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Combat Engineers......

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Hello everyone,
This curiosity comes from a reservist infanteer, so please do forgive me, but I am curious. What do Combat Engineers do everyday? What do you guys work on or practice? Do you often get deployed or train as infanteers (I understand that to be your secondary role)? How much construction/ field carpentry do you end up doing, and what is the PT standards like for you guys? What are the perks and downfalls of being an engineer? The reason I ask is because I am considering becoming a combatĀ  engineer when I do a component transfer. Any information coming straight from the real deal I believe will help me out a lot.

Much AppreciatedĀ  :salute:,
Good question, but i'm sure someone is going to say "search fot it first before posting" like they always do. But I would like to know as well, as I may join the Engineers.
I also am keen to see responses to the questions.
I'm thinking of joining the Combat Engineers as a reservist...and I'm 45 years old.
Ewing said:
Good question, but i'm sure someone is going to say "search fot it first before posting" like they always do. But I would like to know as well, as I may join the Engineers.

Looks like you just did
Ewing said:
Good question, but i'm sure someone is going to say "search fot it first before posting"
. . . and you will find it here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/22088.0.html
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