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CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

I wonder if their wonderful model has had any calculations to the speed and range drops from their actual plane to this vaporware item?
Seems to have about 75% more frontal area cross-section - and the drag is going to be a killer.
This appears to be a 10+year program at best to have a viable airframe that cannot be as capable as the P-8A and won’t be 5E interoperable.

That pic of the vaporware looks alot like the "canoe" they designed for the Sentinel R1. So they may have good flight data for some the design. I did read somewhere that the R1 has to land very flat glide path to the runway. That could be problem for a MPA type operation?

OT....wiki here says a Bombardier JV bought them back and the US Army is using them now.
Thats all that Bombardier has and that should be enough. They would be better off pushing the Globaleye/Sentinel/BACN
not at all. The Arrow was a good airplane done in by politics
No no, I meant the geniuses that demanded the GoC give them 1B CAD to design a new Avro Arrow to replace the CF18s. Their entire pitch looked like it was designed on a napkin. Many bold claims not based in reality.
not at all. The Arrow was a good airplane done in by politics
The airframe might have been but the avionics didn’t exist. Despite the romanticism of the Arrow, the Canadian Aviation Industry at the time couldn’t actually build it beyond the airframe.
There hadn’t been enough forethought on the entire project as a wholistic platform.

Wait that reminds me of something…
Personally, I don't mind that the Arrow was cancelled (disagree with how it was done and the loss of important national works).

No cancelled Arrow, no landing on the moon in the 60's, no SR-71, no B-1 bomber or F-117.

Do you know how many Arrow engineers ended up at NASA or Skunk Works in key or senior positions? Lots.
The Arrow would have been amazing.

Unfortunately, the cost of making it amazing was too high.

Pulling the same design out and pumping out a couple of hundred of them to equip our airforce today would be absolute foolishness. It was a single function design that was aimed to fight a manned bomber threat from 60 years ago. That threat is not quite non-existent today, but it's certainly not the multi-role fighter that the RCAF needs today.

The RCAF is getting the F-35, which is a multi-role aircraft that's going to have long-term production, and good integration with our allies.

Perfect fit.

As for Maritime Patrol? We should look at the above factors as well - multi-role, long-term production, and good integration with our allies.

The Bombardier 'idea' is about as far from that as you can reach. No production, no integration, no allies flying it. Should be a simple "NO"

The airframe might have been but the avionics didn’t exist. Despite the romanticism of the Arrow, the Canadian Aviation Industry at the time couldn’t actually build it beyond the airframe.
There hadn’t been enough forethought on the entire project as a wholistic platform.

Wait that reminds me of something…
A lot of the over runs were the missile development costs, something the US was struggling within their own programs. The USAF also had a rude awakening that their mighty mouse rocket system was useless and was trying to come up with an alternative as well.
The American will not allow that. There is not enough time for a whiny Canadian shirk our NORAD obligations, thumbing our nose at our protector.

Between American pressure and Liberal's needing votes....which wins? In Liberal land telling saying we are not buying American and we don't listen to the US is a vote winner.

A lot comes down to when Justin wants to go to the poles. At this moment he is just pushing this file off slow roll it. But he has to do something. He can not announce a Boeing purchase before the the vote. But he does have to make spending announcements to show he's a good partner in NORAD, NATO, G7. If he's going to end of the mandate he will have to go to competition on this file. If he's not, the NDP are not going to sink him right now is problem but something can always be manufactured, he can push a buy till after the election.

I believe most of this is coming from the party (well the Justin side) Shhh whisper from PMO bagmen "Bombardier get the PR machine going." Because in his dark heart he would love to give it to Bombardier.

So best I think is earlier vote and a very quiet Boeing buy after Justin wins. Longer he has to go competition.

I could be totally wrong but sometimes past performance indicate future results. :)
Personally, I don't mind that the Arrow was cancelled (disagree with how it was done and the loss of important national works).

No cancelled Arrow, no landing on the moon in the 60's, no SR-71, no B-1 bomber or F-117.

Do you know how many Arrow engineers ended up at NASA or Skunk Works in key or senior positions? Lots.
the negative side of that equation is all that knowledge and expertise went south of the border and all those ideas originated in Florida and California rather than Toronto/Malton. Ideas like the Iroquois engine. The story that I recall from an ex-Avro chap: we had sales of the Arrow in Europe, enough to make it a paying proposition but all the electronics were American and they would not release them for overseas sales since they were the same systems that were in the 101 and 104
Between American pressure and Liberal's needing votes....which wins? In Liberal land telling saying we are not buying American and we don't listen to the US is a vote winner.

A lot comes down to when Justin wants to go to the poles. At this moment he is just pushing this file off slow roll it. But he has to do something. He can not announce a Boeing purchase before the the vote. But he does have to make spending announcements to show he's a good partner in NORAD, NATO, G7. If he's going to end of the mandate he will have to go to competition on this file. If he's not, the NDP are not going to sink him right now is problem but something can always be manufactured, he can push a buy till after the election.

I believe most of this is coming from the party (well the Justin side) Shhh whisper from PMO bagmen "Bombardier get the PR machine going." Because in his dark heart he would love to give it to Bombardier.

So best I think is earlier vote and a very quiet Boeing buy after Justin wins. Longer he has to go competition.

I could be totally wrong but sometimes past performance indicate future results. :)
You’re missing the point. If we want to be partners in NOARD and defend North America with the US then we need to cooperate. If not, they will fight any incursion where ever the hell the want; including levelling Montreal. We could cry at that point that that it isn’t fair, but the only Americans that would care are snowbirds in Florida.

Derogate Trudeau all you want, he has raised defense spending higher since Mulroney. He’s a slime bucket. Do you a tax cutting fiscal conservative also slime bucket will do better.

Thank god for Trump and Biden for insisting that Canada not be slime bucket freeloaders.
Between American pressure and Liberal's needing votes....which wins? In Liberal land telling saying we are not buying American and we don't listen to the US is a vote winner.

A lot comes down to when Justin wants to go to the poles. At this moment he is just pushing this file off slow roll it. But he has to do something. He can not announce a Boeing purchase before the the vote. But he does have to make spending announcements to show he's a good partner in NORAD, NATO, G7. If he's going to end of the mandate he will have to go to competition on this file. If he's not, the NDP are not going to sink him right now is problem but something can always be manufactured, he can push a buy till after the election.

I believe most of this is coming from the party (well the Justin side) Shhh whisper from PMO bagmen "Bombardier get the PR machine going." Because in his dark heart he would love to give it to Bombardier.

So best I think is earlier vote and a very quiet Boeing buy after Justin wins. Longer he has to go competition.

I could be totally wrong but sometimes past performance indicate future results. :)
The Liberals dont need the votes for another 2 yrs. I hope we dont have to wait another 2 yrs for a decision
Between American pressure and Liberal's needing votes....which wins? In Liberal land telling saying we are not buying American and we don't listen to the US is a vote winner.

A lot comes down to when Justin wants to go to the poles. At this moment he is just pushing this file off slow roll it. But he has to do something. He can not announce a Boeing purchase before the the vote. But he does have to make spending announcements to show he's a good partner in NORAD, NATO, G7. If he's going to end of the mandate he will have to go to competition on this file. If he's not, the NDP are not going to sink him right now is problem but something can always be manufactured, he can push a buy till after the election.

I believe most of this is coming from the party (well the Justin side) Shhh whisper from PMO bagmen "Bombardier get the PR machine going." Because in his dark heart he would love to give it to Bombardier.

So best I think is earlier vote and a very quiet Boeing buy after Justin wins. Longer he has to go competition.

I could be totally wrong but sometimes past performance indicate future results. :)
No offense, S100, but I think you’re totally wrong on this one.

It may look like Liberalmaskirovka, but have no doubt, that unlike NATO waiting for his Highness to prance in 5 minutes late to a key discussion on NATO resolve, the US’ tolerance for such blatant security free-loading ended a while ago…I’ll posit again that Canada is “on orders” from America to GTFOWI, to wit: F-35s, SPY-7, NASAMS, and…soon to come…P-8A. Trudeau can carry on with Kabuki all he wants, but the P-8A purchase will happen WELL BEFORE the next election…
No offense, S100, but I think you’re totally wrong on this one.

It may look like Liberalmaskirovka, but have no doubt, that unlike NATO waiting for his Highness to prance in 5 minutes late to a key discussion on NATO resolve, the US’ tolerance for such blatant security free-loading ended a while ago…I’ll posit again that Canada is “on orders” from America to GTFOWI, to wit: F-35s, SPY-7, NASAMS, and…soon to come…P-8A. Trudeau can carry on with Kabuki all he wants, but the P-8A purchase will happen WELL BEFORE the next election…
Mr Trudeau has even bought two of the the future KC -330's although Liberals gotta Liberal so its the civilian version for now.