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DEUs Question

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XtremeEuph said:
..............  I went to the most direct route, and you can tell the kit shop that they shouldn't work if you consider them to know everything. I did exactly that, told them my trade and qualifications, they told me "I don't know", and asked around just as I did.   

Kit Shop?  No one mentioned Kit Shop.

The BASE TAILOR SHOP has qualified Seamstresses who know where all the accouterments are sewn on and what the correct measurements are.  It is there that you have to take your tunic, not the Kit Shop.
George, regarding your comment about the tailors at Clothing Stores, depends on where you are.  Those people are usually hired for their ability to sew.  I can remember going in after my 6A course to get the trade badge changed and the tailor asking me which one to put on.
PMedMoe said:
George, regarding your comment about the tailors at Clothing Stores, depends on where you are.  Those people are usually hired for their ability to sew.  I can remember going in after my 6A course to get the trade badge changed and the tailor asking me which one to put on.

Every Tailor Shop I have been in has had the chart hanging up on the wall showing all the Trade Badges and Levels.  They also have a copy of the Dress Regs, charts on Honours and Awards, Orders of Prescedence, etc.  They have the information required to sew your badges on your tunic.  You, however, have to tell them what qualification you hold.  As I said before, they cannot read your mind.
Haha yes I knew that would happen.  I edited my message to put tailor shop in, but my computer locked up and I was... somewhat intoxicated at the time (not proudly).  Couldn't change the message so I went with and went to bed.  Yes, just to clarify, I went to the base tailor not the kit shop.
CDN Aviator said:
Glad you decided to come out in your usual form.

Actually my comment was about how absurd it is to say there are no sergeants that would tell you to go elsewhere. It's just a false absolute statement to make. Not everyone can be as amazing as you Sgt.  That is all :)
TheHead said:
Actually my comment was about how absurd it is to say there are no sergeants that would tell you to go elsewhere. It's just a false absolute statement to make. Not everyone can be as amazing as you Sgt.  That is all :)

It is a job.....not every single person is going to do the absolute best job they possibly can everyday, it's impossible.
But, I would say from my limited experience, most  ranks above Cpl, in a "supervisory position",  do their job, (which includes helping folks with admin garbage), at least from those I ran into.
TheHead said:
Actually my comment was about how absurd it is to say there are no sergeants that would tell you to go elsewhere. It's just a false absolute statement to make. Not everyone can be as amazing as you Sgt.  That is all :)

Actually he does have a point. No REAL Sgt would say that, however, a Sgt who would is only a Sgt by rank and not a true Sgt. Clear as mud? Thought so.
recceguy said:
Actually he does have a point. No REAL Sgt would say that, however, a Sgt who would is only a Sgt by rank and not a true Sgt. Clear as mud? Thought so.

SEEN....(looks through clouded sight)......(and fires where the other guys are firing).
I have only seen 3 tailor shops so far in my six year career and they had the charts up but the tailors also knew what badges you needed as well.

I have also stumbled upon this throughout my pub/din searches for other various things too.
It should help some of those guys out there that doesn't have the benefits of having civilian tailors that know what badges to put on your DEUs based on your QL and trade.

Some items in that table are wrong, never seen anyone wear the Lvl 4 Engineer badge (for example)
I haven't gone through them all, just checked out a few of them to see what different trades had.

But as with most things when your unsure, just ask your boss or someone you know. Most people that have been in a few years knows how the different badge levels work and it shouldn't be too hard to find someone in your trade with the same QL level as you.