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Contemplating releasing, seeking advice


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I’m contemplating releasing from the CF.  I’m starting to have doubts about continuing my service in the military.  I’ve been with the Reserves for 6 years, ever since I was in High School; now I’m through with my post-secondary education and working.  I’m QL5 qualified, but I’ve gone through the process of taking a commission as a Reserve officer.  Here’s the dilemma I’m facing right now:

-It’s becoming more and more of a burden to parade and I’m starting to feel burnt out.  I have a great civilian job that’s very flexible with my being in the Reserves; but I also have 95% parade rate with my unit.  I’ve coined the expression that I work “6-8 days a week,” since Monday’s-Fridays I work 9-5 as a civy; but I also work every Wednesday and Saturday, and sometimes the full weekend with the Reserves.  To make it worse, I use up my civilian vacation time to do all my Reserve training.

-Looking at my military career path, over the next 3 years, I’ll have to take a lot of unpaid time off from my civilian career; my net income, even considering reduced expenses associated with being on course, will be far lower doing the training than it would at my civilian job.  On top of that, doing the training could potentially handicap my career progression.

-I’ve always wanted to go on tour, and down the road, lifestyle permitting, I can reenlist with the Regular force if my civilian career doesn’t pan out.  I wouldn’t mind doing my Basic or Trades courses again, since  I have nothing but respect for the Regular Force.  I made the decision when I finished post-secondary to work as a civilian in my area of expertise; I am willing to live with it, even though my heart was really with the military.

-Interpersonal politics have sapped my desire to devote time to the Reserves.  I was a very dedicated Class A Reservist; I dedicated a lot of personal time and energy into doing a good job, teaching, going on callouts, going on training.  I was recently severely reprimanded for something I was involved with.  I deserved the reprimand, but I felt it was disproportionate for the offense I had caused and administered in bad faith.  I dare not to redress it, since I don’t want there to be the perception that I’m doing it as an interpersonal conflict towards the higher authority that administered it.

-Personal problems with my family and friends on account of my excessive dedication to the military.  I realized recently that I’m so much more distant from my friends and family because of fanatically serving in the Reserves.  It seems impossible to lead a “normal” personal life, devoting so much personal time and energy towards the Reserves and it’s depressing to come to this realization.

The last two are biggest reason for wanting to release.  I’ve never expected to be thanked or appreciated for my service; and in fact, I never had been.  I always justified the personal sacrifices involved with being in the Reserves by savoring how much I enjoyed doing it.  But the combination of feeling unappreciated, powerless to react to injustice, and feeling like I’m contributing way more than is fair and reasonable has really removed from me that sense of satisfaction.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to approach this problem?  I love being in the military, but being in the military is causing me such dissatisfaction that I think releasing is the only viable option.
Consider a period of Excused Drill and Training" (ED&T).
Another choice would be time on the SHR.

I know all about injustice in the military.  I went through a very bad episode back in 2005.  I submitted my release, even had a good civy job, but a new CO helped out. REDRESS, this system works.  If you feel you were wronged REDRESS.  I quoted Duty with Honour, Military Ethos, etc...  It works.

As for reserve time vs civilian job, as a former reservist all I can say is what's more important??  Perhap you can lay low with the reserves, etsablish your civilian career, and recommit with the reserve later on.  Parade 1 or 2 days a month.  Your a reservist, not a full timer.  Be a reservist, do it part time.  Good luck.......... :salute:
Try to get Exempt D &T for as long a pd as you can to sort things out.  If you still want to rel, no prob, but rel or going on Supp R makes it long and troublesome to return after more that 2 years or so.
I don't want to be a downer, but it seems like you have already made up your mind.  It also seems that these things have been bothering you for quite a while and if you let those feelings get stronger you are just going to hurt yourself and those around you.  The way you worded things I would say releasing is probably in your best interest right now.  Come back after you have calmed down and got things squared away with yourself, family, and friends.  Those are much more important things to be committed to.  I also don't want to step across the line here but all your troubles are self inflicted.  You chose to let the military become a bigger part of your life than you can handle.  As a reservist you are not obligated to be a super soldier and dedicate yourself to duty.  While your approach is very honorable and admirable it sounds like you have to either choose civvy street or military or else you will always be conflicted.  My two cents.
I was Sup Res for 4 years after releasing from a four year stint in the Reg Force...then PRL for 1.5yrs  while at University...then moved to a small town and went sup res again for a couple years. Then went back to Regs in 90 and been Reg now for 17 years. You gotta do what works for you. If you're disatisfied right now...take a break. It'll make you miss it and want to come back or at some point you'll say...wow I did the right thing and don't miss it at all.
With all the points you have listed that favour release, I say go ahead and release.  If these issues are weighing you down, they are probably going to make you a less effective soldier, and by the sounds of it, you seem to take your duties as a soldier seriously. Secondly, the longer you delay in taking some sort of action, you're going to look at your job with the Reserves as a hindrance to your life and may come to resent it.  I think you'd be best off to either release or take a leave of absence.  CLear your head, and re-evaluate whats really important to you.  Good luck.
