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Dental Officer Training Program DOTP

  • Thread starter Thread starter robjoseph
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This, straight off the recruiting website:

"If you have been accepted by the faculty of dentistry at an accredited Canadian university, you are eligible for the Dental Officer Training Plan (DOTP)"
These are questions best asked of a recruiter as you might have personal details that change things. But you should be eligible for ROTP. The time you spent out of the country will slow down your application, but I don't see it being a problem as you're studying here now and are a Canadian citizen. I've never seen anyone post here that was a dentist, but hopefully someone knows someone.
Trick said:
These are questions best asked of a recruiter as you might have personal details that change things. But you should be eligible for ROTP. The time you spent out of the country will slow down your application, but I don't see it being a problem as you're studying here now and are a Canadian citizen. I've never seen anyone post here that was a dentist, but hopefully someone knows someone.
ROTP is for an undergrad.  As a previous poster has mentioned, the OP is eligible for the DOTP (Dental Officer Training Plan) which is similar (subsidized education = obligatory service) but for Dental Officers. 

Similar, but not the same.
Yeah I read on the forces.gc.ca recruiting site about that, but it seems they are talking about Canadian dental students, the program I am applying to has a different fee structure, I was wondering maybe that someone here would know. Should I call the closest CFRO which is in Mississauga or would I call the

I thought maybe there might be some CF Dental Officers on this forum who could share their experiences with me or anyone who's familiar with it.

jwtg said:
ROTP is for an undergrad.  As a previous poster has mentioned, the OP is eligible for the DOTP (Dental Officer Training Plan) which is similar (subsidized education = obligatory service) but for Dental Officers. 

Similar, but not the same.

Right, my bad. I just meant he should be eligible for subsidized education so long as he is enrolled in a Canadian dental school.

EDIT: Now I'm confused- will you, or will you not be working on your dentistry degree in a Canadian school? You can probably call your local RC or the National, but the local might just tell you to call the national one, so I'd just start there.
I will be applying to dental school, but in a separate stream for foreign trained dentists.

The differences are that for the first 5 months we undergo a separate course.

After that the we are in the same program as the Canadian students but have a separate fee structure. For example see, http://www.utoronto.ca/dentistry/admissions/IDAPP/idappmain.html.
I see. I think that should be fine, but of course you should talk to a recruiter. At worst I'd imagine they maybe want you to wait until you're in the "regular" stream. But even that I think should be fine (maybe with a bit of extra paperwork). You're a Canadian citizen studying at a Canadian school. Where were you studying before?
The advice to speak to a recruiting centre is the only valid course of action if only to get the ball rolling since there could be considerable delays (months?, year?) in processing the application due to the unusual circumstances of the OP (foreign education, outside country security check, timings for DOTP competition . . .).

Since the OP is in an international dentist advanced placement program it is likely he is already a fully qualified and licensed dentist in whatever third world dental hell-hole (Caribbean, India, United Kingdom . . .) that he received his training.  (that's sarcasm)  The only reciprocal recognition of dental education that Canada has is with the United States.

While there may be a serving dental officer who could eventually wander by this forum and provide some additional information I would suggest that the OP contact a dental detachment in his area (Toronto?) and see if there is a dental officer who could speak to him about CF dental careers generally and his situation particularly.
I studied in India, I'll contact the CFDS Unit in Toronto and take it from there.

Thanks everyone for your help, I really appreciated it.
Blackadder1916 said:
Since the OP is in an international dentist advanced placement program it is likely he is already a fully qualified and licensed dentist in whatever third world dental hell-hole (Caribbean, India, United Kingdom . . .) that he received his training.  (that's sarcasm)  The only reciprocal recognition of dental education that Canada has is with the United States.

I see what you did there... ;D
Good Morning all,

            I'm interested in opinions on how this may play out for me, or how I should best handle it.  I've applied to the dental officer training program, and I've been selected for further processing which will take place early June.  I start dentistry in September 2014, but I'm really looking to be accepted to the DOTP for Sept 2015 start.  The reason for this is that my wife can get a 3 year leave from her job (in case we're posted somewhere far away from where we live now), but for 4 years she'd have to quit or we'd have to live apart, and I don't like that idea.  Does anyone have any experience with delaying an acceptance to this program, should I get accepted before this september?

DaveM12 said:
The reason for this is that my wife can get a 3 year leave from her job (in case we're posted somewhere far away from where we live now), but for 4 years she'd have to quit or we'd have to live apart, and I don't like that idea.
Hmmm. From your post, it's not clear to me why your wife would need a 3 year leave from her job while you complete your dental training at a civilian university. After your training it would be a different story.

Before you sign on the dotted line, you need to be aware that after graduation you could be posted anywhere in Canada. Not sure where you are living now, but there are no guarantees that you will end up back there within a 3 year period as a trained Dental Officer.  Postings and geographic instability are a fact of live in the Reg Force, and their impact on your partner's career should be carefully considered before joining.
It's the 3 years after school that is the concern.  She can follow me for 3 years, but not for 4.  The next 4 years while I'm in school are not a concern.  So what I'm really interested in doing is securing a spot in the DOTP for Sept 2015 entry (with 3 years of school to go).
Hello, after reading information of the DOTP program at "https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/caf-jobs/career-options/fields-work/health-care/dental-officer.html" I was wondering if a bachelor's degree is required to get into the DOTP program.

I am asking this because I've heard some people say bachelor is required and some say only unconditional acceptance to a dental school is required.

it is possible to enter Canadian dental schools without a bachelor's degree. If I happened to be in UBC dental school without my bachelor's degree would I be out of luck to join the army via the DOTP program?

I've sent an e-mail to a recruiter but they were all on vacation until 2018-01-08...

Thank you for any contributions!
Donger3333 said:
Hello, after reading information of the DOTP program at "https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/caf-jobs/career-options/fields-work/health-care/dental-officer.html" I was wondering if a bachelor's degree is required to get into the DOTP program.

I am asking this because I've heard some people say bachelor is required and some say only unconditional acceptance to a dental school is required.

it is possible to enter Canadian dental schools without a bachelor's degree. If I happened to be in UBC dental school without my bachelor's degree would I be out of luck to join the army via the DOTP program?

I've sent an e-mail to a recruiter but they were all on vacation until 2018-01-08...

Thank you for any contributions!

The academic bona fide requirements for entrance into the DOTP entry plan are:

• Admission in a recognized Canadian University Dentistry program.
o Note: Entry must be done on your own, the Canadian Armed Forces does not have reserved seating.

That is what the CAF is concerned with; Shulich and McGill both require an individual to be completed their Bachelor degree to be able to gain acceptance into their Dental Programs, however University of Alberta requires 2 years of post-secondary education to be accepted into their DDS program. Bottom line you'd need to look at which Dental School you want to attend and look at their admission requirements.

As a side note if you emailed the General Health Service Recruiting Email account there are over 300 emails currently in that inbox and it'll likely be the end of the week before they're all responded to.