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Comm Research

Damn, I already did the BMQ too, and was infantry before my release. I applied online last winter for Comm Rsrch and my papers only reached my rec center (Mtl) in May and then, I only met up with a sergeant to hand in my background check forms and the original of my paperwork in early July. None of my contacts have been called and I've been told to stay put until at least September before asking for an update.

Oh well, more time with the girlfriend and to clear my student debt.  ;D

Congrats bobbocool!
wow. I asked for the transfer late Feb 2012 (I'm transferring from MUSCN in NAVRES to COMM RSCH in RegF Army)
I got interview March 26,
I got two emails saying "file in progress" then "no positions left. you'll hear from us April 2013"
then today I get an email saying I will be offered the position once I renew my fitness test which I will do in couple of days.

This might be a silly question but...

When you apply for Comms Research, a purple trade, you apply for the trade as a whole, all elements, and not a specific element of CR, ie Naval CR, Army CR, etc?

I applied for Comms Rsch as my top choice, and two naval trades as my second and third choices. I believe I listed naval as my element at some point in the process, because of the bottom two, however that doesn't make sense for the first choice.

Should I be worried that I will only be considered for Naval Comms Rsch? (if such a thing exists - no indication it does!)

All in all, it doesn't matter if you chose whatever element.
If they'll make you an offer for a particular trade and you accept it, well, you'll get the dress that comes with it.
In some trades (purple mostly), there is a ratio of people to be assigned to the different elements...
Danno1 said:
Should I be worried that I will only be considered for Naval Comms Rsch?

No, you are being considered for Comm Rsch. The uniform that they offer you may or may not be RCN. That was only your preference.

(if such a thing exists - no indication it does!)

Yeah, it does. My last posting i replaced a Comm rsch that was a Navy PO1 and i have some comm rsch that were Navy DEU working with/for me. 2 of my former section members (both comm rsch) were deployed on ship.
Danno1 said:
This might be a silly question but...

When you apply for Comms Research, a purple trade, you apply for the trade as a whole, all elements, and not a specific element of CR, ie Naval CR, Army CR, etc?

I applied for Comms Rsch as my top choice, and two naval trades as my second and third choices. I believe I listed naval as my element at some point in the process, because of the bottom two, however that doesn't make sense for the first choice.

Should I be worried that I will only be considered for Naval Comms Rsch? (if such a thing exists - no indication it does!)

If you are picking a purple trade you can indicate which element is your preference, doesn't mean you will get it though.
Just before doing the medical, the registration sheet asked for an element. I left it blank b/c Comms Rsch is purple, they asked me to clarify, and I think they checked Naval on my behalf after I explained it. It's been a while, my memory is hazy.

There is a thread on CR explaining that the uniform and the deployment don't necessarily match, ie Naval uniform posted with the army, that's fine, my only concern was that I inadvertently listed myself as ONLY willing to do naval postings, and thereby limited the spots I am a candidate for.

If I'm considered for all elements of CR, then great  :camo:

Thanks for the clarification

Danno1 said:
This might be a silly question but...

When you apply for Comms Research, a purple trade, you apply for the trade as a whole, all elements, and not a specific element of CR, ie Naval CR, Army CR, etc?

I applied for Comms Rsch as my top choice, and two naval trades as my second and third choices. I believe I listed naval as my element at some point in the process, because of the bottom two, however that doesn't make sense for the first choice.

Should I be worried that I will only be considered for Naval Comms Rsch? (if such a thing exists - no indication it does!)

My trade is also considered a purple trade. I chose my element but all are not as lucky. Although some of us have different DEU's, we all do the same training and all do the same job. You can be Navy and still be posted to an Army base and vice versa. Air Force element does additional Air Force training but otherwise it's all the same across the board.
Congrats! When I did my interview a couple weeks ago, I was told there was only 1 place left on this year's calendar :) I still need to do my medical, hopefully it gets done before April.
chaundon said:
Ha, good luck with that.  The states side postings are avaiable once your in and trained, but ottawa or kingston and your more likely opportunities while awaiting clearance.

Lovin Augusta Georgia as we speak :P
Hello friends.

Just wanted to thank all those whom have posted in this thread as I found it to be an invaluable tool while researching the trade.
I accepted a position In Comm Research today with an Air element and will be attending BMQ on July 8th.

While I know it is a purple trade and that it is only a uniform, I was wondering if future postings are at all determined by ones element? 
Any ideas why this trade is no longer on the recruiting site? It can still be found through Google, but is no longer listed in the Jobs section. Perhaps it's going under ACISS?  >:D
m6 said:
Any ideas why this trade is no longer on the recruiting site? It can still be found through Google, but is no longer listed in the Jobs section. Perhaps it's going under ACISS?  >:D

Select the link from the left side of the forces.ca website titled "Browse Jobs".  For some reason when you use the link from the top with the drop downs (ie; Jobs - All Jobs), it doesn't appear.


DAA said:
Select the link from the left side of the forces.ca website titled "Browse Jobs".  For some reason when you use the link from the top with the drop downs (ie; Jobs - All Jobs), it doesn't appear.



Strange, it's not listed through either method for me.  ??? Hardly the end of the world, but it's odd.
m6 said:
Strange, it's not listed through either method for me.  ??? Hardly the end of the world, but it's odd.

I just pulled the link a few minutes ago.  Try clearing your "browser" cache and then go back to the forces.ca website and try it again....
Looking for some info on what the next step would be while I await clearance.  Most of these posts are outdated so thought I'd ask and see if anything has changed.

Possible to finish my second language training, if it's not French, instead of PAT? (My second language is German)

Also, if opportunity for OJT arises, should I apply even if I don't know all of my options? 

I will preface this with the note that my info is out of date. That being said, I still have friends at the school, so I think my info is somewhat current.

Upon completion of your BMQ, AND BMQ-L you will be put on PAT (pers awaiting trg). From here, you will be loaded on taskings according to your trade. Since you are Comm Rsch you will likely see time at 21EW. That being said, while I was in PAT I ended up in a two year tasking to JSR, so experiences may vary.

Enjoy your time! You may have no substantive rank (realistically) but these are the best days of your military life. Enjoy the new experiences and awesome opportunities. My suggestions would be to try and get on Winter Warfare trg, and a field ex or two!
Just out of curiosity, does this trade have an officer counter-part? For examplebut there was another post/thread that dated back to 2005 for the Fire Fighter trade that said;
Cutter2001ca said:
Yes  the fire fighter trade does have officers not too many but we do. The Canadian Forces Fire marshal isn't a fire fighter he is an engineer do figure
Is Comm Research similar, where there may be a commissioned officer in-charge from something like Signals or Intelligence or is it a high ranking NCM? I am just interested because I am going to school right now with the hopes of obtaining a degree. I find the administration/leadership component of the commissioned ranks very appealing and would just like some clarification.

Thank in advanced to any advice, comments and responses!
There is no officer counterpart, you train as a Sigs O and try to get yourself posted to Letrim or 21 EW.