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Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

Originally posted by S_Baker:
[qb] G force,

I thought I would share this with you.....

Ref: The Halifax explosion-Most of the rescue relief came from the state of Massachusetts, but I am sure you knew that before you posted. :p [/qb]
I already pointed that out S_Baker :D
"it is not the "number" of forces deployed in the "war on terror," but a commitment not to be chased away or intimidated by a bunch of thugs!"

S_Baker.. so what has Canada done that‘s shows its not had this commitment to the war on Terror? Canada has commitment more troops and resoucres and most other countries, from what I‘ve heard we‘re 3rd. So that‘s very big commitment from a government which has shown doesn‘t support the military.
Originally posted by Ex-Dragoon:
[qb] G Force btw who do you think came to our aid after the Halifax explosion? Wasn‘t the UK but the US. [/qb]
Yes,the City of Boston gave everything except it‘s soul to people Halifax that year. :salute:

"I was in the middle east twice, how about you?"

So how does being in the middle east twice, make you an expert?

"far from it I know personally what CDN forces have, are, and will do in the future"

Are you a mind reader fortune teller? How is it that you have insite into the future of the CF. Maybe your friends Paul Martin? or have speical access some serect CDN army websites :) I‘ve been to the UK 3 times for a total of 18 months, that certianly hasn‘t given me any insite to the what will happen in UK in the FUTURE....

As for me, I‘ve live in Canada and keep up with the CF and have friends in CF, should be in when the trades open in March. And as you can guess its infantry.
Mark C :salute:
Right on!

But if we do stay we should start making up the Reconstruction Team‘s i.e. All the Engineer trade‘s including E.O.D. with Light Inf. and
Light Armour support for Team protection and start the rebuilding outside of Kabul as was the plan.

But!!!Non of the promised money from the World has been forth coming :mad:
All‘s going to Iraq just because of Oil!
"I am not an expert at middle east affairs but there is a thing in the US Army that is called "Right of Passage" , or similar to walking a mile in someone‘s moccasins, etc. Please don‘t lecture me ...been there done that..."

If your going make big statements like this one below, and of course someone is going call you it.
here what you posted S_Baker

"I never infered that Canada was not helping, far from it I know personally what CDN forces have, are, and will do in the future because I was in the middle east twice, how about you?"

So I ask again, how do you know the Future of CF, and what does being in the middle east have anything to do with it?

And then in your last you state "but then like you I am not privy to CDN defense policy so I could be wrong" so if your not privy to CDN defence policy... how can you know the future of the CF. And again I think was you how said that unless live in country you can‘t really know what‘s going on, and since you said a few posts ago that left Canada 20plus years. You don‘t really know what‘s going on here anymore, so your comments about Canada are no different than mine or any Canadian‘s comments on the US.
What kind of message would we send the world if we turned tail and ran after a suicide bomber attacked us? The loss of one of our soldiers is horrible. How many more of our guys would die if they knew we would leave after an attack happened. Want the canadians out of bosnia or cypres? Kill a few with a car bomb. Don‘t like canadians having an embassy in whatever counry, kill a few canadians and send them packing.
Thats a pandora‘s box. You‘d be putting a bullseye on every canadian soldier abroad.
Daamn right, we can‘t leave a country because some freak blows himself up. Just think how it would look to the rest of the world.
Unfortunately, there are some people who think we should leave, now that someone has been killed.
Dear Alice

Editorial in Ottawa Sun, 1 February 2004

"The day Cpl. Murphy died

Cpl. Jamie Murphy died Tuesday at the hands of a suicide bomber on the filthy streets of a decimated city torn to shreds by a generation of war. Half a world away in Conception Harbour, Nfld., his grieving mother Alice was haunted by a question.

Why, she asked, did her boy have to die in a country like Afghanistan whose people "don‘t want peace or even know what it means?" Why, indeed.

Prime Minister Paul Martin said the question, while understandable, was "one I wish she didn‘t have to ask." Well, she did ask, and from a grateful nation she is owed an answer.

Dear Alice:

Most of us never got to meet Jamie, by all accounts a fine soldier, a good friend and partner and a devoted, loving son.

You‘d know far better than us what caused him to don a soldier‘s uniform, but we suspect Jamie was like so many young men and women drawn by an irresistible urge to serve their country.

Not all of us hear that call of duty, fewer still are drawn to act upon it. But Jamie did.

Your son served this country even though it meant leaving the comforts of home and enduring a prolonged separation from those he loved.

His calling took him to a world utterly shattered by war, where hatred is drenched in blood and where people‘s hopes and dreams have been reduced to dust along with their homes.

Alice, we‘ll never know for sure, but we‘d bet Jamie saw that he was making a difference in Afghanistan. He‘d see it in the eyes of strangers who, for the first time in a generation, were beginning to see hope for peace in their homeland. He‘d see it in the smile of a child going to school for the first time or in the face of a mother who had begun to feel the warm embrace of security for her family, thanks largely to a military presence comprised of Jamie and his colleagues.

This week, as he approached the end of that posting, he died -- tragically, violently, under the most awful circumstances.

Alice, we cannot begin to find the words sufficient to console you as your family grieves its terrible loss, except to say that Jamie died a hero. No, he didn‘t die while plunging into a river to save a drowning child or pulling someone from a raging house fire.

But he died doing what he knew was right -- trying to restore civility and dignity to a people who had long lost both. He did it even though they were complete strangers to him and even though there were terrible risks from those who saw him as an enemy of tyranny and terrorism.

Alice, he died ... cruelly and incomprehensibly. But heroically too.

Pull the boys out? Bring them all home? You‘re right to ask, Alice. But we believe the Afghan people do want peace, they do know what it means, and we suspect Jamie believed that more than most of us because he saw it with his own eyes.

Alice, soldiers like Jamie are the last hope of the people of Afghanistan. Jamie died, but his death was not in vain.
Well S_Baker do you have any answer besides "just for you highspeed". Your quick to jump on anyone who makes and statement you think BS, or untrue so just some where in between. So you do the same when your call on remarks that somewhere in between.
No need to get your panties in a knot. :D Don‘t want to get off on the wrong foot with my first few posts here. Your the one who made the statements about knowing the future and in‘s and out of CF. Maybe being a Major your not use too it. :blotto:

We can leave the subject if you don‘t want to answer it. Hopefully you‘ll still reply my other posts. Oh and your dog thing did remind of someone...a major I think he said saw. ;)
infatry031...wait until the guys get a load of you...they‘re going to have a field day! :D

S Baker...carry on

Hey Infantry, maybe you should express your absolutely correct opinions and overflowing knowledge to your instructors when you start basic, I‘m sure they‘d love to sit down and learn from you.

:sniper: J. Lightfoot :cdn:
Super quiet. Reconstruction is going on and people are returning.

Good signs...am I right?

48Highlander said:
There was no conflict in Afghanistan before we showed up, so no, it's not peacekeeping.   It's not even peacemaking, although that term comes closer to describing it.   It's a stability op.

Acorn said:


In case you forgot, we had troops take part in the initial invasion.  Technicaly we helped start the conflict, so no, there WAS no conflict there before we showed up.  We certainly didn't say "hey, we're sending some snipers and the JTF2 to help you guys keep the peace".
48Highlander said:
In case you forgot, we had troops take part in the initial invasion.   Technicaly we helped start the conflict, so no, there WAS no conflict there before we showed up.   We certainly didn't say "hey, we're sending some snipers and the JTF2 to help you guys keep the peace".

OK, now I know that all that conflict going on since 1979 (or '92 if you count the time from Soviet withdrawal in 1989 to the rise of the Taliban as a period of peace) wasn't really conflict. Thanks for clearing that up.
48Highlander said:

In case you forgot, we had troops take part in the initial invasion.   Technicaly we helped start the conflict, so no, there WAS no conflict there before we showed up.   We certainly didn't say "hey, we're sending some snipers and the JTF2 to help you guys keep the peace".

Umm...look up Ahmed Shah Masood.   That was before 9/11.   Hell, look up the battles of Bishqab, Mazar, Konduz, and Sayed Slim Kalay for post 9/11 examples of a conflict that existed before most Canadians knew where Afghanistan was.

Here is some reading material since you have a tendency to pull history out of your ass.  As well, I suggest you pick up Steve Coll's Ghost Wars to get an idea of what's been going on in Afghanistan in the last half-century.
48Highlander said:

Alright, wonderful, they had a few problems.   Point is, we didn't go there to settle their problems, and the conflict we're fighting now has little to do with any difficulties they may have had before we invaded.   By the time we got involved, the Taliban had become pretty succesfull at suppressing anyone who didn't agree with them.

WTF are you smoking?  Do you really have any idea about what you are talking about?  I'm sure you are just making this up as you go.  The conflict we are involved with now has everything to do with the events of the last 20 years.  Do us a favour and read the literature I provided you with and quit wasting bandwidth with stupid statements like that one....
Infanteer said:
WTF are you smoking?  Do you really have any idea about what you are talking about?  I'm sure you are just making this up as you go.  The conflict we are involved with now has everything to do with the events of the last 20 years.  Do us a favour and read the literature I provided you with and quit wasting bandwidth with stupid statements like that one....


Alright man, this discussion is getting WAY too intelectual for me.