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CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

as a boyfriend/girlfriend you do not qualify for PMQ housing.  you have to be common law 1 yr, married or have a child as i understand it .
axeman said:
as a boyfriend/girlfriend you do not qualify for PMQ housing.  you have to be common law 1 yr, married or have a child as i understand it .

Sure they qualify. I know plenty of single people who have PMQ's so there is no reason a non married couple can't get one. I think it depends on the availability of PMQ's on that paticular base.
MAMS_933 said:
Sure they qualify. I know plenty of single people who have PMQ's so there is no reason a non married couple can't get one. I think it depends on the availability of PMQ's on that paticular base.

So you know plenty of single people who have their own PMQ all by themselves and not sharing with someone else?  Might make for an uncomfortable situation if someone wanted to bring their girlfriend or boyfriend to live with them if they were sharing a PMQ with others.  So in order for this particular couple to get a PMQ for just themselves they would need to either common law or married?

I have sent the following query to CFHA:

Initial and continued occupancy of married quarters is subject to certain criteria.  (Taken from your Conditions of Occupancy)

What criteria must be met by a member in order to get a MQ?
As mentioned in another thread, "Why are PMQs being torn down?" , someone posted that names, titles and definitions for accommodations have changed in recent years. PMQs, SQs ect... all have new identifiers IAW DAOD 5024. One of the key references in the DAOD is only accessable through the intranet, so someone in the other thread posted a link to the story announcing these changes in the Personnel Newsletter in 2007.

The key change to answer the question in the above post is that yes, single people can and are now able to secure residences that used to be called PMQs. The quote from the news letter is:

The allocation of DND Living Accommodations will fall solely to the CF Housing Agency (CFHA). Allocation will be based on household size, on a first come, first served basis. So, except for Designated Houses, your position, rank and marital status will not be used to determine where you are on the waiting list, nor will these determine the housing allocated to you.
  Bold section added by me.
based upon household size,    that basically nullfies the marital status disclaimer, because still the member with 4 dependants is now at the top of the list for a 4 bed room RQ over the single member with none. And if we're still talking about the member with a girlfriend ie - not a dependant, he is still a 1 person household on the same list as all of the 3, 4, 5 person households
But if that single person walks into CFHA and requests a two room duplex and completes the paperwork one day before a family of three, the single person will most likely get it becasue the refence also states, "on a first come, first serve basis".
knowing its not in the ref b ut just some food for thought,  the same logic that came up with that policy is the same logic that dictates I should be able to move my family into single quarters.  Again just thinkin'
ArtyNewbie said:
knowing its not in the ref b ut just some food for thought,  the same logic that came up with that policy is the same logic that dictates I should be able to move my family into single quarters.  Again just thinkin'

Single quarters are not managed by CFHA.
We were in Pet this summer and saw what you are talking about with regards to the demolition.  reading the post by Muffin...it makes sense.  although they are removing and back filling... they may be building elsewhere eventually for ease of congestion and parking and snow removal issues.  We also saw some renovated Q's and they look really nice!  One thing that caught my attention was basing projections of need on the realestate market...I know not much is moving here because of the economy, so basing a need for housing on the fact that no one is buying, and  lots for sale wouldnt make sense.

as for the 'who should get debate'... IMHO

Firstly: I think they should build more apartments for singles/ young families of 2 who dont want to live in shacks. Now, im not saying this because they shouldnt have a house, but because an apartment would mean no grounds to keep up while contending with a busy schedual, more affordable then a house, more space and comfort then shacks but less unnecessary space to have to heat then a house.

Secondly: Married VS Single people.... i do side with Married with Children having first dibs.  I have had a number of friends end up on wait lists and dealing with being separated because of wait-lists. Its hard on the children, and the wife (especially those with new babies).  Thats one thing i havent seen mentioned in all the debate of who should get Q's.  Yes, we deal with DH's being away on course, or overseas regularly, but when they are around, its nice to be with them.

Personally: from a wives perspective; living on base means more community support.  The member is surrounded with people in 'the life'  at work, they have some one to talk to about all things CF related.  Most 'Civvies' dont understand our lifestyle, so being surrounded by neighbours who 'dont get it', or worse, dont support our troops, can be unbearable, which is another reason to live on base rather then buying.  Not to mention the safety we feel living on Base when our DH's are away.  Also, since there are a number of wives who dont drive , or their DH's take the car to work, being able to walk to places like the MFRC, rec centre, ect is also important.

Everyones points are valid, the CF is growing, many Q's need severe overhauls, and there is a need for more housing.  Q's are more affordable then the going rent, not everyone can get a Mortgage, or are willing to buy, only to have to try and sell 2,3,5 years down the road, singles shouldnt have to be stuffed into shacks just because they are single, and families shouldnt have to be split up.
armywife/cadetmom said:
We were in Pet this summer and saw what you are talking about with regards to the demolition.  reading the post by Muffin...it makes sense.  although they are removing and back filling... they may be building elsewhere eventually for ease of congestion and parking and snow removal issues.  We also saw some renovated Q's and they look really nice!

Those were renovated before I first got here....over 8 years ago.

They haven't done any since and it's really only the outside that was done with the addition of peaked overhangs.

I saw one today being ripped down on the North side as well, a 4 bedroom.

this one doesnt look 8 years old..i may be mistaken...but it looked like a few were being reno'd into the same style...


(i have resized this in my image file, but at the moment it apears to be posting large....)
armywife/cadetmom said:
this one doesnt look 8 years old..i may be mistaken...but it looked like a few were being reno'd into the same style...

Is that in Pet?

armywife/cadetmom said:
yes it is, take this August, North Side.

Well I am somewhat impressed that some of the monies garnered through rental fees is actually being put back into some of the Qs.

Too bad they can't fix the Qs on the South side with faulty windows, doors, electrical plugs, insulation etc.

Ever see ice come through a plug in the winter? Glad it's not my Q.

i agree, the South Side was almost scary looking, yet the North Side had quite a bit of renovating going on.

But its like that here in Borden aswell...  there are PMQ's being stripped and redone all nice, and then there are places like mine just needing minor repair.  We were told they wont redo the insulation and such as they intend to demolish my street eventually...Well, we are here for another 4 years unless my DH gets what he is after, which is highly likely..inwhich We might get one of those nice Petawawa Q's  ;D. 
Recce By Death said:
Too bad they can't fix the Qs on the South side with faulty windows, doors, electrical plugs, insulation etc.

Ever see ice come through a plug in the winter? Glad it's not my Q.
I used to be able to keep beer in the cupboard in the winter. Frost on the wall in the cupboard of the Q's north side of my kitchen ;D
recceguy said:
I used to be able to keep beer in the cupboard in the winter. Frost on the wall in the cupboard of the Q's north side of my kitchen ;D

Some are still like that.      ;)

Can anyone give me any info on the reno'd 4 bedrroms in Shilo,  I know they started them over the summer,  but no that my phase trg is over I'm posted back to the west and moving into a place on Woolwich.  Again any info would be great, not to mention put the wife's mind at ease,  anybody bored with a camera,  well lets just say there may be something cold and bubbly in your future.
ArtyNewbie said:
Can anyone give me any info on the reno'd 4 bedrroms in Shilo,   I know they started them over the summer,   but no that my phase trg is over I'm posted back to the west and moving into a place on Woolwich.  Again any info would be great, not to mention put the wife's mind at ease,   anybody bored with a camera,  well lets just say there may be something cold and bubbly in your future.

Geez, does that mean you're not going to be at Griffins for me to harass for a while?  >:(