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Dead soldier’s pregnant fiancee banned from home on base


Army.ca Veteran
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(Link to he who shall not be named removed)

Another case of military protocol frustrating family members.
And making the organization come across as bunch of heartless assholes as well in the bargain.
Deceased CF member’s family says base won’t let them retrieve belongings
The family of a Canadian Forces member who recently died says they are being prevented from entering his home to retrieve his pregnant fiancée’s belongings.

Pte. Tyrell Vail died last week of a heart attack while stationed at 14 Wing Greenwood. Following a memorial service on Monday, the family wanted to enter his PMQ on the base to retrieve baby items belonging to his fiancée, Sienna Potter.

"CTV’s Mike Cameron explains"

This is horrible. He is a friend of mine from a few years back, we haven't stayed in recent contact... but wow I'm speechless...
While I understand the legal dilemma the Forces are in, there are ways to deal with such things in rational way. If we are dealing with minor items, then 2 members collecting items on a list or an escorted visit to get those items. If the items requested are significant, then I can understand the Forces position. Updated wills and paperwork are important if you don't want to put your loved ones through an expensive grinder.
I'm willing to bet there is much more to this story ie. member probably didn't have her added as an occupant on his house file....
Or wasn't listed as NOK. Lesson to troops everywhere to get your paperwork together, anything could happen anytime.
that was information contained in the original link I posted.  She wasn't added so not listed as a tenant.  If she had been listed this issue wouldn't be there.  instead she would have been given a time that she would be required to vacate the quarters.  This probably won't be the biggest issue either.  From the story his father is listed as executor on the will which may mean it wasn't updated to add her.  Everything may have been left to someone else.  The other question to be answered will be did he declare common law and  list dependants so they can get any benefits that may be available.

Everyone thinks the admin paperwork isn't important until something like this happens to show how important it is.  If all the paperwork was done things would now be running smoother for the family and the military wouldn't now be getting another black eye in the press.
CountDC said:
The other question to be answered will be did he declare common law and  list dependants so they can get any benefits that may be available.

Think the article said they were living together for 9mo.  so they wouldn't be common law until 1-yr or the birth of the child.
Very difficult situation.
There was mention of another child in the article, so if he was the father, or taken on the responsibilities of the second parent, they would have already qualified. I wonder if there is a third, as yet to be disclosed, party hence the reason the military is following the letter of the law so closely on this.
This is a tragedy, and I am not referring to anyone getting access to their/his stuff.

1.  If you need help seek it out
2.  If you see a brother/sister who needs help, offer it.
3.  Make sure your fucking paperwork is filled out.  (I assume this wasn't filled out, based on media reports)

We are losing too many people unnecessarily.  RIP  :salute: :cdn:
mariomike said:
Deceased CF member’s family says base won’t let them retrieve belongings
The family of a Canadian Forces member who recently died says they are being prevented from entering his home to retrieve his pregnant fiancée’s belongings.

Pte. Tyrell Vail died last week of a heart attack while stationed at 14 Wing Greenwood. Following a memorial service on Monday, the family wanted to enter his PMQ on the base to retrieve baby items belonging to his fiancée, Sienna Potter.

"CTV’s Mike Cameron explains"

Probably more going on behind the scenes here than they can share with the media. No one, not even the Army, does stuff like this without a reason of some kind.
I believe that reminding our subordinates about NOK administration, wills and basic estate planning is very important.  I've known too many ostensibly healthy people to suddenly die young and on one occasion, the member left behind a non-working wife and three small children with only minimal insurance.

Nobody wants to think about dying but we should all remember that everything can change in a heartbeat.  Plan to live long and ensure that your family will be taken care of if you get hit by a bus tomorrow.

Not to mention credit and the proper sharing of assets, probate takes a long time and is expensive. It can be worse when the partner is mentally incapacitated and you have to go through a board to get access to the assets. 
Worse case I have heard of was when the will was never updated so everything was left to the ex-wife leaving the current wife with nothing.  Absolutely important to ensure updated and should be checked every year when conducting ORV/ARV/DAG or which ever term you prefer to use for it.  Should be updated when you move too so the will has your spouses correct address on it.
CountDC said:
Worse case I have heard of was when the will was never updated so everything was left to the ex-wife leaving the current wife with nothing.

Not a family law expert, but I found this interesting,

Marriage makes a will null and void

As always,  a lawyer is your most trusted source of family law information.
AK said:
Nobody wants to think about dying but we should all remember that everything can change in a heartbeat.
I see what you did there - well played!
mariomike said:
Not a family law expert, but I found this interesting,

Marriage makes a will null and void

As always,  a lawyer is your most trusted source of family law information.

My wife (as a lawyer) says the government needs to hand out a pamphlet when you apply for a marriage licence laying out the legal issues involved and the steps to take.
Colin P said:
My wife (as a lawyer) says the government needs to hand out a pamphlet when you apply for a marriage licence laying out the legal issues involved and the steps to take.

You think that would help?
You could fill out the forms for people and they'd be too lazy to sign them or return them. A pamphlet won't help.