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CFNES QL3 start dates


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Does anyone know the where I could find information about CFNES and the approximate start dates for the ql3 courses? I've been searching this forum and any other Canadian Forces site I can find but have yet to pull up anything beyond what appears to be an unofficial syllabus for NE Tech (C).

What trade are you going?  I am going NE tech (C) but was told they were waiting for a course.  Seems there are not enough people for a course yet.  Last I heard possible late Sept, early October start date depending on recruiting but who knows. 
NE Tech (C) as well.

I was speaking with a recruiter this morning and was told that I should hopefully (*fingers crossed*) have my offer around August 9th as the guys on the PLAR review boards will be breaking for the summer then.  And judging by the time from offer to bmq start date for most people on the board, that'll put me at October before I get to St. Jean. 

So here's to hoping! :p
I am unfortunately ( I say that half heartedly) a RSBP (recruit school bypass) so have to wait til everyone goes though BMQ before I will get a start date.  That kinda sucks cause I gotta put my life on hold til then.  But it is good to know that I am not the only NET (C) that is waiting.

I am trying to get them to put me on PAT platoon til then so I can start gettin my kit in order but who knows.

See you on course (whenever that may be).  If you have any questions about basic let me know, I've already been through it.  You can email me through my profile.

  Don't worry about it, they run the NET courses all year round.  Don't forget you'll have to do Pre-ac first.  Thats 5-6 weeks of math all day long, just to see if your fit for the course.  Its the NWT's that only have one start date a year. 
  If you have any questions at all about the NET QL3, ask away....
C.O.D. :cdn:
Sounds like I should be getting myself a text and brushing up on my calculus now instead of later.

I can't seem to locate it on the forum again, but I had found this NET QL3 syllabus and was wondering how close to the actual course it is (I assume this is an unoffical outline).

  That is the official outline, and is 100% accurate.
    PS---They save the calculus for when you  do your QL5 :).  Don't worry about the math.....if you can do Grade 12 University prep math, you'll be alright.
Thanks C.O.D. :salute:

Just ansy, want to get the course under way so I can get back to a ship.  Just finished talking a grade 12 physics/math upgrade course(university prep) in March so I should be okay with the math.  But thanks for the heads up.

:D :cdn:

Hey fellow Comm techs.

Just thought I would let you know that I got my offer yesterday (August 21st) and I leave for Halifax on Sept. 14th.  I am RSBP so I will be going straight to the PAT platoon but.... as far as the Recruiting office knows there is still no course date yet.  I think they accepted me just to get me to stop harrassing them.  ;)

Hey C.O.D.
If you are there.... Is there a lot of Trig on this course? 

  During the 12 week semester one, you will have math class.........and there is only about a week or so devoted to trigonometry...sin cos tan, csc sec cot.....good times!  :P 
  Congratulations superfly......
PS-----you were in the military before...which trade?
Thanks for the congrats and the info on the trig part of the course.  Should be able to handle that no sweat.  Just dull stuff.  Gotta keep awake.........  :)

I was a NESOP previous.  When I talked to recruiting about getting back in they were surprised that I didnt go NET(T) or NWT first(I put those as my second and third choice respectively) but I wanted something fresh. 
I'm looking forward to getting to Halifax and hopefully I wont be in Pat for too long.


  Thats good...............at least you know all about the Navy and basically know what to expect.  Unfortunately most guys choose NE or NW, and don't realize that they wont even see a ship for at least 2 years.
            PAT at CFNES is not a bad gig really...........most guys get sent up to accomodations to move furniture around and that sort of stuff.
C.O.D. :cdn:
PS----don't forget before you start your course, they will run a 5 or 6 week " pre-ac" math course, to see if you're suitable for the training or not.
Yeah, you had mentioned something about that.  I picked up a pre-university math text book to brush up and make sure I am ready.  Thanks for the heads-up though.  Much appreciated.