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Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and thier bases

  • Thread starter Thread starter brad_dennis
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Ok, thanks anyway, I just wanted to know if 3 RCR was Light Infantry or not, and if it is as effective as PPCLI 3Bn.

The third battalion in each Regular Force Infantry Regiment is light infantry.

There are no differences between the three light battalions and it comes down to a choice of where you want to live. Light Infantry Battalions are located in Edmonton (3 PPCLI), Petawawa (3 RCR) and Valcartier (3 R22eR).

All are good units.

thanks, that‘s all I wanted to know, and one more question, if I want to be a jumper, do I have to be in a specific coy, or specify what I want to do, or do I just take the courses when they are offered?
work your butt off, have it noticed. if your higher‘s like you, put a memo in requesting your basic para.
I know that over in the 4th battalion of the RCR‘s we only get the jump course if you‘re one of the best troops in the unit.
there is a jump company in 3 RCR, but it‘s very hard to get into that company. but you can still take your basic para course, and be a red wing jumper.
Hi everyone, not sure if you're familiar with my story but to summarize I'm just sitting here waiting to go to basic then the infantry. I have been thinking a lot lately about the two different regiments I'll have to request/get volunteered for, and was wondering some things.

What are the two differences between PPCLI and RCR? I mean fundamental differences, attitude differences, training etc. It is not something I've really seen mentioned here.

I talked to a few senior NCO's, mostly PPCLI but also a few (retired) RCR's, and aside from promoting their own regiments, from what I gathered it seemed to me that the Patricias are a more ... rowdier, aggressive bunch whom I got an impression were a bit tighter knit as a family.. And the impression I got from the former RCR's is that they are more .. professional, calm/cool, not quite as outwardly rowdy as the 2VP but just as aggressive. Another example is when I talked to my father (who was in the RCR's before remustering as an RMS CLK) I told him how one of my friends in the Patricias talked to his Warrant on a peer to peer level - even calling eachother by the first name. This is what I meant by a bit more closely knit as a family. However, my father said that would never happen in the RCR's due to their highly professional nature (I am not in any way saying the 2VP are not professional) just that the RCR's are more formal it would seem.

So, in my continuing effort for more information and after seeing quite a healthy dose of both 2VP and the RCR's posting here on the forum, I thought I would throw this question out and see what I get. Please take note that, I am in no way saying one is better than the other or vice versa, the above is simply what I gathered from talking to a handful of the soldiers here. If you have something to add or correct me on please tell me as I want to see the underlying differences between both regiments and see which one suits me most.

Thanks in advance
Time button up the turret and skedaddle out of the impact zone - this ought to be fun  :blotto:
..this isn't going to cause any conflicts right ? Cause what you just said kind of made me worry here .. that wasn't the intention of this thread..
May be too late. The rounds are probably on their way down range. ;) I'm sure the gunfighters will keep it professional though.
Of course, what you really need to do is ask a VanDoo about the differences between the PPCLI and the RCR - that way you'll get an unbiased opinion...   :soldier: :tank:
A good idea.. but I haven't found any VanDoo around here :( but if any who happen to post here want to say something I would be happy to hear it.

Because of some of the confrontations that may arise given the nature of this thread, if some people would prefer to PM me their opinions I would also be very happy with that as well. However .. it would be nice to see something here, because I think it may give people coming in or about to join a unit a bit more info.

Slightly off topic, but today I bought a book from the PPCLI kitshop here that gives the entire reigments history. Is there a place I could order a book about the RCR history?
Do a search, this topic has been discussed at length on the infantry forum many times before.
Differences ...........PPCLI-West

No big differences.....we are all trained by the same system. The RCR like the parade square a little more then us, but at the end of the day we put take our pants off one leg at a time. The reputation has always been there that the PPCLI are a bit rough around the edges compared to the RCR. I have never been with the RCR, only going on what you see and hear from guys that have re-badged etc. I think what you should ask yourself is where you want to live and work. I could come up with all sorts of slams and what we call each other.....but that is being part of a Regiment and "Band of Brothers" so to speak. We are all professions and volunteers, but as far as 1st name basis with your Platoon WO etc....that is a no no in both Regiments and CF in general. I am not saying it doesn't happen, it all depends on who you work with and the environment you are working in.
Ah damn.. I did a search on it but found nothing. Now it occurs to me to do a search simply on "differences" and I get a ton of threads..  :-\

Forlorn you got a good point about "where you want to live" since both don't have big differences.. but I can reasonably say for certain that I do not want to remain here in Shilo..
if I see my buddy on leave, I'll ask him if he noticed any differece, served in the RCR's and the PPCLI.
it is true that the royals are seen as a bit more straight and narrow then the cowboys. I've noticed a different mentality between each regiment for sure. the vp's definetely have the "if it ain't good, buy something better" thing going down much more then the RCR's (*sigh* one day).
While about the parade square deal? uhhhhhhh............I have seen drill used twice since I've been up here.
actually now I'm curious; does the PPCLI have a pace stick competition? that could be why the RCR's are seen more like that than them?
Although I'd have to argue that closer knit as a family one. I mean my entire section we go out and we do alot together outside of work. We are always drinking together, go work out together, hell even grocery shop together. we always try and get the platoon together outside of work at least once every other, and drink basically. but then again, I'm sure the PPCLI do that as well.
Patricia's are better looking than Royals.  Maybe its the western air...not sure.  Other than that, no difference.
the Patricias are more relaxed and the RCRs do have the parade ground mentality . I have worked with both and for me the Paticias are it but for others  the Royals are it its a way you think is all or is it the desire to be east or west? all depends on what your drive is  :cdn:
Ahh, definately one of my greatest desires is to head back to the Maritimes, or as close as possible ... which I guess would be Gagetown. I suppose that my personality and way of doing things would go better with the RCR's too..

Despite this topic having been discussed before thanks for the replies everyone it's really helped.
I have heard (and seen) a big difference between the 3 Bns of the RCR, so to break it down along regimental lines might be a bit difficult. Better question would be how much different are the Bns of the PPCLI and RCR, ie 1 VP like 1 RCR, 3 et all, 2 et all. I bet you'll find within the regt that the Bns are more diverse then the two regiments themselves.

IMHO, from an outsider point of view, the RCR seem more disciplined (never pass a fault) and will work hard within policy to achieve the aim. PPCLI seem more willing to push and expand the limits of policy to achieve the aim.
Armymedic said:
I have heard (and seen) a big difference between the 3 Bns of the RCR, so to break it down along regimental lines might be a bit difficult. Better question would be how much different are the Bns of the PPCLI and RCR, ie 1 VP like 1 RCR, 3 et all, 2 et all. I bet you'll find within the regt that the Bns are more diverse then the two regiments themselves.

Good call Armymedic. The differences between battalions, and even companies within battalions, can vary widely. The key factors, rather then being the regimental badges, usually start with the personalities and objectives of COs, RSMs, OCs and CSMs. While there is no doubt an element of truth in the offered comparisons between the regiments, these are probably as much based on the sharing of these perceptions (just as we are doing here) as they are by the corrrespondents' recalling regimental examples at those particular ends of the personality spectrum to build the comparison.
I know that any time I talk to guys from the RCR, they are always going on about, Mech is better, no Light is better... etc.  So there definitely seems to be some rivalry (friendly) between the battalions.  I'd like to know more about how things are different within the regiment.  Different customs, traditions.  But I guess I can wait to find out first hand.