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CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

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Originally posted by GirlFiredUp:
[qb] What about women? My hair is long and I‘m not getting it cut! I read the standards are that women can wear their hair in a varying of styles as long as it doesn‘t interfere with the proper wearing of military headdress and that long hair must be worn in a braid but does it have to be off the shoulders or can the piece be left down? [/qb]
Generally kept in a bun, you can usually get away with having it down assuming it‘s not touching your collar. You‘re also allowed to have it in a braid, you see this a lot less though.
Silly question I know ;)

I know this has been covered before, and I found some prior posts but they didn‘t really help me out with my question.
Anyway my question is this. I‘m going for Reserve BMQ and such in the Summer and I have insane shags hair. Like quite literally I haven‘t had a haircut in over 7 months. Anyway I was wondering should I just wait till Summer and get a haircut at Basic or should I get one on my own time? And if so what kind of haircut should I get? And if they do cut at basic what kind of haircut do they give?

Anyway thanks
My instructions to my barber every time I go...

No. 3 on top, No. 1 on the back and sides, and taper the back.

That being said, they‘ll tell you how they want your hair cut when you get up there... believe me... they‘ll tell you.
"High and Tight" is the way to go.
Seriously, you should be given a handout of the CF dress regs regarding haircuts and facial hair. Stick to them, don‘t try to push the envelope and you‘ll be fine.
You say there‘s regulations about haircuts and facial hair, but what‘s up with this guy?

That guy was in pioneer platoon. May still be but they have disbanded them officially. Anyway Pioneers were allowed to grow there beards out unless in a chemical environment. The reasons for this have been speculated upon and I doubt anyone has a definate answer. If they do I would love to know myself.
Hah, that CPL looks like someone I wouldn‘t want to mess with.. :)

But back to the origional question, get a haircut before you begin to do anything with the military.

If you‘re going to wait, you may want to try getting your haircut VERY short a couple days before basic, as chances they‘ll do hair inspections, and send you off to get your hair cut if it‘s not ultra short.. All the courses I‘ve been on (Mo), we had to pay for our own haircuts.

Oh, and come in cleanly shaven every day, even if you‘re coming in wearing civilian clothes if you haven‘t been issued your uniform... I‘ve seen new people omit this little task...
also, shave in the morning, not the night before

as for hair, be cool like me an shave your head :)

0 on the sides, 1/4inch on top
Originally posted by Just a Sig Op:
No. 3 on top, No. 1 on the back and sides, and taper the back.

How short would that make the sides? I‘m trying to find a hair cut that works for cadets but I‘ve been egtting a number 3 all over for my whole life and I have no clue what anything else looks like (change is exciting, and I‘m a boring guy ;) )
I found that the cheapest is

A) Shave your head

B) By yourself electric sheers kit, you can get a decent set for around $25.00, it is a conair and it comes with all of the attachments, scizors, combs and so forth, I put on the #1 attachment and cut my own hair. And if my buddies want to use it I charge them a beer or pop.
I thought they made everyone shave there heads for basic at St.jean? Is this true, or if yor haircut meets the standards you can keep it?
In regard‘s to your question Berry the shaving of the heads is a commen stereo type associated with basic training. If your Hair cut is within the guidelines with the cf dress manual then you should be ok but every course is different so don‘t take my word on it. On one of the courses I was on a troop showed up in uniform with hair that was all over the place and over his eyes An ex Airborne and PPCLI sargeant happened to notice this and Pte Bloggins never made that mistake again!!!!!!!

4. Hair:

a. shall be taper-trimmed at the back (can be taper-trimmed square back), sides, and above the ears and the shaving of all the hair on the head is permitted;

b. be no more than 15 cm (6 inches) in length and sufficiently short that, when the hair is groomed and head-dress is removed, no hair shall touch the ears or fall below the top of the eyebrows ; and

c. be no more than 4 cm (1-1/2 inches) in bulk at the top of the head, gradually decreasing to blend with the taper-trimmed sides and be kept free from the neck to a distance of 2.5 cm (1 inch) above the shirt collar.

5. Sideburns:

a. shall not extend below a line horizontally bisecting the ear and be squared off in a horizontal line at the bottom edge; and

b. shall be of even width and taper-trimmed to conform with overall hair style.

6. Moustaches :

a. shall be kept neatly trimmed and not extend below the corners of the mouth ;

b. shall not be greater than 2 cm (3/4 inches) in bulk ;

c. shall not protrude beyond the width of the face, when fully extended horizontally and worn in a waxed, handlebar style ; and

d. be modified in such a fashion as to accommodate the type of operational equipment required, should a member's safety be put in jeopardy.

7. Beards :

a. Subject to procedures established by Commanders of Commands, permission to wear a beard shall only be granted to :

(1) all ranks who wear the naval uniform, wherever they are serving ;

(2) all ranks on strength of an infantry pioneer platoon ;

(3) adherents of the Sikh religion ; and

(4) personnel, on the direction of a medical officer, subject to medical reassessment at intervals not to exceed 6 months.

c. Where the wearing of beard is authorized in accordance with the previously mentioned instructions, the following shall apply :

(1) the beard shall be worn with a moustache and kept neatly trimmed, especially at the lower neck and cheekbones ;

(2) the beard shall not exceed 2.5 cm (1 inch) in bulk ; and

(3) when a member's safety is put in jeopardy, facial hair shall be modified in such a fashion as to accommodate the type of operational equipment required to be worn.
Something to add for the hair.

No mohawks or anything like that are allowed.
They don't have army barbers but they do have a barber shop, which you have to pay 10 dollars I believe for a hair cut. Save yourself some money and shave your head before basic.
It says "b. be no more than 15 cm (6 inches) in length and sufficiently short that" but then it says "c. be no more than 4 cm (1-1/2 inches) in bulk at the top of the head"...
I don't get it. Can someone give me an example?
I suggest going to the barber and asking for a no. 1 or a 0.5 haircut... A lot of instructors on basic do not allow shaved heads..  althought now that i did start shaving my head, i find it to be much easier to maintain