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Civi protesters, repect and the CDS's speech merged topics

Do you think civilians have more, less or equal respect for the Forces as compared to a few years ag

  • Less respect

    Votes: 35 32.1%
  • More respect

    Votes: 45 41.3%
  • About the same

    Votes: 30 27.5%

  • Total voters
  I personally would like to know wherre this kid is getting his info from?! And who are the real ones behind the disinformation (which is working as well as any int psyop could be expected to) that is floating around out there.

Do we dare to belive that the Taliban and A.Q. supporters are behind all this?
I noticed those posts before you took them down. The language he was using was pretty typical of an extream   leftist activist. Some of them view the war in Iraq and Afghanistan to be illegal and morally corrupt, and often use language referring to the military and politicians as murderers and criminals. The language they use is meant to hammer in a emotional reaction to what they are protesting, the real issues and facts probably don't matter to a person like that. So either the guy hasn't a clue about what is really going on, or simply will not consider any other view than his own. You can't reason with people so irrational and emotionally charged.

Hitting the delete button was the best thing you could do, as it was not like he was trying to discuss the issue with anyone here. That's my take on the kid.   Anyway, I would not read too much into his post.
Well, having heard the truth about how Michael Moore got his story on those Marine recruiters for Fugginstupid 911, I wouldn't be surprised about what Pieman said; Michael Moore runs a Psyops organization that rivals that of the US Military....
Infanteer said:
Well, having heard the truth about how Michael Moore got his story on those Marine recruiters for Fugginstupid 911, I wouldn't be surprised about what Pieman said; Michael Moore runs a Psyops organization that rivals that of the US Military....

Agreed with both you and Piedude...

My thoughts (and questin) is where is this all coming from...is it so far fetched that there couldn't be members of the other sdide behind all this retoric?
My thoughts (and questin) is where is this all coming from...is it so far fetched that there couldn't be members of the other sdide behind all this retoric?
AQ is not without a voice through their use of the internet, so people are taking the effort to track down and read this stuff. If they believe it, they may spread the misinformation. The question is how much of the misinformation can be attributed to leftist rantings seeded by Micheal Moore types,   as opposed to 'information' seeded by the AQ?

As for the post in question that was deleted, my personal take is that it was more simply a Moore/Chomsky drunken blurb by a extream leftist.

Been reading up on how AQ is utilizing the web to spread their word through their 'Global Islamic Media Front' organization. Don't know if it was posted before, but I found this to be an eye opening website:

(check out the videos too)

Here in North America, I suspect the AQ voice goes almost unnoticed. In other countries though...the prospect of how many people may be listening to their propaganda, and believing it, is a scary thought.

Here is what strikes me as a typical conversation at between a CF or logical minded person and the modern anti-anything military

Logical Person "We are working to help re-build a nation that has been hampered for several years, the CF will provide the safe and secure enviroment that keeps thugs, terrorist and others at bay..."

Protestor "Murderor ! Get out of Iraq, leave Afghanistan!"

Logical Person "We are not in Iraq and why should we leave A-stan?"

Protestor "Because we are puppets of the imperial amercan war machine, thats why!"

Logical Person "Please explain? Elaborate."

Protestor "Because you are! You just want to build an american empire!"

Logical Person "What about protecting CIDA assets that aid in reconstruction? What about ROEs designed to protect the innocent from being gun downed? What about helping the afghani rebuild their own army so that some day, they can do this all on their own?"

Protestor "War Monger! War Monger..."

At this point the typical conversation degrades to the childish name calling and BS accusations of the modern day Hippy.

To the war protestor or more realistically anti-american protestor, GET A LIFE and learn a thing or two about the real world.

I find your above post both accurate and timely.

Please stay.

Although I beleive the majority of "grown up| Canadians support the CF more now than, say, pre- 9/11 my personal experience is that those who openly "dis" us are simply seeking attention.

For alot of the young, anti-military, disestablishement new age hippies (those at my school...) its a fad. They are completely oblivious to any facts, screeming OIL ITS FOR OIL and AMERICAN PUPPET as well as citing that 9/11 was orchestrated by the governement..... ::) of course... Being pro-Bush, conservative and supportive of the military, I'm regularly insulted, and then when I decide to engage them in inteligent debate, they cant stand up to the facts.
They are Lenin's, Mao's and Bin Laden's Fifth Column of Useful Idiots to bring down the West.
This is awesome... I guess I've been pretty busy and away from Army.ca for awhile, because I had no idea that a thread I started had been merged along with others into somewhat of a larger-scale topic.
Like someone said a few posts back, it's been almost a month since Hillier's speech here at Carleton, and it's virtually been forgotten; the protestors have gone back to whatever little corner they came from, probably to work on their next challenge of preventing tuition increases, spending money that could be invested into potential new scholarships into funding trips to futile rallies... oh well.
I think the message still remains, however, of how we (as past, present, and future members of the CF), are not getting the respect we should be getting. It's even more obvious that this is a hot topic, as evidenced by the merging of these threads into one. I'd like to thank whoever was responsible for this, for consolidating these conversations, and also for keeping the poll above, which I started, intact.
So who else is still keeping an eye on this thread, is from Carleton, and would like to input their 'One Month Later' two cents?