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Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

  • Thread starter Thread starter brad_dennis
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I am from Ontario, and i hope that i get station in pet. Because I would rather be light infantry, I wanted to go to PPCLI, but the offer was for the RCR witch is a very good regiment with great battle honors wither way to be a member of the CF is a stepping stone in my life. I would like to be light or mech, but prefer light. But heres the question. I really want to get into a Para coy. does the RCR based in gagetown have any para coys, or could i get a chance to get mt Basic Para Course if In in the 2RCR. I am confident that i will make a good soldier, becuase i have wanted the military since i was knee high to a grasshopper. And is there a possiblility of getting a transfer from MEch to light maybe even if it takes a few years. Thanks guys, and thatnks to the admins for makinging this site even my recruiter goes on this lol. Thanks again
The light battalion (3 RCR) has the Para enabled company.
Gagetown does not have a para coy, they have LAVs

Can you get a para course while a member of 2 RCR - yes... in due course & given time
Can you obtain a transfer to 3 RCR? yes... in due course & given time
kommando17 said:
I am from Ontario, and i hope that i get station in pet. Because I would rather be light infantry, I wanted to go to PPCLI, but the offer was for the RCR witch is a very good regiment with great battle honors wither way to be a member of the CF is a stepping stone in my life. I would like to be light or mech, but prefer light. But heres the question. I really want to get into a Para coy. does the RCR based in gagetown have any para coys, or could i get a chance to get mt Basic Para Course if In in the 2RCR. I am confident that i will make a good soldier, becuase i have wanted the military since i was knee high to a grasshopper. And is there a possiblility of getting a transfer from MEch to light maybe even if it takes a few years. Thanks guys, and thatnks to the admins for makinging this site even my recruiter goes on this lol. Thanks again

First off, no matter where you go PPCLI, RCR or Vandoo, Canada's infantry is second to none, second no Para coy in Gagetown. and Para Course is exactly that it is a course, so even as a clerk I can get the course. You don't need to transfer anywhere once you are qualified Para, more than likely your going to the coy for awhile to earn your wings.

Good luck

I really dont get mech infanrty what good is an infantry solider in a tank? I dont care either way infantry will be fun I just hope its Light Infantry, but ill take what i can get and ill get used to it lol. thanks  :salute:

Don't worry about it.  You'll be taught what you need to know, and when you are - you'll understand.

Mech Inf and Armd are two different animals.
kommando17 said:
I really dont get mech infanrty what good is an infantry solider in a tank? I dont care either way infantry will be fun I just hope its Light Infantry, but ill take what i can get and ill get used to it lol. thanks  :salute:

Keep your options open and don't be too quick with brushing away MIBs. I was light and after a while of hitching rides everywhere (unless its in choppers) you tend to envy the Mech guys.

Like someone said in an earlier post: ''you go where we need you.'' :salute:
kommando17 said:
I really dont get mech infanrty what good is an infantry solider in a tank? I dont care either way infantry will be fun I just hope its Light Infantry, but ill take what i can get and ill get used to it lol. thanks  :salute:

Have you ever seen what an infantry section and a LAV III can do? Not to mention the fact that you have armour surrounding you.. A 25mm Cannon, 7.62 coax machine gun, and the pintle mount machine gun protect you while you are on the inside, and when you dismount you are identical to a Light Infantry section, minus the 3 soldier crew in the LAV; providing more firepower and security than 3 dismounts ever could (depending on the situation of course).

If you can't tell, my Battalion is mechanized. I joined the army not knowing what a LAV was, now I am a LAV III gunner. I wanted 3VP when I joined, but I am VERY happy where I am now in 2PPCLI. Wait until you get posted where the army wants you and then you can decide if you like it or not. I bet you will enjoy whatever you get.
Tipperary said:
...  Wait until you get posted where the army wants you and then you can decide if you like it or not. I bet you will enjoy whatever you get.

Well said.  ALL aspects of the military are appealing - some appeal more to some folks than others.

kommando17:  wait for it - no matter what unit and/or role you are assigned to, it'll blow your socks off.
The light BN are pretty much no more. 3RCR has now gone LAV. I beleive CSOR will take over the high speed ninja infantry stuff. BTW to budds who wondered what good mech infantry is. Give your flipping head a shake. Mech infantry has tremendous fire power compared to light infantry.
From what I understand 3 PPCLI is also being converted to Mech. I know 3PPCLI A coy was trained as a mech unit for the battlegroup in roto 1 08 here. I believe this year they are currently training B-coy of 3PPCLI as mech now too. Not sure if this is fact. So as I see it CSOR is going to be the only light infantry quick reaction force left. All the other regiments will be mech since mech has so much more capability of transportation, firepower and safety.
I don't know if I am straying out of my lane. I keep my profile blank cause I don't feel a need to shout out who I am or what I do. I just know I did excersises with the 3 VP B coy and they said the jump company was finally landing on 3 VP Coy as of this year. I know what I am talking about and I talk daily with boys from 3VP A coy and B coy and live in CFB Edmonton. Take it for what it is worth but the LAV is great.

Btw I keep my profile clean that way I can stay anonymous. I wouldn't want my CoC to take offence to any of my opinions. I just follow orders at work but out side of work we can say what we feel.
SealofZanza said:
Well here goes my introduction. I am Evan Kimber and I am 20. I spent some time pissing around, moving and doing whatever after I graduated. I was in firefighting but was too anxious to take the long path it is, so left that career and after a year or more I am joining the Infantry so I can do my best to help people cause that is what I have always desired.

See you guys there.

Guess were all teammates now.  ;)  :salute:
Not so anonymous I'd say...from Weyburn SK  ;)

I know what I am talking about...
Me thinks, not.
Well if 3 VP A coy going mechanized and 3 VP bravo looking at mechanized and losing their jump company qualification are not good enough evidence to state that 3 PPCLI is slowly converting to a mechanized unit I am not sure what is. At this point the only problem they have is they do not have room to house the LAV's.

It has already been stated in other posts that 3 RCR is going mechanized. I don't know why you are arguing that there is no evidence that these units are going mechanized. Why was 3 VP A trained in 1 VP lines for the last year on LAV's?

Yes I am Evan Kimber and I did live in Weyburn, Sask so what of it?
"Yes I am Evan Kimber and I did live in Weyburn, Sask so what of it?"
You were saying how you like to be anonomous, I was simply pointing out that you failed the class on "Internet Anonymity 101"

Cataract Kid - For someone who claims in his profile to be "on the PERSEC train", your (re)posting of the lad's name and home town strikes me as ... odd. Yes, he's a young troop who knows not from whence he speaketh, and CSA-105 is having fun tearing his comments apart. Yes, he "failed the class on 'Internet Anonymity 101.'

Still, is it necessary - or proper - to highlight his particulars on a public forum?
CSA, I would save your the time, judging by his past posts, he seems to have about a year and a half in the service, if that. Of course he would know everthing, who are we to think otherwise... ::)
Cataract Kid said:
"Yes I am Evan Kimber and I did live in Weyburn, Sask so what of it?"
You were saying how you like to be anonomous, I was simply pointing out that you failed the class on "Internet Anonymity 101"

It was over a year and half ago most forums have threads that get pushed off. I figured it would happen here. Anyway thanks for the info CSA I never thought of it as a supplement to the current op deployments. At least I learned something out of it.  :salute:

Take care.
Just curious (yes, I did search) - can non-French speaking members of the Forces be stationed to R22eR? And can non-English speaking members be stationed to RCR or PPCLI? Are all bases bilingual?
If you only speak English you won't be posted to a French unit an if you only speak French you won't be posted to a English unit. 