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Counter recruiting

Funny how the US army is considered unethical for it's policy on gays, yet it was and still is the best job for vi sable minorities. In fact when all of the other companies where avoiding hiring Blacks, the US army was recruiting them and making them leaders, yep no hypocrisy there.... ::)
Colin P said:
Funny how the US army is considered unethical for it's policy on gays, yet it was and still is the best job for vi sable minorities. In fact when all of the other companies where avoiding hiring Blacks, the US army was recruiting them and making them leaders, yep no hypocrisy there.... ::)
well I suppose at least the US military is open about the policy (although I still disagree with it). Those copmanies probably don't take so much heat because there is no official policy "no women or blacks in senior management" or whatever. Just get exluded in the hiring process.
Colin P said:
Funny how the US army is considered unethical for it's policy on gays, yet it was and still is the best job for vi sable minorities. In fact when all of the other companies where avoiding hiring Blacks, the US army was recruiting them and making them leaders, yep no hypocrisy there.... ::)

Well,  with respect,  an argument could be made that this is along the same lines as a poverty draft.  I know it is a tendentious argument,  but it isn't hypocritical - vapid, spurious and poorly constructed,  but cohesive with their overall belief structure,  which I’ve found to be founded on fundamentally false assertions and swiftly constructed arguments. 

I want to make a website as a resource center to educate Canadians on the Afghanistan mission,  why we're there,  what we are doing and so forth... I think I will.
Zell_Dietrich said:
I want to make a website as a resource center to educate Canadians on the Afghanistan mission,  why we're there,  what we are doing and so forth... I think I will.
You could just point to Ruxted.ca
MCG said:
You could just point to Ruxted.ca
I just checked out that site,  it is almost exactly what I was thinking,  except better graphics and citing sources.  :)  I have allot of reading ahead of me. Thank you for the website,  honestly this is the first time I've seen it.
Zell_Dietrich said:
Well,  with respect,  an argument could be made that this is along the same lines as a poverty draft.  I know it is a tendentious argument,  but it isn't hypocritical - vapid, spurious and poorly constructed,  but cohesive with their overall belief structure,  which I’ve found to be founded on fundamentally false assertions and swiftly constructed arguments. 

I want to make a website as a resource center to educate Canadians on the Afghanistan mission,  why we're there,  what we are doing and so forth... I think I will.
Your posts in this thread have been excellent and verly balanced, so I'd definately look at that.
I think these are the same jokers that were handing out flyers a couple of times at the mall in Vernon during summer training when I was in Army Cadets.

They flyers made no sense whatsoever, and tried to convince us that we were being "brainwashed by the government" and that the cadet program was immoral for "having child soldiers".
We just kind of looked at the hippies funny and threw the flyers out in the nearest garbage bin. (Would have been nice to 'explain' some things to them, but we were in uniform)

I didn't believe it, and I was there... I can't make this stuff up.

[Edit : typo]
Klc said:
I didn't believe it, and I was there... I can't make this stuff up.

AARRGGG I just had a flashback to that Liberal campain commercial "Soldiers with guns in our cities" 

Just when I thought I was free of it....
Zell_Dietrich said:
AARRGGG I just had a flashback to that Liberal campain commercial "Soldiers with guns in our cities"   

Just when I thought I was free of it....

Ironic how there is some truth to it though.
Just look at Ex Charging Bison and Ex Arcon that were both recent urban exercises, complete with tactical helicopters, arty-sims, and guns.

It will be interesting to see the next election's campaign adds.
Zell_Dietrich said:
Well,  with respect,  an argument could be made that this is along the same lines as a poverty draft.  I know it is a tendentious argument,  but it isn't hypocritical - vapid, spurious and poorly constructed,  but cohesive with their overall belief structure,  which I’ve found to be founded on fundamentally false assertions and swiftly constructed arguments. 

I want to make a website as a resource center to educate Canadians on the Afghanistan mission,  why we're there,  what we are doing and so forth... I think I will.

Well since the army does not control the ecomony, how are they responsible for the poverty? How many Black CEO's of major companies are there? How many black generals? In WWII the US military was very racial, shortly after the war, thoses barriers began to fall, faster in the army then in the rest of the forces. Once Blacks were accepted into the Officer ranks, it was only a matter of time before they rose to the rank of general. The US Army needed the blacks for sure, but they also offered them a way out of the cottonfields and slums. The US miltary has some very good educational programs and career devolopment resources. It is an employer that has outstripped almost all the others in the US in giving visable minorities a leg up. I guess that does not jive with the Lefties view of the miltary, therefore they must dismiss it with claptrap about poverty drafts.
Colin P said:
Well since the army does not control the ecomony, how are they responsible for the poverty? How many Black CEO's of major companies are there? How many black generals? In WWII the US military was very racial, shortly after the war, thoses barriers began to fall, faster in the army then in the rest of the forces. Once Blacks were accepted into the Officer ranks, it was only a matter of time before they rose to the rank of general. The US Army needed the blacks for sure, but they also offered them a way out of the cottonfields and slums. The US miltary has some very good educational programs and career devolopment resources. It is an employer that has outstripped almost all the others in the US in giving visable minorities a leg up. I guess that does not jive with the Lefties view of the miltary, therefore they must dismiss it with claptrap about poverty drafts.

I think their argument goes like this:

When the Government cuts funding for schools, government loans and scholarships and puts twice the money insted into marketing for the army and training programs in the army that come with compulsory service. They are strategically limiting the options for a select group of people that is the poverty draft.  Now by failing to enforce regulations to stop discrimination in society or provide other opportunities towards some visible minorties it is similar to a poverty draft.

I think I said that I found it to be a poor argument,  but still, as I said before cohesive with their overall belief structure.  (Which says that the government is responsible for providing opportunities for everyone) ::)
Zell_Dietrich said:
I think their argument goes like this:

When the Government cuts funding for schools, government loans and scholarships and puts twice the money insted into marketing for the army and training programs in the army that come with compulsory service. They are strategically limiting the options for a select group of people that is the poverty draft.   Now by failing to enforce regulations to stop discrimination in society or provide other opportunities towards some visible minorties it is similar to a poverty draft.

I think I said that I found it to be a poor argument,  but still, as I said before cohesive with their overall belief structure.  (Which says that the government is responsible for providing opportunities for everyone) ::)

I think you are being overly polite for people that can not comprehend that the government is just to screwed up to manage these conspiracies Most of the education budgets are managed by the state in the US, whereas the funding for the military goes through the Federal Treasury. There are to many players to make it a grand scheme, the army is being punished for doing the right thing and giving disfranchised people a chance to get a leg up. Now if all the Blacks in the US became middle class, would they give a sh*t about Jessie Jackson, ACLU and other groups that claim to represent them?
Colin P said:
I think you are being overly polite for people that ....
I'm sorry I'm overly polite. :rofl:

Now to the issue at hand,  I'm just waiting for this group to start up in my school a "counter recruiting group" ... I'm already prepairing my harassment complaint and to have the group banned for being a hate group... (Some of their posted material more than skirts our rather vague hate crime laws,  but they easily cross the line of allowing for a safe and tolerant environment in which to learn)  ;D

My voice is as free as theirs,  and I have a right to go to school without having a leaflet stuffed in my face about how I am engaging an illegal war of aggression. (And various slanderous accusations)
Zell_Dietrich said:
Now to the issue at hand,  I'm just waiting for this group to start up in my school a "counter recruiting group" ... I'm already prepairing my harassment complaint and to have the group banned for being a hate group... (Some of their posted material more than skirts our rather vague hate crime laws,  but they easily cross the line of allowing for a safe and tolerant environment in which to learn) 

My voice is as free as theirs,  and I have a right to go to school without having a leaflet stuffed in my face about how I am engaging an illegal war of aggression. (And various slanderous accusations)
oooohhhh, I LIKE that!
Humorous (true) incident in Windsor On a couple of weeks ago.  At the local community college, CFRC Hamilton, Det Windsor had a info booth up, with two recruiters attending.  A student at the school was handing out "misinformation" directly in front of the booth, basically saying the CF are Murders, Liars, Blah Blah.  The usually left wing anarchist stuff.  One the recruiters, politely and professionally asked the guy what he was handing, like she didn't already know.  The guy avoided her question intially however, eventually was coerced in giving the recruiter a copy.  Her partner and herself read it over, chuckled and went on to explain in a professional manner the errors of the guys flier.  They also pointed out any truths in the flier that the guy had.  After speaking with the second recruiter for about 20 mins, and taking some job info, the guy set up a appointment with CFRC, to start his processing. So much for these peoples morale convictions.  BTW, I believe one the careers he's looking at is 031. ;D
Klc said:
I think these are the same jokers that were handing out flyers a couple of times at the mall in Vernon during summer training when I was in Army Cadets.

They flyers made no sense whatsoever, and tried to convince us that we were being "brainwashed by the government" and that the cadet program was immoral for "having child soldiers".
We just kind of looked at the hippies funny and threw the flyers out in the nearest garbage bin. (Would have been nice to 'explain' some things to them, but we were in uniform)

I didn't believe it, and I was there... I can't make this stuff up.

[Edit : typo]
Wait, you mean they were protesting against cadets???? Some people really have too much time on their hands.  A structured after school program that is essentially free (unlike the rising costs of most sports and other after school activities), gives students lots of different experiences, and teaches a bit about responsibility. Ya, really horrible. The same people will probably protest the next day that students are joining gangs because the government isn't creating enough social programs ::)

There's a difference between protesting for a cause, and protesting for the purpose of protesting.

By the way, I wish you would have kept that flyer and scanned it to the computer, would be interesting to see.
That's right.... Protesting cadets, of all things. Army Cadets, in perticular. It was at a summer training centre, and they were waiting for us at the mall on a sunday (We get sundays off, so there was a bus running from the base to the mall.)

In hindsight, I also really wish I had kept the flyer. At the time, the best responce seemed to be crumpling it up and walking over to a garbage recepticle while looking at them as if they had just told us they were electric jesus. (Also thought of dropping it on the ground, but that wouldn't be the respectable thing to do, and we were in uniform)
The irony with that is that the cadet program is probably more left wing than right wing. Think about it, from a military (military spending being more right wing) standpoint,how much does cadets offer? People coming from cadets have some knowledge of drill and military knowledge, some may have some special training, but really at basic they are starting from scratch anyways. Some recruiter on these forums said they don't notice any difference betweeen former cadets and non cadets. Where I see the value in the cadet program is as a social program. Rich or poor, its something anyone can enjoy. And its generally left wingers who support government funded social programs. So some hypocricy there.

Honestly I still can hardly believe they were protesting cadets of all things.

By the way, Love793, thats hillarious.