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different Recruitment office, different service!

  • Thread starter Thread starter steve-o
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I just wanted to post an experience that I had in 2 different recruiting centers, one in Montreal, and the other in Calgary where I live now. I had applied in Montreal when i was originally living there, and had the most god-awfully experience with the personal. The first woman I met just inside the restricted area where you drop off forms etc. was the most insolent and rough person I had ever dealt with in a professional setting. She would reluctantly answer questions, as the English language was obviously an insult to her ears, and when I asked about a missing piece of information on my form that I was having difficulty finding, she immediately grabbed the form and told me that the file would be closed then! I thought she was joking, but apparently not by the expression on her face. She then noticed another female applicant and jumped out of her seat and helped her with great enthusiasm, ignoring me. Perhaps the saying "Don't ask, don't tell" applied? Anyways, it wasn't smooth sailing once past her. Phone calls were never returned, ever! Not once did I get an answer that corresponded with someone else's answer, and in general the place was a mess of idiots who had no business dealing with the public. That whole debacle was interupted by my move to Calgary, where I started the process from scratch. These people couldn't help me enough! They wanted to help me fill out the forms, made sure I had all the documents, and I had phone calls, more than one, to see if I was still interested in re-joining. I had all bases covered and all information was standard, unlike the nitwits in Montreal. I guess the point of this blathering on is that one can be completely turned off of the whole recruiting process because it is a long, arduous and bureaucratic pain in the ass, but with a little effort and caring from the recruiters, it can mean the difference of new soldiers and no new soldiers. Maybe that was Quebec's way of telling me that English Need not apply? Who will ever know?
Similiar topic....Although I have not dealt with any other RCs besides Thunder Bay I just wanted to give props to the Thunder Bay RC.  You always hear this complaints etc about other various RCs but everyone that has dealt with THunder Bay has only had positive things to say!!

One of the reasons could be amount of volume and why they are so good and efficient??  THunder Bay only has a population of 130,000 so naturally less people will apply at the TBay one than the Vancouver one...unless there are more than one RC in Vancouver or the bigger cities
Here in Edmonton I've always had great service (except for one person but my file got transfered from her).  Maybe its just something in the water in BC (well maybe not the water...), Manitoba, and Quebec that effects the recruiting staff in weird ways  :P

Might be worth mentioning your experiences with the Montreal RC to the staff in Calgary.  Not so much as a complaint (if you feel uncomfortable about it) but on the fly -- "Wow, you guys are great.  I wish they had been this good to me in Montreal."

Someone may know someone else who works there and may pass the word that they had a recruit who was displeased w/ the service.  Maybe it won't be as bad for the next person who goes into that RC.
The recruiting topic has been coming up alot lately, so I did an informal "mystery recruit" test of the Halifax Centre.
I went in when it wasn't too busy and didn't take up too much of their time so they could get to other work, but I just had to see how Halifax stacked up to the other stories we hear here.
So after my workout at the Scotia Square Nubody's today I dropped in.

And I must say that the Halifax recruiting centre was great.
Good setup with a TV playing different MOCs and displaying the training and numerous couches with loads of forces publications around for reading.
As soon as you walk after about a minute of looking at the wall of MOCs one of the NCOs at the desk asks if you need any help with anything.
No agressiveness yet they still showed interest, no rudeness, I asked a few questions (neither really simple nor really difficult ones) and they were more then willing to help.

If I weren't still waiting my 6 months after my voluntary release I probably would have filled out the applications today they were so bloody accomodating.
Even after I told them my situation they gave me a card and told me that I should come in asap after my 6 month obligatory wait.

Also I've found when recruiting through reserve units (rather then through CFRC Regular force recruiting) they are very, very good at what they do. They will call you every once in a while to check up on you and keep you updated, however once the application hits the CFRC (as all must do) it's a crapshoot.
Mine was short, 6 months from application to oath (This was 3 years ago)
But we're all familiar with horror stories.

If you get a bad experience, there are other options, other recruiting centres and even other people working at that office you could probably talk to.
I've only ever dealt with Vancouver, and personally I have received great service, both at a remote, and at the CFRC itself.

I dealt the whole time with CFRC Montreal. Since I'm French-speaker maybe it changed something, but maybe not. Maybe it was just this 'clerk' who has a problem with English-speaker. Anyways, Montreal is a bilingual city and moreover the CFRC is rather in the west part of the city, the more english one, so one would think they have no problem with that whatsoever. And they shouldn't since it's one of the great contact with Canadian population and prospective officers/soldiers.

I had no problem with them. I don't say that to defend them. But from my experience, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. The recalls were right and always on Thursdays... probably coming from their system. I think however that this CFRC is understaffed or not effective enough. I would evaluate they receive between 75 and 125 new applications a week. (Coming from the number of physical tests...) I think it's rather a long process between every tests... It took me about 2 months from application to interview. Why not all in one day as I saw in many other cases??

I think the Ombudsman Recruiting Process Review will shake all this up...

Go to the Toronto CFRC

You know your getting 5 star service when they grossly misinform you ,  leave your file sitting around for weeks, and forget to call.

I like the map they give you as well that is wrong

steve-o said:
I just wanted to post an experience that I had in 2 different recruiting centers, one in Montreal, and the other in Calgary where I live now. I had applied in Montreal when i was originally living there, and had the most god-awfully experience with the personal. The first woman I met just inside the restricted area where you drop off forms etc. was the most insolent and rough person I had ever dealt with in a professional setting. She would reluctantly answer questions, as the English language was obviously an insult to her ears, and when I asked about a missing piece of information on my form that I was having difficulty finding, she immediately grabbed the form and told me that the file would be closed then! I thought she was joking, but apparently not by the expression on her face. She then noticed another female applicant and jumped out of her seat and helped her with great enthusiasm, ignoring me. Perhaps the saying "Don't ask, don't tell" applied? Anyways, it wasn't smooth sailing once past her. Phone calls were never returned, ever! Not once did I get an answer that corresponded with someone else's answer, and in general the place was a mess of idiots who had no business dealing with the public. That whole debacle was interupted by my move to Calgary, where I started the process from scratch. These people couldn't help me enough! They wanted to help me fill out the forms, made sure I had all the documents, and I had phone calls, more than one, to see if I was still interested in re-joining. I had all bases covered and all information was standard, unlike the nitwits in Montreal. I guess the point of this blathering on is that one can be completely turned off of the whole recruiting process because it is a long, arduous and bureaucratic pain in the ass, but with a little effort and caring from the recruiters, it can mean the difference of new soldiers and no new soldiers. Maybe that was Quebec's way of telling me that English Need not apply? Who will ever know?

I signed up in Montreal and didn't really have many problems. I know the clerk you're referring to and maybe it's just that we're guys, who knows. The leading seaman that handled my file was great, though. I even remember his name, though I won't post it here. My interviewer was great - polite, good sense of humour, pleasant, but thorough and professional. The member that did my medical exam was great too - he even alerted me to some spine curvature I'd never known about. The recruiters on the floor are pretty nice and the civilian lady working the reception desk is pretty cool.

At the final form-completion/swearing-in meeting, I was the only one in the group that didn't speak french and the guys administering it didn't blink an eye or show any annoyance at having to say everything in French and English for the benefit of one solitary applicant.
I've had great service everytime I've gone into CFRC Vancouver as well.  They are always helpful and very eager to speak with you.  The only problems I have had are that they keep changing personnel on me...everytime I go back to clarify something or get more info, the person who helped me the time before was no longer working there (is this some sort of internal policy where they shift people around alot or something?).  I found this tough because its always good to establish a good relationship with your recruiter. 

Also they really push certain trades on you, esp the combat arms...this is expected of course, but I found it rather annoying that as soon as I mentioned interest in something like MP's, they kind of lost interest in me or just brushed the issue aside and went back to the combat arms.  But they are recruiters after all...I just kept pushing my interest...

But all in all I am very impressed with the Vancouver CFRC...nice layout...it sells itself really...the first time I went with a buddy who has always been sceptical about the CF...well when we walked out the door an hour later he was considering a job in the CF as well!  Even my old man, who is very sceptical of anything military, was impressed with CFRC Vancouver.

Great Job!
I would like to add that the CFRC here in North Bay has been excellent. If I didn't have classes all day on Thursdays when the medicals are done, I would have been a lot sooner because everything else was done quickly.

As a side question, is there any difference between a regular CFRC and a detachment? In Ontario all the CFRCs have det after them except Ottawa, Toronto, and London.
vangemeren said:
I would like to add that the CFRC here in North Bay has been excellent. If I didn't have classes all day on Thursdays when the medicals are done, I would have been a lot sooner because everything else was done quickly.

As a side question, is there any difference between a regular CFRC and a detachment? In Ontario all the CFRCs have det after them except Ottawa, Toronto, and London.

Think of a CFRC as the hub of a wheel and the spokes would be the Detachments.  The Detachment Commanders work for the CO of the CFRC and the Detachments have a smaller staff.  In some cases you will actually find a Detachment located within the CFRC as is the case in Vancouver and Halifax.  Every CFRC has at least one Detachment.
Well, the service I got at the CFRC chicoutimi was great. Everyone always answerred my questions quickly and they always seemed pleased to do so. I got my call on the same day I handed my application, to set a date for all my tests. It has all been done in a single week, and my med took exacly 29 days to come back. That's what I call efficient. Well, I hope they won't lose my file as i'm merit listed now, but since now i've been very pleased with the service.

The service in Victoria is Horrible at that CFRC. You can never reach the recruiters, you always get answering machines, and some dont even know the facts. I call a regional area code now instead of 1-800.

I have a idea. How about just when recruits arrive at basic, they fill out a survey concerning the CF recruiting. Id like to see those results.
I like how they forgot to change the answering machine after the christmas holidays.

Luckily punching in the ext number worked after the answering machine told me a story about how the recruiting centre was closed