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Child Soldiers

Rifleman62 said:
It is not that simple. If it was, the CF would be in Syria now. We aren't for a lot of reasons besides not being able to do force projection.

The opposition/media would tear the CF apart in a witch hunt if "child soldiers" were shot at. If you don't believe that you are naive...

Note that I didn't say that Canadians don't have the reputation of "picking and choosing" when or how they feel they should engage states that, amongst other things, use child soldiers...

Have no fear - no naiveté here...

Colin P said:
Hopefully the issue is resolved by a sniper with a clean shot, because if any ******* deserves to die, he is on the top of my list.

That would be a good resolution.

It all depends on the situation, killing anyone regardless of age sucks, we all signed that dotted line knowing full well what we would be getting into both physically and mentally.
It appears I'm not the only one thinking about this: http://vimeo.com/37119711
A discussion for any stories or personal experience you have when dealing with child soldiers overseas, and what it was like.
Note: Possible Deployment in Africa dealing with Child Soldiers soon.
Stories, first hand or from what youve heard on dealing with child soldiers or child terrorists and what its like
This post/question could have been made with a lot more tact. From my understanding (not a military member. BMQ Jan 2018, so no experience...) not many people will be willing to talk to you about anything related to the harshness of this particular subject. Not many want to take about the trials of deployment with family members, let alone on a public forum. I doubt you will get much from this thread.

If I'm wrong please someone correct me.
There's a doctrine written for it.  That's how we're going to handle it.

I have a feeling this is a troll post.
For reference to the discussion,

Canadian Armed Forces policy on Child Soldiers
PuckChaser said:
There's a doctrine written for it.  That's how we're going to handle it.

I have a feeling this is a troll post.
Sorry, its not, i am currently trying to get some stories for a school project, and no one that i know of at my unit has dealt with anything like this, i was hoping for some from here
You could always check out this Facebook group - I am sure they will help out:  https://www.facebook.com/ChildSoldiers/
Vanquest said:
Sorry, its not, . . .

Sorry, it is.

How about looking for The Canadian Armed Forces Joint Doctrine Note (JDN) 2017-01 Child Soldiers which is mentioned here https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/news/2017/03/canadian_armed_forcessetsprecedentwithchildsoldierdoctrine.html
I think he means its not a troll post. If you knew that please ignore me.
Vanquest said:
Sorry, its not, i am currently trying to get some stories for a school project, and no one that i know of at my unit has dealt with anything like this, i was hoping for some from here
Then you need to have all that in your original post. Basically demanding info on a sensitive topic is a great way to turn people off from helping you.