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Combats Needed - Please Help

MCpl ???????

Jr. Member
Reaction score
i am looking for a website where i can order combats now that cancav is no longer open. Help plz
If you are looking for civi CADPAT I believe that www.canadianpeacekeeper.com has what you are looking for.
you can buy repro CADPAT in most if not all surplus stores.

As for cadets not being allowed to wear it, it would all depend on you cadet unit, I've seen some cadets wearing repro CADPAT an even some wearing the USMC MARPAT.
Army surplus stores, they usually have lots in, might be hard finding larger sizes though. Or if your allowed an want to spend extra cash, buy a set of Danners or something. But I don't know if you would be allowed to wear them on parade or not, be somethign you'd have to find out with your unit.
army surplus is best...although..Reading the Please use full spelling thread would be nice.

k? plz? thx? :P yes I know... thats there for purposely.
Actually you can buy real CADPATs too, it's just people ignorance and misunderstanding of the regulations and laws surrounding the items that makes people say you cannot. The RELEASE of CADPAT is resricted, NOT the sale or wearing of it (as long as you are clearly marked as being anything but a member of the CF). Now before some one posts a regulation that says something different, this is based on recent case law from Edmonton which supercedes any regulations, not too mention most of them were not applicable to civilians anyways. The "you cannot sell CADPAT" thing was short lived....it's somewhat easy to get, I have it.
MCpl Jackson said:
should i get garrison combat boots? ???

There not combat boots, there garrison boots, an there ment just for that, garrsion/parade stuff. If you want a pair of boots to go into the field with, get real combat boots like the Canadian MKIII, probably get them for like $20 at a surplus store.
George Wallace said:

I am wondering how a Civilian court case can override an DND Regulation?


A DND Regulation is just a regulation passed by an Order in Council, pursuant to Legislation (In this case, National Defense Act).  Courts can interpret any legislation or regulation.

BTW Dane, wearing of CF uniform by civies is a Criminal Code offense.  Unfortunately it's not enforced.
Sect 419. 
I know I got my boots at a surplus store, really nice.  I went to the states this summer with family, and checked out many many stores, got a few neat looking books etc.  Up near london though, there are 2 nice places, I got myself webbing, pants, boots, hat, old ruck, old mummy bag, and tunic over a few years time.  I was wondering what is Cadpat and what does it stand for???


 CI Gubbels
CADPAT is CAnadian Disruptive PATtern, which is the official camoflauge of the Canadian Forces. It is the combat uniform you see in all current pictures of Canadian soldiers. For more info, go to www.army.forces.gc.ca
neat, thanks for the links I know I found them very interesting.  It says that the design is different then CF clothing, just curious if anyone knows how so?  Such as tunic, pants, etc. 

CI Gubbels
1) wearing CF uniforms is illegal only if displaying CF insignia... read the case law associated with 419... the only times it has been enforces is when a person is trying to mimick a member of the CF. That is what the law was written and designed for; just think of all the nakes Cadets that would be out there :p (since a lot of Cadets don;t wear proper denotation of their cadetness). I did my law interpretation paper on that lol
2) Civilian Courts don't override the DND/CF; they simply have no authority in the civilian/private sphere. Basic law there... as was said the interpretation goes however it wants via the courts. Moreover the CF release of a couple thousand pairs of CADPAT didn't help the matter either, as soon as they forfeited getting the clothing back they effectivly ended their ability to try and enforce any No CADPAT

The faux CADPAT has american-ish square pockets, and the pants have a pull system to tighten the waist. They are pretty decent, but over priced. I found the pants thind and actually tore them so had to have them fixed.
