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Common law quarters


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Good day,

I moved last year with my girlfriend that is also a CF member into an appartment PMQ to establish common law. We were both at the same base, in single quarters, but since we wanted to establish common law, we sent a memo and it was accepted.

Now, I was wondering, once we'll be common law (after our year of living together), is there any regulation that states that if we are at the same base, are common law, we should live together (not in single quarters) ?

Thanks for your help

Okay.  I'm a little confused here.  You like in a PMQ and are common-law and you don't want to live together anymore?
No, sorry for my poor english.

What I mean is that we are in a PMQ, we were allowed to go in PMQ to establish common law. Now I heard that once I sign my common law papers, they can ask us to come back to Single Quarters since now we'll be common law... So all I'm asking is if there is any regulation that states that once you're common law, you should be able to live together and refuse to go back to single quarters...

Does that make sense ?
No.  I have a feeling that you haven't understood what you were told in the first place. 

If you have a PMQ and are considered "Common-Law", it is the same legal status as if you were Married.  They would not force a Married Couple to move into Single Quarters, so why would they tell you that once you are Common-Law they will.  It doesn't make sense, and that is why I think you never understood what you were told by whoever told you about moving into Single Quarters.
If you are common law I don't know why they would ask you both to move back into single quarters.  Did you ask the reasoning behind this?  Common law is the same as being married, so you would be entitled to a PMQ.  I have never heard of a couple being given a Q for a year in order to establish common law status and they told to return to single quarters.

George, you beat me to it.
Because I'm at the College and everybody lives in single quarters. And we asked to live off because we wanted to establish common law.

That's why I'm asking if anything on paper says they can't. Because I have been told it might happen and I just want to be ready and try to find solution for us to stay together in PMQ...
I went in the Qs to establish common law last year and we were not forced to go back to the peninsula after... 
