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DEO Board results in- Did anyone recieve a call yet??

Merry Christmas Spence and Reid!!!  
Go! Go! Go!

[Edit: Sorry, that post was just way to sily for me to live with...]
I got impatient and decided to call my file manager today, and boy did she have some great news for me!   She said I made the cut for Signals Officer and to expect the official call sometime this week!!!

Spence, I'm in Calgary too so I presume I will be swearing in on the 15th as well, but I'll PM you when I get the details.

Who knows though, I may not even pass the PT.   I got sick with the flu for almost two months.   The virus "irritated" my air pipe so the doc gave me this "Symbicort" inhaler to speed up the healing.   One of this drug's side effects is to speed up your heartrate, which will not help me pass the step test...   I think I may have to bend the doctor's orders and stop using the inhaler, but I hope the PT tester won't mind me hacking up a lung while I step to the cheesy tunes!?

Wish me luck!
congratulations guys.
Any one made the cut for CELE ??
I called they are still waiting for Engineers  :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: Theyr killing me
mony said:
I called they are still waiting for Engineers   :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: Theyr killing me

"It's killing me... It's killing me Jerry!"  - Kramer
Well, today i got wait listed,  :)  :- what are the chances of me making it to basic in Jan.?  :-\
hammerz said:
Well, today i got wait listed,   :)   :- what are the chances of me making it to basic in Jan.?   :-\

Congratulations hammerz! 
Did you end up going to that Navy selection board, or are you still hoping for Army?
It was very short notice, (the Navy board) and I wasn't able to make it. I explained this to the RC and they passed my file on to the Army board as Armour and Infantry were my first and second choice. RDA, do you have any idea of my chances of making the Jan. cut? How long were you wait listed for? If you were wait listed?  :warstory:
Glad to hear you were able to get your file to the Army board!

I was one of the lucky ones who were selected the first time around, so I have no idea how long people can be wait listed for.
Regarding your odds of getting in on time for January basic, I presume it all depends on two variables: (1) how many people are ahead of you on the waiting list, and (2) how many people turn down their job offer.  

For example, suppose Billy-Bob turns down his job offer for Armour, then they will offer the job to Jane, who is the first person on the Armour waiting list.   If Jane accepts the job, everyone else on the waiting list moves up one spot, i.e. the person who was second on the list now becomes first in line, 3rd becomes 2nd, so on and so forth.   If however Jane turns down the offer, then they keep moving down the waiting list until somebody accepts the offer.

As far as I understand it, once the deadline for being selected for the current basic course lapses, the "wait list" become the "merit list", and as new candidates complete their applications, they are inserted into the list according to merit.   This means that as the months go by until the next selection board, you can either get bumped down the list, remain in your current position, or get bumped up the list (if people who were ahead of you withdraw from the process).

The only way to know what your "chances" are for this January would be to find out both where you rank on each MOC's waiting list and the statistical average number of people who turn down their offer for each MOC that you are wait listed for.

I know... this isn't very helpful...   Just hang in there!   And if you don't get selected this time around, ask the officer who interviewed you how you can go about making yourself more attractive to the next selection board.  

NEVER GIVE UP!    :warstory:
RDA said:
Pssst....  jarko!
"DEO" stands for "Direct Entry Officer"

I have a sneaky suspicion that you are anxiously awaiting the wrong board results...
But thanks for starting the thread though, and good luck!  ;)

LOL ::) yeah i guess I am. What board results should i be waiting for?? I chose the NCM Infantry??
hey Guys,

          I got yet another question:

    I am still awaiting my call and I am getting the impression that I am getting the impression that my chances are gone. I am extremley surprised I didn't get an offer yet because I feel that I am more than qualified for any of my 3 choices. I had called my recruiting center yesterday and they have told me that they did not receive a response towards my application. they also stated that there are still awaiting  results for some engineering boards. I am EXTREMLY CONFUSED.

      Here is my question, if the board meetings were from the 8 to the 24 of november how is it possible that some results are pending. Thankz in advance
mony said:
I know there is too late for me to do anything about it but, what are the main things that the board look into to choose their candadates?

Very good question and since I was on one of the boards one time perhaps I can pass on some insight.   First of all if the applicant can spell that might improve their chances: candadates?. ;D

We looked at the following and then a score was assigned to each section:

Education and your GPA.
Leadership experience
CFAT score
MOC knowledge
Leadership knowledge
Motivation towards the CF and MOC choices.

The last three sections are found by reviewing the assessment report.   So all those questions that the military career counsellor asked you were actually pretty important so I hope that you approached the interview with enthusiasm and that you clearly demonstrated that you actually did some research before the interview.


When you get your friend to write a letter of reference for you it really doesn't help you.   A professor or supervisor would benefit you more.

Include a resume in your application so if the interviewer doesn't include all of your work experience it still can be assessed during the board.

Wow, that is golden information kincanucks. Great advice too. I'm almost done the recruiting process, so it's not too valuble to me, but is extremely valuble to everyone just starting. Thank you for visiting and sharing your insight on this board.
kincanucks said:
Very good question and since I was on one of the boards one time perhaps I can pass on some insight.   First of all if the applicant can spell that might improve their chances, candadates?. ;D

Thnkz for the advice, that is Y I applied as a Engineer and not a translator   :P
