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Close Combat Vehicle: Canada to buy another AFV (& keeping LAV III & TLAV)

E.R. Campbell said:
I know, and waaaaaay back when I served with both of them.


if I may be so bold as to paraphrase Berthold Brecht:

"The b_tch that bore (them both) is in heat again!"


MCG said:
Which track are you thinking of?  The only new track that I am aware of is the TLAV and MTVL rubber tracks (and last I heard only the TLAV track was deployed).
There's a standard NATO template that goes with that too.

That and another track (look on T&E DIN page for the other) the second one is over engineered for the TLAV/MTVL/M113A3 Fleet.

MCG I can pm you the other track if you can find it on the T&E site.

ironduke57 said:
Not really. Both where designed to be transportable by train in there basic version without problem. (That the don´t get stuck in Tunnels or hinder another train on neighboring tracks.)


Thanks for the flashback: mile long trains and the Train Meister with those little magnetic alignment flags... "A millimeters too far right..."
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Now, about the Puma...Puma is german for cougar, no? ;D

^-^"Puma" is the Quechua (Andes) word for the animal. "Cougar" is a derivative of the Tupi (old Brazilian language) word "suasuarana," which means "deer-like" (in color). "Panther" is the Greek word for the animal. "Lion" comes from the Greek word "leon". 8)
I wonder how the cross country performance compares to the CV90? For me the ability to work in deep snow would be an important aspect for a Canadian IFV, (in case Toronto has another snowday )

A larger calibre gun than the 25mm might give a wider variety of ammo to be used.
Didn't the Brits opt for a 30mm on their Warriors - which are clip fed instead of belt fed?
Sometimes bigger isn't always better
Colin P said:
I wonder how the cross country performance compares to the CV90? For me the ability to work in deep snow would be an important aspect for a Canadian IFV, (in case Toronto has another snowday )

A larger calibre gun than the 25mm might give a wider variety of ammo to be used.

Also potentially useful in a Toronto context...
You are thinking of the RADEN 30mm Cannon, it first appeared on the Fox Armoured car and then that turret was grafted onto the Scorpian and called the Scimatar. It was Circa late 50's/ early 60's. An excellent gun for confined turrets considering the size of the breech, although the Fox turret has about 30 slots for clips, 3 or 5 rds, can't remember which, also a very accurate gun. They gave the warrior the same gun to "ease the logistical burden" The downside is that their new IFV has a very old gun system on it. The 25mm is a great gun, but if we are getting a new IFV, how about we choose a intergrated platform rather than grafting a gun onto it that may not give the vehicle the capabilities it needs. A study should be done to determine if there is a gap between the current weapon systems, does any of the offered systems fill that gap and how it all relates to the intended role of the vehicle.
You make perfect sense there Colin....
Planning ahead instead of going half c?&*ked...
FWIW, the PUMA does not use the British L21A1 Rarden, but rather the 30 mm MK 30-2/ABM.
This may be a stupid question but do the Leo 2's and the Puma's have any common parts?  After all they are both made by Kraus Maffei Wegmann.
stegner said:
This may be a stupid question but do the Leo 2's and the Puma's have any common parts?  After all they are both made by Kraus Maffei Wegmann.
Maybe internally installed components, but probably not very much.  The Leo hull is a design that is over 30 years old
stegner said:
This may be a stupid question but do the Leo 2's and the Puma's have any common parts?  After all they are both made by Kraus Maffei Wegmann.
Don't know for certain, but you might want to check if they are both able to take the Euro-pack.
He probably mean´s the EuroPowerPack. An proposed engine (MTU 883) and transmission (Renk HSWL 295TM) combination for tanks and other Armoured vehicle´s. And I don´t think the Europowerpack could be used in the Puma as the Puma already uses an engine out of the newer MTU 892 series.(Again smaller, more economical and more powerful then the 883 series.)

Im guessing the Gefas is Rheinmetalls entry for the LARV project. Im suprised with all the talk there was no mention of the Fennek.
Arius said:
Not sure what the 40 Cdo adds to the debate...  They are Naval Infantry with fairly old landing crafts and don't have the vehicules to go around and carry heavy stuff - Hence the Quad on the right.   The mortar is a 51mm I would think...  Bit sad actually.  Their 51 and 81 do fit in their original employment concept.  They did an "amphibious" op in one of the reservoir I think.  Royal Marines are exceedingly tough soldiers but they could use some heavy mech in Afghanistan as they are not equipped for long drawn out operations.

Funny, most of the Brits I know think that the Canadians are working on the wrong end of the spectrum by becoming too tied to their vehicles.  As an aside, if you note, most British casualties in Afghanistan are as a result of direct action contacts, whereas Canadian casualties are from IEDs.
Very true Matt.  The light infantry concept has a hard time in Canada these days because when we deploy them as the core of a Battle Group we end up having to mech them to the max.  It happened again with 3R22R during the current deployment.  Heavy armor is coming back in vogue and you can bet that the new fleet of vehicles will be the most mines/IED resistant we've seen yet.  Nobody wants to take the heat if we lose one guy because he may have been saved by a layer of kevlar or add-on armor.  Heavy armor and heavy firepower will be the name of the game for quite a while.     
What is the size of the Brit AOR and how much manpower do they have? On a side note I have heard they are getting heavier equipment there as well.