The whole force development process in the Army is structurally impaired against being done right. Creating and maintaining capabilities requires drawing on concepts, equipment, doctrine, and force structures - all of these things need to be developed in concert. Doctrine will only be marginal (at best) if it fails to consider & exploit the potential of modern technology. At the same time, equipment that is incompatible or ill-suited to doctrine will weaken the overall force.
While the force development & requirements folk are not in the same building, at least they are in the same city (basically). However, with DLCD and doctrine in Kingston, the two halves of the Army's force development brain are not even close enough to sit together over coffee every other week & ensure they are working in the same step.
With equipment it stands out more because the wrong answer gets dumped on the troops & they have to make it work (or there is nothing & the troops still have to make things work). When the doctrine side is missing, the troops make their own (which is a lot easier that fabricating vehicles, weapons & other kit in the field). However, it seems to me that signs of the doctrine ball being dropped are plenty to be found. The Infantry platoon & company doctrine is so badly out of date that it is hidden and not even available on the AEL.
Where capability/force development is not properly synchronized, we see things like the VCDS killing major projects like ALAWS because the army has no coherent doctrine around which to explain the purchase. Where capability/force development is conducted across separated stovepipes, we see DLR pers drafting junk doctrine to justify equipment or DLFD pers directing the procurement of equipment with no explicable role.
When the field army runs into problems that require a fast & coherent response from the national headquarters, the solution is to create new ad-hoc organizations (like the CF C-IED TF) with PYs to do what should already be happening in existing staffs ... except that it is not because those staffs are so physically separated that good communication is not happening at the working levels.
If we are ever going to get to the point of effective capability development, then the Army's force development efforts need to be put under a single roof ... that means DAD belongs in the Land Staff under COS(Strat) and not in LFDTS. Little empires like the C-IED TF need to be dissolved and replaced with tiny staffs that draw on the permanently established functional experts in DAD, DLR, DLCD, etc.