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Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

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ERIK2RCR said:
Nothing beats the life of a Royal.


Except the life of a Patricia - with the notable exception of the poor souls banished to Shilo.
Isn't CMTC big? It should be given the fact that mounted manoeuvre warfare needs a lot of space...
I hear when not training or deployed somewhere that you have to get a regular civilian job while living on base. Is this true? If so, that should also be taken into consideration when choosing where you want to be sent.  :cdn:
No, its not true.  Members of the military receive adequate renumeration for their efforts.  See recruiting forum and look at the salary range.  Most people who have an extra job do so quite willingly.
You don't have to get a civvie job. If you want extra money, you can get a part time civvie job that you can do on your time off(weekends) or at night after work.

Makaveli, stick with what you know, don't post up rumors an sh*t you hear.
I was asking a question to confirm what someone has told me. Or would it be better if I applied with all the wrong knowledge of what to expect?
Makaveli said:
I was asking a question to confirm what someone has told me. Or would it be better if I applied with all the wrong knowledge of what to expect?

Well, now you know, but in reality, the ***BEST*** place to get information on joining the army is from a recruiting centre. You are more than welcome to ask all of your questions of a real, live soldier, face to face. I would also question who you are "hearing" things from.

Many troops do get second jobs, particularly in the bar/strip club/security areas, but IME, not due to need - being a bouncer is a great way to meet girls, you can show off all of your muscles and tattoos, and you can never, ever, have too much money!
Ok, next visit to the RC I'll unload the massive amount of questions I have on them lol thanks.  ;D
Makaveli said:
Ok, next visit to the RC I'll unload the massive amount of questions I have on them lol thanks.  ;D

Well, you could probably answer a few of them here using the search page. And even where you can't find specific up to date information, what you lerarn may help you phrase better questions to get the information you want.
GO!!! said:
Well, now you know, but in reality, the ***BEST*** place to get information on joining the army is from a recruiting centre. You are more than welcome to ask all of your questions of a real, live soldier, face to face.

"Over sixty thousand times as powerful as Britain's great pre-war joke..."  - Monty Python

Have you ever seen recruiting videos?  I've personally been through the recruiting process three times and I only remember ever meeting one soldier, a PPCLI Sgt.  The rest were navy, aircrew, or a variety of PRes NCM's on class B's.  Through no fault of their own, most couldn't tell me where my file was let alone any specifics of what to expect in my trade.

Ever get the famous question "Do you like camping and fishing...?"  Soldiers are still getting that one from recruiting.

9500+ members on army.ca.  Sounds like a good place to get answers.  I'm not particularly interested in finding out about what I already know. 
I'd like honest and no BS answers as much as possible please.
If a bilingual (quadrilingual infact) female officer was given the opportunity to choose between the 2 units after gradutating from RMC, which would be more suitable and less discriminating. Trade would be infantry, the person in question would have grown up in Ontario but primary languge of studies was french. Thanks for the help!
If you can speak both languages, what does it matter which Regiment you choose? (You forgot the PPCLI...). If it's about geographic preference, remember that officers spend much less time on Regimental duty than NCMs do, particularly after the rank of Capt, so just choosing the RCR or the Vandoo is no guarantee that you will spend most of your career in the East. I'm PPCLI and I'm on my third posting in Ontario (second in GTA).

Whatever regiment "she" may end up in, you have to pass infantry phase trg first.  Any idea's that everyone passes is false and thankfully to the benefit of all, the Reserve Platoon Commander (RPC) and infantry course is no longer an issue as all officer's both regular and reserve undertake the same trg once again. 

After that you had better put aside any gender based ideas, as the infantry is a male dominant trade where male egos are not expected to be put into check with today's training ethos and reality of future operations. 
Guardsman never specified the discrimintaion would be sexual.. it could be lingual.. but any how.

I am not an officer, but I have been bilingual all my life.  I chose to go to Valcartier because it was closer to home.  This does not mean anything as for the last 9 years I have called Gagetown,NB home.  I personally think she will use her french much less if she goes to the PPCLI or RCR, however if using her language skills is important then selecting the R22eR will give her the opportunity to practice both languages almost equallly I would say. The latter would allow her to "shine" with the skills she has.  I have been on taskings all over due to my flexibility and had great times. 

Be ready though for the english folks to hate you 'cause your french, and the french folks to hate you 'cause your english.. or maybe they all hate me for another reason???  (I must schedule that appointment with the social worker).

Touching on the gender issue (not that you ever mentioned it) I personally have seen and feel that the Armour Corps is more accepting of  females... the Infantry just doesn't have that "everyone welcome" sign up yet...it SEEMS.


In my time in batallion there were definatley guys who discrtiminated on gender and maybe I was one of them. However I found that that was easily overcome if you can do the job. Because those who could not do the job, either male of female found themselves on the oustide looking in....
So, if I understand well, as a french-speaker, I would do better to go to the R22eR than PPCLI or RCR. My heart is with the 22e, but thought it could be nice to go to PPCLI. I will surely 'end up' to the 22e anyway, all three regiments are asking for about the same number of infantry officer. Believing pbi, if I'd be in PPCLI, I would anyway be posted in the Ontario/Quebec/N-B area. Would the other way around the same? Be in R22eR, I would be posted in Ontario/N-B a lot, even in the west?

Regarding the language, my only fear is that I'm not as sharp in English as in French and under pressure, don't know how this could result in. As for language discrimination, I think there will always be uninformed/disinformed people. But again, if your nut is so easy to crack, you don't have any business to do with infantry. You have to breach prejudice and show how you really are, let people know you. It's easy to say, ah Englos are like this and that, Americans are like this and that, but once you know single people, your point of view may change.