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Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

Hey how is it going? I was wondering if anyone can give me more info on how the whole merit list works. Can i find out where i stand on the merit list for my trade or i am not privileged to that information Do i  just wait and see. I am going for the steward trade and found out there is a course in September in Halifax but at this point not opening trade but was told to wait and see. If it starts in September, what is the time from offer to BMQ I have been told to not add trades since i am on merit list? in doing that would only put me back to the beginning? i need some advice on what i should be doing etc..

The Merit list is basically a Ranking list for people at the exact same stage as you.

So, I'm assuming your application is compete --You've done your CFAT, Med, and Interview + any other Trade specific testing you have to undergo to complete your file. Once this is all completed your file is looked at and judged against the other people applying for the same trade. The most competitive applicants find themselves at the top of the Merit List. When positions become available, the RC goes to the first name on the Merit List and offers them a position. If there are 20 positions, the first 20 people get called. If someone declines, the spot is offered to the next person on the list who has not received an offer. That's how I believe it works. I'll be corrected if it's wrong.

My RC would never tell me my position on the Merit List. Yes, you just wait and see. Call ever month or so for updates, and to let them know you're still interested. There is no set time from Offer of Employment to BMQ start date. It all depends on when they have they have the opportunity to put you through the course.

Someone else will have to comment on adding trades after you've been Merit Listed and how that will effect your App. because I couldn't even make a guess at that one.

Give your RC a call and ask these questions to get the best answer possible.

Best of luck with the process.
MKO said:
A lot of issues here.

Merit listing gets you officially noted on the database as having completed all the evaluations necessary to determine your suitability (your competitiveness), with a final assessment.

For most occupations, the selection of merit listed individuals is done anywhere from daily to every 2-3 days, by the Centre.  Very few programmes are now done by formal 'boards', one of the most notable being the Regular Officer Training Plan.

If you have been merit listed, you should be able to get an answer from your Centre as to when you will be selected and if if you are not being selected in the near future, the specific reason for the delay.  If your merit listing assessment is not adequate for you to be selected into your chosen trades, you should be told that as well.  While anyone with access to your file can answer the question, we generally try to have the Recruiter or Career Counsellor that has been dealing with your file provide you the information as you may have specific questions as a result.

Hope this clarifies the situation.

thanks man that answered allot of my questions, i am still waiting for the person responsible to call me back :P , i have been waiting for 4 weeks now after completing all my tests, and exams, and interview with flying colors. they told me i was in the merit list, i guess everyone is on the merit list ( i dont feel very much special now). i would not mind them taking there time for me because i need to get my health up to the standards of BMQ.
You may want to get your writing skills up to the levels required of an officer wannabe and university student while you're at it - not to mention the fact we pretty much demand it of you here in the forums.  If you've only been waiting 4 weeks, I hate to tell you this, but there are lots of folks that have been waiting somewhat longer for the boards to figure out who's getting in and who isn't.

BTW - the post you replied to was about 2 years old.

Good luck.

MKO said:
For ROTP, there is a formal board for selection into the programme.  For DEO, no.
Is there board  for DEO  now? Who doesn't know?
medicineman said:
You may want to get your writing skills up to the levels required of an officer wannabe and university student while you're at it - not to mention the fact we pretty much demand it of you here in the forums.  If you've only been waiting 4 weeks, I hate to tell you this, but there are lots of folks that have been waiting somewhat longer for the boards to figure out who's getting in and who isn't.

BTW - the post you replied to was about 2 years old.

Good luck.


And stop calling four ring colonels "man".  Try that in RMC and you'll find yourself with a new orifice where you didn't want one.
I was merit listed quite a few months ago now. But still have not heard anything back. I've been calling every other week it seems and I always get the answer: "still plenty of positions available, just keep waiting."
Recently it's gotten to the point of the recruiter/clerk saying "wow, it has been a while, and there are still openings, you should be selected by now." One fellow even told me that I had been spoken to and I was selected, but no such thing occurred and a clerk quickly denied I had been. I'm going a little crazy waiting around, I'm not able to make any plans, because who knows when I will go away.

What is going on in the recruiting process that seems to be slowing everything down so much? There are positions open everytime I talk to a recruiter, but they're not being filled. I've applied for hull-tech, crewman, veh-tech. In that order.

Thank you for your time.  -Pearson
Wilamanjaro said:
I was merit listed quite a few months ago now. But still have not heard anything back. I've been calling every other week it seems and I always get the answer: "still plenty of positions available, just keep waiting."
Recently it's gotten to the point of the recruiter/clerk saying "wow, it has been a while, and there are still openings, you should be selected by now." One fellow even told me that I had been spoken to and I was selected, but no such thing occurred and a clerk quickly denied I had been. I'm going a little crazy waiting around, I'm not able to make any plans, because who knows when I will go away.

What is going on in the recruiting process that seems to be slowing everything down so much? There are positions open everytime I talk to a recruiter, but they're not being filled. I've applied for hull-tech, crewman, veh-tech. In that order.

Thank you for your time.  -Pearson V73444968

Is that a trick question? How can anyone here know whats going on with your file?
If I were you I would remove your SN from your post.  Not a good idea to just shout that everywhere you go.
What I mean is,

Is anyone else having similar problems? Is the selection process slow right now because of people coming back from deployment? Is it some sort of test? Haha
northernboy_24 said:
If I were you I would remove your SN from your post.  Not a good idea to just shout that everywhere you go.

Thanks, I thought it might help so that a clerk or recruiter could look into my file and see if there's anything unusual. It's removed.
Wilamanjaro said:
What I mean is,

Is anyone else having similar problems? Is the selection process slow right now because of people coming back from deployment? Is it some sort of test? Haha
Everyone's different. I got a job offer within 2-3 weeks of being merit listed, others take months or longer.
Yes, it's a test, be patient grasshopper. Job will present itself to you when you are ready for job.

- Sensei


I've been waiting also (Listed the end of May). I also keep calling and keep getting the old "it's just a waiting game now"

But your not alone I'm here going just as crazy waiting. In a way I'm glad it took this long, I got a chance to shape up, I dropped 60 pounds and I know if i went to basic 6 months ago I would of VR'ed.

Keep your chin up and keep working out.

"good things come to those who wait"  right? lol
Wilamanjaro said:
Thanks, I thought it might help so that a clerk or recruiter could look into my file and see if there's anything unusual. It's removed.

While there may be clerks or recruiters who visit the site, it is important to note this site is not official and is privately owned.
Any information you read here, as anywhere on the internet should be verified through the proper authority (in this case your CFRC).
I tend to have a very similar response to everyone to everyone who is stuck waiting for their applications to go forward: "There is nothing you can do about it once you have reached the merit listing - if you have been merit listed they have everything they need to determine your suitability and the only thing you can do is wait." Sometimes this is fast, sometimes this is slow, and sometimes it does not happen at all. Regardless, it is entirely out of your control at this point. Work on what you CAN do (IE - get into shape, polish up the resume, take a course on something, etc)

While it may not be what every applicant hears, many (including myself) hear some variation of "There is no promise of a job in this - do whatever it is you would have done with your life as if you would NOT be offered a position". Until they give you a call, there is no certainty of success. That's just how it is. Like Romanmaz, I was lucky and heard back very quickly - I know of others who were on their lists for over a year.
I am merit listed for Comm Research, same situation. I call every two weeks just to make sure that everything is fine. Only to see if I have been passed over for selection , although I am told that I should not have a problems when the time comes.

I am going to guess here - so please correct me if I am wrong, but I think there is a selection board for trades and it is when the selection board happens that they would chose the best of the merit listed candidates. As of now, there is no date for when the next Comm Research selection board will happen.

I also assume that deciding when they are going to hire for a trade is a bit of an art, as some trades will produce "usable/useful/full-potential trade-qualified" personnel faster than others and there are only so many spots in basic and the subsequent courses. They can't just fill all the available positions at once.

anyway,  just keep waiting, they don't seem to mind a quick phone call for a status update now and then.

on a related note, I see that there are 3 BMQ courses in October, so here's to hoping that we get "the call" for one of those spots.

TheNewt- I am also merit listed for Comm Research. Actually I was listed on the 17th and when I checked the forces website today I notice that they have updated the site many trades are no longer accepting applications. I am really hoping that I made the cutoff because when I checked on the 16th, Comm Research was still open.

Anyway the MCC who interviewed me said that there is a sort of bottle neck for BMQ and that there are too many people on the intake end of things. He noted that once that bottleneck clears up they will start making calls to people. I guess they have enough applications for now, ( ie- Comm Research, NCIOP and other trades), but I really hope I made the cutoff and will get an offer.

I hope you also update us as to if you received an offer yet!
Hey guys, thanks for all the replies.

I spoke to a clerk the other day and THAT DAY the vehicle tech positions closed they told me. So in the next week or two the lucky guys that got the positions will be getting called. Here's hoping that I'm one of them.

So given the time, it seems October would be the BMQ I attend. (if i am selected) Hope to see you guys there.

Stay in touch either way, let me know if you guys get the call. good luck to you.

I'm currently on the Merit List for a NCM trade (COMM RSCH).  I was wondering if any one has any information on the enrolment offer process.  What happens now?  Wait?  I was told in interview that there will be enrolment offers at the end of september.  Can anyone varify this?
if that's what you were told then I would likely hold them to it. but being on the merit list by no means assures you an offer. Especially nowadays