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Dealing with superiors

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How does it work for MP NCMs who have to deal with superiors, most noteably officers? I would assume if you have to charge an officer for an offence, whether it be military, provincial or criminal then simply doing so with the proper respect is enough. Though having an NIS investigator or an MP O get involved wouldn't surprise me. Is there a special procedure?
Thanks for all the informative and insightful answers... This forum is such a great resource!
trooperMP said:
Thanks for all the informative and insightful answers... This forum is such a great resource!

...and your problem is ?
i think he may feel smotherd from all the attention hes been getting. cant quite handle all the imput hes been getting.
What were you expecting?  I'm not an MP, but have dealt with a few.  I suspect it will be covered on your training courses, and the fundamental requirment will be tact, rather than arrogance and impatience.  I would suggest that since you asked for specifics that most people who read the thread left it for the other MPs to deal with.  Have you considered using the PM feature to ask some of them privately for opinions and experiences they may not want to share openly?
I met a cpl MP who said he'd make officers stand at attention and yell at them
when he pulled them over if they started to talk back....

I really hope this guy was just talking out of his arse... cause.. I don't think
that fly to well if he ever tried it.  I know I wouldn't stand for it.
I always liked the "I can't salute you because I have to keep my hands free in case I need to draw my pistol"  approach.  "Oh," I responded, "who are you planning to shoot in my office?"
Michael O'Leary said:
I always liked the "I can't salute you because I have to keep my hands free in case I need to draw my pistol"  approach.  "Oh," I responded, "who are you planning to shoot in my office?"

MP's visit that often?!
Some little matter about not letting my troops go for interviews unaccompanied.  Back in the old days of interrogation tactics to "break the infantry drug rings."
Quagmire said:
"I have the power"

ok He-man


Hope people get that joke.. might be too young?!
trooperMP said:
Thanks for all the informative and insightful answers... This forum is such a great resource!
so leave. We'll all miss you terribly.
If you want to talk to real, live MP, I have a buddy that is one (did I say that out loud?).

I could ask him if he is willing to answer some questions, but I am betting they are somewhat "closed-lip" about their trade stuff to people on a Internet forum that may be a potential MP, or may not be.

No he is not an Army.ca user, but, heck, next time I talk to him on MSN I will ask him and see what he says.

Sarcasism probaby isn't the best tool to get a reply (read a "postive" reply) on here looking for info though.

Also, as a NCM, you would "deal" (poor choice of words IMHO) with a Commissioned Officer the same way any NCM would,  professionally and with respect.  Always.
Quagmire said:
I've got 2 buddies who are MP's but this guy's a jerk off.

Agreed, but if I can hand him off...saves people some headaches.  ;D
As a Reg Force Officer (not MP), here's what I would expect (an have seen) of MPs:

1)  When not in the execution of an arrest, deal with Officers with due respect.

2)  If required to arrest or question an Officer, be as respectful as the situation dictates, and execute your duties.

As far as your snide remarks, sort it out now. Treat ONE of my troops with that attitude, and I will sort it out.
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