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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

  • Thread starter Thread starter fusilier
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Alright, so here's the skinny:

I applied for my component transfer (Pres to RegF) quite some time ago. A couple days ago I got an offer via email. Now whats confusing to me is that the offer says ill be keeping the rank of Cpl. and will be posted to the Armoured school in Gagetown. I thought this was strange because I only have a little over 2 years TI in the reserves, how could my equivalency come to that?

More over, could this mean I will more than likely be re-completing my DP1 and DP2? I would have thought so, but why than allow my to keep Cpl.?

Even further how am I supposed to operate on the same level as a RegF Cpl. who not only has a few more years of practical experience with the vehicles I haven't even been exposed too yet, but more than likely has been on operation.  :facepalm:

> Deep Breath <

I emailed back the contact who sent me the offer, and asked if maybe there was a mistake, but I probably wont receive an answer until next week.

Thanks for any help.

Know and accept your limitations, and strive to over come them.

Unless you'd rather be paid as a private?
From what I have heard and seen it is common for a PRes Cpl to be offered CPL when CTing to the reg force. Even if the member has a short time in.

Which is why people suggest to make a go of it in the reserve first, to see if they like it and to give them a leg up career wise.

Having worked with 4 years reg force Pte as a 2-3 year reserve Cpl on Ex's, I would venture that you will need some social/leadership skill to avoid building resentment. Not impossible by a long shot, just be aware of it.
Dissident said:
From what I have heard and seen it is common for a PRes Cpl to be offered CPL when CTing to the reg force. Even if the member has a short time in.

Which is why people suggest to make a go of it in the reserve first, to see if they like it and to give them a leg up career wise.

Having worked with 4 years reg force Pte as a 2-3 year reserve Cpl on Ex's, I would venture that you will need some social/leadership skill to avoid building resentment. Not impossible by a long shot, just be aware of it.

Ya I could see that last part being a bit of a problem.

Well, I am in a DEO/CT position now for two years from MARS to Arty. I called my CM and was told that as a DEO/un-skilled applicant and where I have had my application in the longest that things look good, not to mention the scores have been good. Everything has been done and good and all I need is a position to open. I have a follow up interview to do either in person or over the phone, so I don't know what will happen. I hope the Arty gods will be good to me and other trade gods at CT'lympius will be good to everyone else.
Flips13 said:
Anyone with updates?

I was told the trade I applied for (NES OP) was full until April 2012 at the earliest. There were only two available positions this year and both went to people who were MOC qualified. Not sure what, if anything, that says for other Naval trades.

I called ottawa this morning as I am heading out for MARSIII i n a few days
and i heard bad news for my self, they only had 2 unskilled openings for AERE this year  and I was in third place as per my interview score.
so tough luck for me.... can any one suggest what I can do moving forward???
Also can i quit and join off the street as a DEO i heard there are more openings there..... please help!!!!!!
Interesting, with everyone hearing results or answers from Ottawa, I am wondering if I should give them a ring and findout if they foundout anything about Artillery Officer selections. I am in a component transfer myself, have been for 2 years, and have just completed my followup interview and got recommended. Any feedback?
atifrizvi said:
so tough luck for me.... can any one suggest what I can do moving forward???
Also can i quit and join off the street as a DEO i heard there are more openings there..... please help!!!!!!

You're OTing, when they said unskilled spots that's unskilled entry DEO for the Regular Force, only a little bit of extra points because you're already serving. You getting out is only going to put your application back at the beginning. If they only have 2 spots, that's 2 spots period, CT or DEO off the street.
Check this link out.  You might need to go through the DIN.

Futher to my last.  In case you can't access the DIN.  Start dates are:

May 10th,  Jul 13th,  Sep 15th,  Nov 18th,  23 Jan 12,  27 Mar 12

Hi all,

Anyone know how would it work for a reserve CFR with no university degree, who wanted to CT to the reg force?

Would his reserve CFR still be valid, would he have to complete his degree etc..?

thanks in advance

I know 2 cooks (CPO2 and a PO1) who CFR'd as LogOs and then CT'd.  So it is possible.

I do not know the steps they took or the offers they had when switching over. I know they are now Lt(N)s.
Look up CMP Instr 03/08 for your answers.
DIN: http://hr.ottawa-hull.mil.ca/mpi-ipm/03-08-eng.asp
Hi all, I am a Res Pte with 2 and half years of service, no problems clean record, atrend all weekend excersises and maintain ibts and express tests yearly. I also have no E.M.E. Common or DVR Wheel course under my belt but my chain of command is trying to get the E.M.E. Common Course and perhaps my QL 3 written off
because I am a red seal licenced Truck and Coach 310T. Technciian civy side with 6 years of experience. I have not started my CT yet but CFRC Hamilton said it could take a year to complete or happen very quickly as the trade is hiring. Any opinions or recomendations would be greatly appreaciated on how to pursue this. Thank you for your time whoever reads my post
New guy here,

I've just finished my reserve infantry DP1 and am wanting to CT to reg force. I know that infantry is closed now but how would i go about initiating the CT; is it through chain of command or at the Recruiting Center?

Help would be appreciated,
@Steve543 - The CT application is available online (if I were at work, I could pull up the link but I don't have it at home).  Be sure to advise your CoC of your intentions prior to filling out an application.  You will need to name a supervisor who will be the POC for your application, and of course, it is always wise to inform your superiors of your intentions regarding your career path.  :)  Good luck!  I am still awaiting word on my CT application from this past January, but the good ol' grapevine is still saying September for Cpls, so my fingers and toes are crossed that I get an offer for a posn here in Greenwood.  :salute:
Hey everyone I have been waiting on my CT for around a year now, which seems fairly normal from what I hear but I got an e-mail from the DMCA the other day saying to update my MPRR and have my unit forward it to the recruiting center, than withing two weeks of forwarding it I'll have an interview with the Recruiting Center. My question is does anybody know exactly what this interview consists of and if there is an average wait time for my CT to go through after the interview thanks in advance for the help.  :salute: