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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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Alberta Bound said:
Redcap C

If interested the RCMP is looking at full troops this year (just under 1000 cadets) going through Depot with an expectation that Alberta will get over 300 of those graduates. Majority of the rest will be going to BC.

Plus you can stay in the PRes (just not MP) if you wish. 

**shameless recruiting plug**


I will definitely keep that in mind. Thank you
runormal said:
I'm curious if there is a stipulation to putting a CT in for an officer trade w/o a completed a degree. I'm a fourth student and due to switching majors I am 6 classes behind.  I could easily graduate by the end of the summer if required and all my ducks are in a row that if I needed to do the last few courses online that would also be a possibility.

Can I apply for CT/OT(U) to MARS O without a completed Degree? I know my MPRR says I'm only in second year University as there isn't a point to pay for another official transcript until I graduate. I'm just curious if this would essentially put my file in a black hole never to be found. I know off the street candidates can submit a request to DEO in there last year of studies and that is normal, however I'm not sure if the same thing applies to CT. I did a quick site search and couldn't find anything. To further compound things I'm not even sure what my entry plan is. I initially applied for AESOP but after my vision went from V3 - V4 I got my trade changed to MARS... Fun times nonetheless  >:D

Hard to say whether or not DMCPG would process you prior to completion of your degree as when it comes to Officer occupation, they usually deal with CT's that involved subsidized education entry plans (ie; ROTP).  If there is a NAVRES Unit in your local area you might want to inquire with them about RESO.
DAA said:
Hard to say whether or not DMCPG would process you prior to completion of your degree as when it comes to Officer occupation, they usually deal with CT's that involved subsidized education entry plans (ie; ROTP).  If there is a NAVRES Unit in your local area you might want to inquire with them about RESO.

Hmm thanks DAA for the input. I'm going to go with likely not, as I'm sure they have a countless of applicants with completed degrees. Once I figure out 100% what I want to do I'll "Shake the trees" at DMCPG 5. I Keep bouncing between NAV COMM/NESOP and MARS. There is a NAV RES unit in the area however after seeing how long it has taken a member within my unit to change trades I'm not sure if I want to pursue a trade + unit transfer. After exams are finished I might call them up as well as go down to the recruiting center again.

I've talked to different people as well as read the 20 page thread on here between Officer/NCM and I still am not 100% sure. I've had a hard time actually meeting up with people in the navy. I'm meeting up with friends dad soon who was a commander in the navy to hopefully get some more information. I may also post on here to see if anyone wants to meet up for a few beers after work.

Thanks for all of the help DAA,

Cheers :cheers:
DAA said:
Hard to say whether or not DMCPG would process you prior to completion of your degree as when it comes to Officer occupations, they usually deal with CT's that involve subsidized education entry plans (ie; ROTP).  If there is a NAVRES Unit in your local area you might want to inquire with them about RESO.
runormal said:
It does, or did as of a few months ago, I can`t see that going away until they get it under control. Which could be anyone's guess.

What is frustrating is that it would take minutes to set up a mail merge to contact all applicants of trade X to say "Sorry we have reached our targets for CT(T)/CT(U) for Trade X for the FY, if you were not contacted you will have to wait until next FY. However we still need applicants for trades A,B,C if you are interested for any of these trades please contact Sgt XXXX to modify your application".

At least then applicants wouldn't be left in the dark..

Evidently this does happen  ;D

"We currently have no intake for MARS officer or Log Officer this FY, as well priority for CT is based on application date and currently both trades you have requested have a lengthy list.

Your options are:"

Not exactly the email I wanted to receive, but I'd rather hear this than nothing at all.

I'm going to think this over for a few days and go from there.


I am currently applying to become an officer in the CF. How common is it for Reservist officers to transition into the Regular Force? Is it a difficult and/or lengthy process? Does it depend on what your trade is?

Thank you.

There is the mega thread ^

As per your questions.

How common is it for Reservist officers to transition into the Regular Force?
It happens, there is a guy in my unit leaving shortly. I don't have a number for you but yes it does happen. I know another friend who got so fed up waiting for a spot to open up (granted an untrained applicant) that he is now in the RCMP.

Is it a difficult and/or lengthy process?
Difficult, No. You put in your transfer application and wait until they contact you to book an interview.
Lengthy? Your Mile May vary. See below.

Does it depend on what your trade is?
Yes 100% it matters on your trade. If you are trying to CT to a trade and they don't need anyone in that trade you will wait until a spot opens upon up. Keep me in mind there are going to be people ahead of you. Also if you want to change your trade or aren't fully qualified in your current trade, then that will also slow down the process.

I'm in touch with my BPSO, but he's class-A, very busy and I rarely hear back from him.

I feel like I need to look at alternatives, but i find the descriptions of trades online to be lackluster and the requirements and prerequisites indecipherable.

Where can i find a person or resource to explain to me what each job really is and what; in plain english, the requirements for the trade are.

I am feeling like I have just wasted my life getting an education.
I believe you have a BA in History (based on your posting history).

What you could do (which is playing with fire) is look up on the forces.ca website through a web archive and see what it says. I'm not sure when it was changed, but when I last seriously looked at officer occupations was 2011, I'm not sure when they stripped the information but a 2011 date will work.

For example it used to say the following for Engineer Officer.


"The preferred degree is a Bachelor of Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical (Power) Engineering. A Bachelor degree in Science (Applied), Math, Physics, Chemical/Fuels and Materials, Fire Protection, Nuclear, Geomatics/Survey Engineering or Engineering Management may also be considered. Occasionally applicants with a three-year Community College Technology Diploma in Architectural Engineering, Water and Air Resources, Heating and Air Conditioning, Civil Engineering, Communication Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering are considered. "


It may not be a bad idea to test the waters on the website through the web archive, go to the CFRC and confirm your findings. From what I remember your options if you don't have some sort of Science/Engineering degree are extremely limiting. (Combat Arms, Pilot, ACSO, possibly LOG, MARS, INT and maybe MPO). Thought it likely has changed since 2011.....

For your CT itself, don't resubmit it just email your broker and say I would like to add Trade X and Y to my application. They can monitor 3 trades (essentially put your name in a queue) but they can only actively process you for one trade at a time. Your CT preference is based on the date you apply, and then they just go down the list. 

From a recent email (April 2015) from my broker MARS and LOG have a long wait.  ;D

Option B) Keep the CT active and apply internally to the federal government. With the new veterans employment active we can apply internally (Providing you have 3 years of service). Just create and an account on jobs.gc.ca and input your service number and within a few days you should have access to the internal jobs. (Coast guard, CSIS, Public Safety etc). However if you don't meet the essential requirements you are wasting your time applying for a job.

Option C) Find and NCM trade you'd be happy with (but you'll still have to wait a fair amount of time a year or two).

Do yourself a favour look up the SIP on the DWAN you can see the projections for the officer intake for the next 5 years. (At least you could on the 14/15 SIP. I haven't even looked at the 15/16 sip.
runormal said:
I believe you have a BA in History (based on your posting history).

What you could do (which is playing with fire) is look up on the forces.ca website through a web archive and see what it says. I'm not sure when it was changed, but when I last seriously looked at officer occupations was 2011, I'm not sure when they stripped the information but a 2011 date will work.

For example it used to say the following for Engineer Officer.


"The preferred degree is a Bachelor of Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical (Power) Engineering. A Bachelor degree in Science (Applied), Math, Physics, Chemical/Fuels and Materials, Fire Protection, Nuclear, Geomatics/Survey Engineering or Engineering Management may also be considered. Occasionally applicants with a three-year Community College Technology Diploma in Architectural Engineering, Water and Air Resources, Heating and Air Conditioning, Civil Engineering, Communication Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering are considered. "


It may not be a bad idea to test the waters on the website through the web archive, go to the CFRC and confirm your findings. From what I remember your options if you don't have some sort of Science/Engineering degree are extremely limiting. (Combat Arms, Pilot, ACSO, possibly LOG, MARS, INT and maybe MPO). Thought it likely has changed since 2011.....

For your CT itself, don't resubmit it just email your broker and say I would like to add Trade X and Y to my application. They can monitor 3 trades (essentially put your name in a queue) but they can only actively process you for one trade at a time. Your CT preference is based on the date you apply, and then they just go down the list. 

From a recent email (April 2015) from my broker MARS and LOG have a long wait.  ;D

Option B) Keep the CT active and apply internally to the federal government. With the new veterans employment active we can apply internally (Providing you have 3 years of service). Just create and an account on jobs.gc.ca and input your service number and within a few days you should have access to the internal jobs. (Coast guard, CSIS, Public Safety etc). However if you don't meet the essential requirements you are wasting your time applying for a job.

Option C) Find and NCM trade you'd be happy with (but you'll still have to wait a fair amount of time a year or two).

Do yourself a favour look up the SIP on the DWAN you can see the projections for the officer intake for the next 5 years. (At least you could on the 14/15 SIP. I haven't even looked at the 15/16 sip.

Last i looked, it looked like an REO application; lots of codes and numbers, little/no hard data on what the job is. My CF experience is that the name of a job has no inherant connection to what the job actually is.

But yeah; basically History BA. My program is called "Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Military Science", which the person I spoke to several years ago said would be "good as" a Mil Sci BA from RMC, but you know how that goes; "we'll look into it."

How would i find out what CSIS is really like? My view of them has always been as the laughing stock of the international intelligence community.
How would you find out what CSIS is really like?  You could use your initiative and do some research.  You could start here:  http://www.csis.gc.ca/
George Wallace said:
How would you find out what CSIS is really like?  You could use your initiative and do some research.  You could start here:  http://www.csis.gc.ca/


Because the best way to find out what any organization, let alone an intelligence agency is really like is their official website? Are you kidding me?

Or, you could assume that I'm not an idiot; that I am, for instance familiar with their official mandate and indeed have taken note of such incidents as leaving secret documents in various public places. This is not inspiring.
Shrek1985 said:

Because the best way to find out what any organization, let alone an intelligence agency is really like is their official website? Are you kidding me?

Or, you could assume that I'm not an idiot; that I am, for instance familiar with their official mandate and indeed have taken note of such incidents as leaving secret documents in various public places. This is not inspiring.

Or perhaps theres a reason they left the documents in a public place but the public will never know. But really any organization has its issues and goofs.

You want to know what an intelligence agency is really like without being part of it? Do you not see anything wrong with that question? I believe the website gives a general idea of life as a CSIS agent. If that doesn't do it for you apply and find out. If you don't like it I'm sure you can move onto something else.

Keep in my mind we normally only hear about intelligence agency's when they goof or break the law. It's a good sign if we don't hear about anything the rest of the time.
I am currently going into third year university starting this September, I am due to start my training with my local reserve unit in mid September as well. My hope is to eventually transfer to the Reg Force after the completion of my degree and earn my commission as an infantry officer.

My question is that since the general consensus is that the process takes a long time, would I be able to begin the procedure say next fall at the beginning of my fourth year in anticipation that it may be ready in say a years time or would the fact that I still haven't finished my degree make me unable to apply as an officer despite being on course to receiving it?
You can't guess the length of a CT... I'm already going on 6 months without hearing a peep from anyone. While I know some people that it took only a couple of months and some people as long as 5 years. there are just so many different things that affects a CT that it's impossible to give a timeline.
GreenWood said:
You can't guess the length of a CT... I'm already going on 6 months without hearing a peep from anyone. While I know some people that it took only a couple of months and some people as long as 5 years. there are just so many different things that affects a CT that it's impossible to give a timeline.

While I can see the amount of time it takes to transfer is a random variable, would it still be a good idea to start the process early if that's possible?
Ajacied34 said:
While I can see the amount of time it takes to transfer is a random variable, would it still be a good idea to start the process early if that's possible?

Normally I would advise a "Trained Member" to start as soon as possible.  As you are not yet "Trained", perhaps not yet done BMQ, I would tend to answer your question with: "NO".