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Checking to the Anti-Tank Threat

"Notice how we never gave the rangers the C1?.... there's a reason why we didn't give seasoned hunters automatic & semi automatic weapons.... the Bears and everything else within walking distance wouldn't stand a chance."

-Yeah, they would.  They started buying AR-15s in Frobisher Bay in the 1980s and  - being Eskimos - it took them all of about 30 nanoseconds to figure out the mechanism and convert them to full auto in their workshops.  The circle of life was then complete: why be a subsistence hunter when you can just go out and bust caps and have fun?  The Horse Police apparently didn't think it was funny.
I agree that BV are great and some armed and armoured ones would be nice also. But as mentioned they have their drawbacks also.

Giving our guys up north more ability to attack/defend with simple tools like the mortar and RPG. Then forces any country that wishes to push the envelope to up their force to have to deal and plan against the threat. It’s one thing to claim it’s a group of scientist armed with rifles and another to say that the soldiers are just tourist. Right now all a patrol can do is watch and report. What if they came up against a opposition patrol equipped with MTLB or armoured BV’s, they likely couldn’t out run them and could not fight them. Also no chance against a fortified crew served weapon. I not talking about making them assault troops, but they could drop mortar rounds onto the enemy camp and harass their patrols, until a bigger stronger force can be positioned to deal with them. Right now they would have problems dealing with a group armed with AK’s and LMG’s 

If we leave a vacuum up North, people are going to fill it at our expense. Having a bunch of tough and well armed guys patrolling will help make people think twice. Look at the Falklands, cutting back the military just encouraged the Aregeis.

Then would not ranger patrols with snowmobiles and sea based electronic sensors in the Arctic backed up with some form of strategic northern based air defence work?
I think sensors and Rangers, with a mid-Canada based force of conventionaly warheaded IRBMs.  Why send a plane, where a missle will do?
Because not everything up there could be a hostile threat that needs destroyed immediately. It could be some Norwegian transport for example. I don't think that you want to sink it and kill everyone on board, seize the ship cargo, take the crew captive... If it is perhaps a US, Chinese or Russian Sub blowing the thing up could spark a war and even thoe thats why we are here, I for one don't like the idea of more of them.
You don't build missiles like that to blow things up - you build them so you have the OPTION of blowing things up if you have to.  Speak softly, and carry a large stick - where everyone can see it.

"If it is perhaps a US, Chinese or Russian Sub blowing the thing up could spark a war and even thoe thats why we are here, I for one don't like the idea of more of them."

See above.
Well my understanding is that the few fighter/bombers we do have that are flying, lack the proper armaments to support any of the Ranger patrols that did find anything. Last I heard is that the stocks have not been replenished since the last shooting war. (I hope I am wrong)

Problem with aircraft is you can’t not depend on the weather at the target area, operating base or in-between cooperating. 

Sensors, aircraft and Satellites are all important tools, but they mean little if you can’t put the boots onto the ground.
I'll reffer you down the list to the Conventional ICBM article. 

Give the Rangers a big radio, and let them call in a strike :-)

Walk softly....



I bet that if I had an RPG-7 fitted with dual tandem warhead, I could take out humvees, G-Wagons, BMPs, T55's ect ect. I don't know why Canada hasn't bought thousands of lightweight highly effective RPG7's.
Must be politics. The Israelis absolutley love them. The Americans in Iraq wish they had them. Stupid politics. Russian weapons are some of the best around.
reading and being familiar with the weapon(s) are two entirely different things.
Hmmm... I'm impressed. C&P in 9 posts.... sounds like a record
Mac ... you're going to hear something very valuable to you. It's called "stay in your lane" and you will probably hear it quite a lot more if you don't ... well, start staying within them.
"Hmmm... I'm impressed. C&P in 9 posts.... sounds like a record"

- Trust me - it ain't.


What many dont realize about the RPG series is that its current popularity is not so much its succes in grd-grd roles but its grd-to-air capability.  They make great improvised SAMs, especially when combined with heli ambush tactics. 

Although the current warhead does limited damage against many armoured fighting vehicle types, it is still good for anti-personnel in closed in areas, blowing up flammable/explosive stores, clearing bunkers, taking out light doors, and damaging machines with fragile operating mechansims (i.e. aircraft rotors). 

Well, i don't think the rangers really have to worry to much about heavy armour. Killing small animals on the other hand.... :threat:
Actually the list of available warheads for the RPG’s is quite staggering. Quite a few of them are meant for Anti-personal. Although I don’t remember seeing an illumination round but there might be one. The launcher vary in quality depending on who and when it was made.
Centurian1985 said:
Although the current warhead does limited damage against many armoured fighting vehicle types,

RPG 7M has a penetration of 300mm or rolled homogeneous steel armour, how limited do you think that is?
there are known case's of the 7M (most widely used and available warhead) having penetrated the armour on the M1A2 Abrams tanks.

Nice opinion Centurian but it's just that, an opinion. And it's also wrong.