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Common Army Phase

Other than the length of the course, does anyone know what the differences are between the Reserve CAP and RegForce CAP? Thanks.
Sask HCAO said:
Other than the length of the course, does anyone know what the differences are between the Reserve CAP and RegForce CAP? Thanks.

There is no longer any difference - the course is exactly the same for Regular Force and Reserve officers.  It is modularized now for all candidates - so if you get RTU you can pick up from the mod you left off on.

The training plan has been entirely rewritten this year as well, it's very interesting (I'm on the course now) and more relevant it seems.
Sorry to revive a dead thread! :-\ Can anybody email a copy of the joining instructions for CAP?
PM for email if you can.

Thanks in advance
It's on the DIN.  You can get it from the Infantry School's site, your Ops Cell should be able to provide you with a set.
I've done some research but am wondering who goes on CAP.  Is it strictly for purple support occupations or would an AEC officer (air traffic controller) expect to be loaded on this course.  Nothing I have read says that AECs would be taking this course, but I have a colleague telling me that all new officers will be loaded on this course. 

I can confirm that ALL Int Os must do CAP. I had an Air Force Int O on my course last summer and I know a Navy Int O who is doing CAP this summer. As well, MPOs also do CAP, regardless of their element.
Big Foot said:
I can confirm that ALL Int Os must do CAP. I had an Air Force Int O on my course last summer and I know a Navy Int O who is doing CAP this summer. As well, MPOs also do CAP, regardless of their element.
I had an Air Field Engineer Officer on my course when I went through.
really?! Navy IntO now does CAP? how strange? I wans't told about this :D hahahaha... it wouldve been an important piece of info considering Im transfering to that MOC  ;D
Bringing this thread back from the dead but in case anyone is wondering CAP (now BMOQ-L) has tons of trades now.

What used to be just combat arms, then Sigs and Log, now also has MPs (of all elements) as well as Int and Construction Engineers.

In my assessment, as much as Int benefiting from having a direct entry option, the Infantry will suffer as a result of that choice.  While of course it is still getting people who always to be soldiers, there are some smart and fit  future superstars in training who would have gone Infantry had Int not been an option.

I'm not at all saying that it's not the right thing to give them that option, just stating an observation that there is a demographic node of talent that the Infantry is not getting now.