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Christmas is coming, post gift ideas here.

RemembranceDay said:
Hi, I hate winners. They use child labour, along with the companies that supply the clothes.

Child labour rocks...their little hands can reach in things better, plus they tend not to complain as much.  :sarcasm:

I would love to see some proof of that claim.  While child labour is rampant is some countries, I hardly see Winners as a company that actually first hand utilizes child labour.  I'd love to be proven wrong though.
MJP said:
Child labour rocks...their little hands can reach in things better, plus they tend not to complain as much.  :sarcasm:

I would love to see some proof of that claim.  While child labour is rampant is some countries, I hardly see Winners as a company that actually first hand utilizes child labour.  I'd love to be proven wrong though.
Not first hand, but the clothes from the various companies that the clothes use child labour. That being said, there are some companies that don't, but the majority do use child labour. Use Nike as an example.

*Sorry about the thread hijack.*
Anything from Lee Valley.  I can spend hours in their retail store here in Ottawa, and I hate shopping as a general rule.  A woodworker's dream, that place is...but lots of gardening, hardware and miscellaneous goodies there too.  Check out their Christmas gift catalog.
I know this doesn't help the OP but it may help someone else. I know perfume is cliche but whatever:


This lady has a friend who served in Afghanistan and was injured in the line of duty. She started making perfumes using perfume oils from flowers of Afghanistan, paying competitive wages, so that the people would have better options than growing poppies for the Taliban. I just noticed she has a new perfume from Haiti, too.

I always found girls the easiest to shop for. Putting thought into stuff is easy. You're already putting thought into it, so I'm sure something is going to come along.

It's my old man that's hard to shop for. He doesn't care wtf you get him as long as you don't overspend on him, and anything he needs/wants that I can afford he definitely already has 10. One year I got pissed off and bought him a flask with his name on it, and he doesn't drink. I said on xmas morning "for the dude that has everything he needs, buy him something he doesn't want!"
Here is a suggestion, some unique jewelry that won't likely see on every women  :nod:

For the one of you with the Secret Santa dilemma: We did that at work once, and I had the only non-smoker, non-drinker in the department. I got him a tin of Quality Street candy. His family had never had them before, and they loved them.

My husband usually gave me jewelry, and as we were lapidists, a few pieces he made specifically for me. I have lots of "real" jewelry, but my jade drop, and my Souris agate drop and silver chain are my favourites. Diamonds are good!!!

How about tickets for a symphony, or other concert or play? I found blank glass coasters at a computer store last year, the kind you put pictures in. I bought a box of 8, and made copies of my son's and daughter-in-law's wedding pictures to put in them. My kids loved them!

One year, just before Christmas, I got into a fight with a spatula - a useless one with a plastic handle and stiff scraper. It broke, and I swore and told my husband he could get me good rubber ones with wooden handles for Christmas. They were in my stocking, and I love them!

Hope this helps.

edited to sort out my sentence structure!!!
MJP said:
Child labour rocks...their little hands can reach in things better, plus they tend not to complain as much.  :sarcasm:

I would love to see some proof of that claim.  While child labour is rampant is some countries, I hardly see Winners as a company that actually first hand utilizes child labour.  I'd love to be proven wrong though.

This comes to mind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wleJmrlbsMc
Depending on who you're buying for they might enjoy something from these sites:



x-zipperhead said:
Funny, I got my wife a kitchen aid mixer last year using exactly this logic.  I mean this was the Binford 2000 of kitchen mixers.  Trust me it is still considered a kitchen appliance.  Be very careful in this area.  It didn't go over well for me. ;D

I did that a few years ago and she loves it. Niner Domestic is a very good cook and even better baker. This may explain the slight roll I have at the mid section.

Not sure about this year though..... ???
For Christmas this year, I'd like to be left alone. No phone calls, no pages, no crises, no last-minute requests for meaningless returns just in case the Commander asks....

Just peace and quiet.  :nod:

It's not expensive either  ;)
From the female perspective, gift certificate to the spa is always great.  As for gift cards, I'd rather him try to pick something out rather than take the easy route.  My family has always made lists of what we want for Christmas.  Not that we expect to get it all, but it gives everyone options and makes lives easier.  Kitchen appliances are good if cooking/baking is a hobby not a chore for the woman.  Mr. Tree Hugger keeps suggesting that I need a 4 slice toaster.  I don't.

For him, I've gotten him a Columbia Winter Jacket.  His current coat is crap and stained.  Dunno what else to get.  I want to get him jeans, but that might not be "fun" enough.  And he doesn't make a list or give hints....
TH - If you're looking to get him some jeans go for Silver brand.  They're not cheap, but really nice.  You won't be embarrased to go out with him when he's wearing those.

SCUGOG -- Jane Twohey has turned to Christmas ornaments in her efforts to ensure that Canada's troops know they have the nation's support.

The Scugog woman has recently designed and created a pair of tree ornaments for the festive season to remind Canada's military personnel that they don't stand alone.

The idea behind the ornaments is twofold, explained Ms. Twohey. She started Team Red Take a Stand Inc., a not-for-profit organization dedicated to spiritually supporting the military, about five years ago.

More at link

Thinking about getting some of these for those random friends gifts paired with some homebrew wine.
My priorities have changed completely since I got an offer on Monday and I'm unsure what to say when my family asks me what I want for Christmas. I have been trying to think of things that will be useful in basic and beyond but because I'm new at this, I'm not entirely sure what would be useful in the future. I was thinking a Pelican case for my DSLR camera (for later on in my training), and some wireless headphones.

Do you guys have any ideas on what would be useful?

Please let me know if this is the wrong place to post this and I will move it ASAP.
Thanks in advance.
Happy holidays!  :snowman:
Same situation here. My mom ask me what do you want for christmas and I was like ...ummm an iron!?... A cheap black watch!? Haha