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Corps attendance

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Our corps (3125) is relatively new. We have only 20 cadets in two platoons including our platoon commanders and RSM. I am one of only 6 NCOs. One WO, two MCpls and three Cpls. The rest are new recruits.

Also, we have 14 Green Stars, 4 Red Stars, *1* Silver Star and our RSM is Gold Star. Our WO (lucky her) is going to Edmonton this weekend for her NSCE qualifications.

Anyway, I better go. Have a nice day.

One of the CI's at my corps, used to be a cadet in the late 70's early 80's. He said that on a good day you could have up to 250 - 275 cadets show up for a mandatory events (Battle of the Atlantic, Rememberance Day) and camps. But he said that on a normal parade night there was usually at least 130 cadets. Any one else have stories of HUGE corps? (Compared to todays numbers, where your lucky to get 60-70 cadets on parade)

My Corps has 203 on Paper but in reality most of them are Recruits who have long since quit, so 150 on a Good Night is our Attendance
Is Brampton a big place, I presume? Or a place with a large drawing area?
Brampton is a suburb of Toronto, although there is an abundance of cadet corps in Toronto ... I believe Brampton only has the one Army corps.
Yeah, there is only one Army Cadet Corps but we have 2 Air and 1 sea. We may need another corps, because there are sooo many of us that the armouries cant fit us all..
-Hutch- said:
ya i have only heard of the lorne scots in bramton.

Hey!!! Im from Oakville ;)
i know there are other Lorne Scots. i meant to say there is only one army cadet corp in Brampton and it is the Lorne Scots.
I'm going to go off topic a little here.
I just got back from my corps bottle drive. Some of the cadets brought friends(don't really know why). Of the friends who came, one of the girls was a cadet at RCSCC Resolute. She started to try to "recruiting" people from our corps into hers. Although there are awards for most NE (New Entry) cadets recruited, she was "stealing" cadets for her corps. IMO this is very extremely un-ethical, and the fact that the CIC's did not inform cadets about the do's and don'ts of recruiting, is inexcusable. What do you(any one who reads this post, cadet or not) think of this?
Extremely, extremely disrespectful. You'll never see the Navy recruit the Air Force. (broad example, but point made, even if in this case, it's army - army)
you should never have to resport to "recruiting" people from other corps/squadrons to your own.

if you have to resort to something like that, then you should seriously rethink your recruiting strategy
Should I inform our CO (RCSCC Warrior)? Or would this be steping over the line?
What do you think? (Not said insultingly: an honest question)
informing your CO might be the best thing, have them contact the other corps and discuss the situation
ouyin2000 said:
informing your CO might be the best thing, have them contact the other corps and discuss the situation

Well, my dad, who heared the cadet recruiting people from our corps, brought it up to the XO today (the 2IC for the corps, to all army cadets who do not know what it is). It seems like the out corps could care less about "in-recruiting", because all she did was laugh. I don't know if it was nervous laughter, or something along those lines.
Last year my SQN had 140 cadets but half of them quiet now we 60-80 if were luckly. Out of the 60-80
cadets over half are new cadets.  The size of your corps or SQN has a lot to do where it is.
Sgt.Fitzpatrick said:
Last year my SQN had 140 cadets but half of them quiet now we 60-80 if were luckly. Out of the 60-80
cadets over half are new cadets.   The size of your corps or SQN has a lot to do where it is.
use spell check before you post.

anyway we have about 30 cadets on a good night, but at the beginning of last year and the year before that we had around 60 cadets.
I would have to say that one of the problems with having people join cadets is that most people seem to think that its all one big boot camp with Major Payne in your face yelling at you and shaving your head. Obviously this isnt the truth. And as much as we can hand out pamphlets, theres always the naysayers out there telling their friends that "cadets isnt cool". Our generation (or at least part of it) lacks pride.
Our generation also suffers from an extreme lack of work ethic and enthusiasm towards things other than an X-Box.