
Pike has been known to troll conservative boards with this dreck in the past.
Yes, I find it funny that Pike failed to show up while the Libs were still in power ::) Guess them sending troops to Afghanistan was OK, right? Bye Pike.
vonGarvin said:
Where on EARTH did you get that graphic of the smily vomiting?  Sheesh, now I've seen it all
(and I mean this in a good way) :cheers:

You have, vonGarvin?  Have you ever seen a man eat his own head? 

Ahhh!  So you haven't seen it all, then...  ;D

Uh-oh...haven't watched Team America in at least two weeks....must...get...DVD....
Duey said:
You have, vonGarvin?  Have you ever seen a man eat his own head? 

Ahhh!  So you haven't seen it all, then...   ;D

Uh-oh...haven't watched Team America in at least two weeks....must...get...DVD....
I stand corrected  :rofl:
Piper said:
When's he coming back? I want to hear him defend his position (if he has one).


That's not his MO.  He just posts and runs.  He doesn't stick around for civilised debate.
Why would he stay for a civilized debate here?

The way some people have replied, there really isn't one to be found. . .
vonGarvin said:
Where on EARTH did you get that graphic of the smily vomiting?  Sheesh, now I've seen it all
(and I mean this in a good way) :cheers:

Right click the smilies, hit properties, and you'll see a Web Address for it.

Sorry for sidetrack, back on topic.
RangerRay said:
Pike has been known to troll conservative boards with this dreck in the past.

Such as? Do you have URL's handy? [not sarcasm, serious inquiry]
Well I am glad I can get a debate started here.

First off, I personally believe that Canada should decide its own foreign policy,not be subject to the American foreign policy.

Afghanistan is NOT our priority, If anyone here can explain to me how fighting in Afghanistan enhances our national security I would love to hear it.

Its important to question our elected officials and the decisions they make. I WANT our army to be heavily funded. I WANT us as a country to take up foreign missions. But comon guys lets do what make sense. Lets go into Sudan, thats where our priorities should lie, not fighting in afghanistan trying to makeup to the AMericans for saying No on Iraq.

Americans created this "war on terror" which is so undefinable its stupid. Think for yourself
Pike said:
Why are we in Kandahar? Simplistically put we are in Kandahar in large measure because the previous government wanted to find a way to improve our relations with the Bush administration, and ponying up forces for a major deployment in Afghanistan was one way to show our bona fides.

Comon boys, question your elected officials

Sure Pike, I'll engage you.

I question Rt Hon Stephen Harper why are we not debating why we still have troops in Afghanistan?

His response:
"You do not send men and women into harm's way on a dangerous mission ... and then decide, once they're over there, that you're not sure you should have sent them."

Now, that my friend, is what is called LEADERSHIP! Too bad it was lacking in the gov't prior to the Jan elections, and still lacking in the official opposition.


Can someone shake some clarity from the tree here? What exactly makes Sudan, a higher priority interest for Canada, then say, Afghanistan!?  ???
Pike said:
First off, I personally believe that Canada should decide its own foreign policy,not be subject to the American foreign policy.

Afghanistan is NOT our priority, If anyone here can explain to me how fighting in Afghanistan enhances our national security I would love to hear it.

So exactly what part of our foreign policy was written in Washington?

If Afghanistan is not our foreign policy priority, then what is?

If by assisting in removing elements of a radical former totalitarian government who frown upon equal right and privileges of the citizens of their country, and replacing it with a friendlier democratic government which encourages equality and opportunity does not enhance our security, I would like for you to explain to me what better we could do by not being involved.
Also, lets not forget that Canadians also died on 9/11 in the World Trade Center. And Canada is listed as a target for Al Qaueda, so far we've been lucky that we haven't been attacked here in Canada.
MikeL said:
Also, lets not forget that Canadians also died on 9/11 in the World Trade Center. And Canada is listed as a target for Al Qaueda, so far we've been lucky that we haven't been attacked here in Canada.

"No terrorist will attack Canada. Why? Because this is where they send their relatives for protection!"

Your comment reminded me of that line.  :D
Pike said:
Lets go into Sudan, thats where our priorities should lie, not fighting in afghanistan trying to makeup to the Americans for saying No on Iraq.

Sure lets go to Sudan, all by ourselves. After all it is our own Canadian companies that are in the country making money for that government...I volunteer you to be the first to go into that totally inhospitable crap hole of a country.

We should invade Sudan, after all they unilaterally broke a peace treaty with Chad in invading that country. After all that gov't already said no to UN directed Canadian Military Observer teams going in. So Canada has done its part, equipping and training the AU soldier in Sudan. Not much more we can do but watch, unless we go to war with them.

But I am not sure how being in Sudan would enhance our national security.  Pike, I would love to hear it.

How about Haiti? Pike, how does instability dispite democratic elections affect our security here?