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CF Rank

What[u] is[/u] or [u]was[/u] your rank in the CF?

  • Total voters

Methinks you should remove the General votes.... Let whoever have a second chance / thought
I'm even somewhat suspicious of the other 3 CWO votes.
They will have their opportunity if they come forward, if they don't and we find out who they are they will be gone. I IMed Mike about investigating this.
geo said:

Methinks you should remove the General votes.... Let whoever have a second chance / thought

Unfortunately Geo, that's not an poll option in this case. They can't go back and remove their vote to recast properly. Nor can I. I am unsure if the poll originator can do so either.

It just ruins the results...and casts the whole poll into the gutter. Sadly, I guess some people don't mind being dishonest when they have the ability to do so anonymously.

I could live with the 1 vote. But 2 is just too much and puts a serious credibility issue into my mind.

As for the CWO votes...I have no doubt they are fine. I know some others on Army.ca who have probably voted.
Curious... is it not possible that we have Generals or Admirals on this site, or is that they just dont participate in these polls?
It'S the ratio of Generals vs others that is in question...
Yrys said:
It'S the ratio of Generals vs others that is in question...
Yet, it is not impossible that there are two generals.  Maybe unlikely, but not impossible.

Anyway, the poll is now modified to allow users to change votes.  You can now be promoted & keep your answer current.
you'll notice that apparently there are 2 full generals in the poll, but thier is only one billet in the CF, the CDS, so unless he has a slip personality someone is doing some impersonating... That or all the retired CDS' are hanging out on Army.ca
ArtyNewbie said:
you'll notice that apparently there are 2 full generals in the poll, but thier is only one billet in the CF, the CDS, so unless he has a slip personality someone is doing some impersonating... That or all the retired CDS' are hanging out on Army.ca

Exactly.  Army.ca...home of more generals per capita than NDHQ.  ;)
ArtyNewbie said:
you'll notice that apparently there are 2 full generals in the poll, but thier is only one billet in the CF, the CDS, so unless he has a slip personality someone is doing some impersonating... That or all the retired CDS' are hanging out on Army.ca

Did we not just see a second General, a former CDS, retire from a senior appointment in NATO?  (Not that I'm suggesting that he and Gen Hillier are responsible for the two General responses in the poll, mind you!)
Yes, General Henault just retired (or is in the process of retiring).  And there are other former CDSes; provided you retire honourably with 10+ years of service you are entitled to use the term Rank (ret'd) after your release / transfer to the Supp Res.  Thus, there are a number of Generals out there yet...

...and though the poll is open to change, I'm confident that I'll have no need of that for quite some time... or I should add, no need to change anything upwards...

The Librarian said:
Exactly.  Army.ca...home of more generals per capita than NDHQ.   ;)

So...we need to add another rank?  "Armchair General"?
I am upset that there is no rank for Khan or Field Marshal, I guess I'll have to just vote as 'Foreign Military Personnel'
Bane said:
I am upset that there is no rank for Khan or Field Marshal, I guess I'll have to just vote as 'Foreign Military Personnel'

::)  Why not bother at all....
exspy said:
Batmen were more than just a tradition in the Canadian Army.  They occupied designated positions in Canadian War Establishments right up to the mid 1960s.  They weren't just allocated to senior Captains and up either, but to all officers (including the Subalterns).  One was even allocated to the RSM.  While my information is infantry specific, I would think it also applied to all of the arms and services.

From a publication titled "Corporal To Field Officer" 4th Edition, Lieut.-Colonel R.J.S. Langford, (Late Commanding Officer THE ROYAL CANADIAN REGIMENT and Late Commandant R.S.I. and M.G., Eastern Canada) The Copp Clark Company, Limited, Toronto 1940

Chap. II.  Sec. 14. 

14.  Soldier Servants

1.  The employment of soldiers (when available) as Officers' servants and grooms is sanctioned as an indulgence.

2.  Their pay as servant or groom is either $3 or $5 per month, depending on whether the Officer is married or single, and whether , in the case of grooms, there is one horse or two to be cared for.

3.  Soldier-servants should be selected from those who have at least 1 year's service.  The duties that they must perform in addition to their servant's duties are laid down in the unit's Standing Orders.

4.  Commanding Officers may permit Warrant Officers and certain N.C.Os. the use of a servant; he is called a "batman"; his pay is an appropriate rate laid down by the Commanding Officer.
K.R. Can. 1155-1161 
Specialist.  E-4.  I don't know what's the equivalent in the CF.  It's NCO, 2 levels above private.  1 level below Sergeant.

razorguns said:
Specialist.  E-4.  I don't know what's the equivalent in the CF.  It's NCO, 2 levels above private.  1 level below Sergeant.

Wouldn't that be Foreign Military Personnel?
Equiv to E-4 is Cpl.

Also, I didn't think Specialist was an NCO rank, I thought Cpl was the first NCO Rank in the US Army.
I never said it wasn't. 

E-4 is both Spc and Cpl. I just wasn't sure if Spc was considered a NCO rank, since from what I've heard says Cpl is the first NCO rank.

An the equiv to E-4(Spc/Cpl) in the CF is Cpl.