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CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

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Dreadlocks should absorb a fair amount of accelerant, especially if thickened.

I love the smell of napalm in the morning...
jitterbug said:
I would also suggest they extend the wearing of earings to males. 

I've been out for a long time. I understand society has changed.

But, I support federal politicians who support strong pay and benefit packages for our military. Maintaining a clean cut image ( or at least, our version of it ) pays off with certain "old-fashioned" members ( such as myself ) of the community. 

Speaking of hair regs, here's some bonus threads that didn't make it into this one,

Is it time for gendered hair standards to go?
5 pages.

Question on hair regulations 

Cutting your own hair 

haircut question 

BMQ Male Hair Regulations 

Hair Regulations On Future Courses 

Hair Regulations - Female Members of CF 
6 pages.


I say again, our Dress Regs do not contain examples of "Caucasian hairstyles" ... they contain standard military pattern hairstyles (for which Canada rightly makes both Religious exceptions and exceptions for our Canadian Aboriginal peoples).

Anybody who seriously thinks these SMP haircuts are "Caucasian" needs to open their eyes to the world they are claiming that "we" can't see:

Google "Images" of the following just so you actually get it:

Military photos:  Jamaica, South Africe, Namibia, Egypt, Morocco, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan, Korea, Germany, Jordan, Syria, Russia, Iran, Mexico, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Spain, Portugul etc etc etc etc

Oh my Gawd ... all  those non Caucasians sporting Caucasian haircuts. NOT.

How about military people sporting military haircuts.  It's really not rocket science.  "Caucasian haircuts" is a figment of someone's imagination.
Loachman said:
Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

"Change" in and of itself has no value.

I will happily promote or accept change that confers real benefit.

Dicking around with trivial matters purely to delight special snowflakes does not achieve such benefit, and we have had far, far too much of that crap in the last year or so with rank, cap badge, rank designation, and related change that nobody except a few egotistic idiots wanted. This nonsense confuses and pisses people off, and wastes time and effort and money that should go towards more important things.

I have no use whatsoever for such people.

I might, if they were combustible.

Good leaders do everything in their power to resist nonsense.

Jitterbug, maybe you should take it up with the person(s) that forced you to sign on the dotted line to serve your country.....or you could just get your bloody hair cut.
mariomike said:
I've been out for a long time. I understand society has changed.

But, I support federal politicians who support strong pay and benefit packages for our military. Maintaining a clean cut image ( or at least, our version of it ) pays off with certain "old-fashioned" members ( such as myself ) of the community. 

Speaking of hair regs, here's some bonus threads that didn't make it into this one,

Is it time for gendered hair standards to go?
5 pages.

Question on hair regulations 

Cutting your own hair 

haircut question 

BMQ Male Hair Regulations 

Hair Regulations On Future Courses 

Hair Regulations - Female Members of CF 
6 pages.


Damnit mate, I love your posts. That's all I wanted to say.

and uh the napalm hairdos ill have to remember as a no no lol
AbdullahD said:
and uh the napalm hairdos ill have to remember as a no no lol

Imagine having to tote the big yellow hazmat locker out to the field and on tours with you just to house your "hair product"??  :blotto:
jitterbug said:
.....diversity and promoting it should be at the forefront when designing policy in my opinion. 
And here I thought that operational effectiveness and administrative efficiency were the goals.  Different army I guess.  :dunno:

Well, enjoy your crusade; write when you sack Medina. :salute:
Journeyman said:
And here I thought that operational effectiveness and administrative efficiency were the goals.  Different army I guess.  :dunno:

Well, enjoy your crusade; write when you sack Medina. :salute:

I think you need to post a trigger warning before dropping the C word  ;D
jitterbug said:
Basically what I'm saying is that the current regs don't appear to promote ethnic style haircuts.  Why shouldn't dreadlocks be authorized?  They can be done in a conservative manner.  I'm not saying people should have big nappy dreads or anything like that.  Dreadlocks are not a "mandatory" thing for the Rastafarian religion however many that practice wear dreadlocks as it is a culturally based style haircut.  Surely someone could alter the dress manual to include photos of ethnic styles and regs that promote more cultural diversity for haircuts. 

Secondly, braids only appear to be authorized for females and therefore males cannot wear cornrows.  I would also suggest they extend the wearing of earings to males.  Why should just females be allowed to wear earings?

I'm not saying lets open the floodgates for anything and everything but respecting diversity and promoting it should be at the forefront when designing policy in my opinion.  Change is good within reason.

Odd how no other military in the world allows dreadlocks, I guess the Jamaican Defense Force are bigots too :p
Jarnhamar said:
I think you need to post a trigger warning before dropping the C word  ;D
I used a lower-case "c" so no one would mistakenly think I was appropriating someone else's cultural romps through holy lands, or promoting religious oppression.

....'cause I care about shit like that.  :nod:
ArmyVern said:
Military photos:  Jamaica, South Africe, Namibia, Egypt, Morocco, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan, Korea, Germany, Jordan, Syria, Russia, Iran, Mexico, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Spain, Portugul etc etc etc etc

If other militaries are included in the discussion, I came across this ( from 2014, but the first time I saw it ),


The Pentagon's new target: hairstyles worn by black women?
U.S. army rules on hairstyles prompt backlash and then a review ordered by Defence Secretary


U.S. Military Rolls Back Restrictions on Black Hairstyles
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced the U.S. military has rolled back prohibitions on popular black hairstyles within its ranks, following months of fierce backlash.

It would seem even Google is confused when you ask it what is a "Caucasian hairstyle"...I asked it, and half the images that came back were not Caucasian.

I'd still like to know just what IS a Caucasian hairstyle?  ???

jitterbug said:
I am curious what people think of the current hairstyle regulations and how they appear (to me) to pertain mostly to Caucasian males and females.  I have not seen any pictures of ethnic hair styles in the manual.  If you look at the pictures displaying the permitted hairstyles there is nothing portraying more ethnic style haircuts (ie. dreadlocks, cornrows and others.)

I would suggest that the manual and regs be altered in order to promote more ethnic hairstyles while still having a professional appearance while in uniform.  Hairstyles can be an important cultural identifier and the CF should promote these types of things as they do with Aboriginal people and their long/braided hair.

What do you think about the current regs and do you feel they are representative of all or most cultural/ethnic based hair styles?

I don't thing our dress manual is a shopping catalogue. It's seems to me that it might be a "directive". The idea of "promoting" certain hairstyles should be left to the salons and personal time. I look to the the QR&Os, DAODs, 265, CFAOs to know how to conduct myself while in and out of uniform.

Maybe I am reading it wrong, but as many have said here - we do allow for religious beliefs and customs. I think this is a lot different than culture. We have a lot of diverse cultures in the CAF, but the ones who have religious necessities have been honoured.

I am a Newfie. I believe this is a very distinct culture. Should the CAF "promote" my meal requirement of pees pudding and salt meat every Sunday? And all my male family members had beards. Should I be allowed? It would look great with my sou'wester... which by the way, should be available for issue in Clothing Stores along with my daily shot of Screech!
Good2Golf said:
I'd still like to know just what IS a Caucasian hairstyle?  ???

I don't know, but I saw this,
Now, being a barber is a lot like being a barman or a soda-jerk; there's not much to it once you've learned the basic moves. For the kids there's the Butch, or the Heinie......the Flat Top, the Ivy, the Crew, the Vanguard, the Junior Contour and, occasionally, the Executive Contour. Adults get variations on the same, along with the Duck Butt,  the Timberline......and something we call the Alpine Rope Toss.  :)




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mariomike said:
I don't know, but I saw this,
Now, being a barber is a lot like being a barman or a soda-jerk; there's not much to it once you've learned the basic moves. For the kids there's the Butch, or the Heinie......the Flat Top, the Ivy, the Crew, the Vanguard, the Junior Contour and, occasionally, the Executive Contour. Adults get variations on the same, along with the Duck Butt,  the Timberline......and something we call the Alpine Rope Toss.  :)

Sure, white guys with military style haircuts. NOT Caucasian haircuts.  I can post a pic of Beiber sporting dreads if you wish. 

Go scan over the links I posted up earlier to see the myriad of different ethnicities, religions and cultures sporting standard military pattern haircuts while serving in their respective militaries.  Pretty simple concept:  Our dress regs contain imagery of standard military pattern haircuts worn by military members world-wide regardless of their culture, relgion, ethnicity etc etc etc

There is NO such thing as a Caucasian haircut. There IS such thing as standard military pattern haircuts worn around the world. 

Just like when I let my hair grow naturally (a nice ringlettey curly afro) and stand to be accused of "misappropriating someone else's culture". Bullshit.  That's my damn hair in it's natural state and it just won't f'n do for getting the nitty gitty of the job done.  I hack it off, or put it up (with shit tonnes of product to keep it tameable) ... and I've lived through 28 years of it in some pretty shitty places and have come out OK.

Someone else also wants a hairstyle they can't have and they are making up terms like "Caucasian Haircut" in order to make it seem as if "we" are the uneducated --- yet the google pics of those military haircuts worldwide from some of those very "cultures" seemingly inferred by use of the word "dreadlocks" etc yields the opposite results --- they don't even find it necessary to wear such in their own immediate military.  Yet, Canada is somehow behind and unaccepting of cultural or ethnic allowances? My butt.

Start at Section 2 Appearance, para 4 for hair (page 45 of the adobe).  You'll find that cornrows make their appearance at para 5b (especially important if, as you've stated, you're going to do a Briefing Note on all this yet also stated that the 265 doesn't cover cornrows).  Unless of course you are a guy, then it still doesn't cover cornrows.  But Caucasian men can't wear braids, buns either so I guess it's not really a "cultural or ethnic item" as you state when those Caucasians are also left out of doing what all the Caucasian women can do.

Cornrows also make an appearance in the NOTES.  I love this bit as I lose my mind when I hit a parade and there are women in braids in their DEU --- NO!!! Not allowed - get it up in the damn bun.  But, I do find that all too often their supervisors are males who know the Regs on male haircuts too well and are weak on the female side of the Regs.  They'll nail a guy to get a haircut if a wisp is out place, yet next to the guy is standing a girl with her hair extending past the bottom of her collar --- that means braid it, bun it or cut it.  I've also seen braids hanging past the seam running across the back of the shirt (top of the armpits) --- that means UP into a bun or cut it so that it does not extend past the bottom of the seam.  I've seen chicks with a braid hanging half way down their back and nary a peep from males around them who outrank them. Not on.

Female personal appearance on ceremonial
parade in accordance with Figure 2-2-3;
straight hairstyles will be gathered in a bun.
This is also applicable for the cornrows.

Figure 2-2-3 is located on page 61 of the adobe.

ArmyVern said:
There is NO such thing as a Caucasian haircut. There IS such thing as standard military pattern haircuts worn around the world. 

For those who enjoy our hair cut discussions, some bonus threads that did not make this "cut",  :)

Haircut a "go" or "no go" according to dress regs?
4 pages.

"OK, so what are the regulations regarding hairstyle for men."
3 pages.

Is it time for gendered hair standards to go?
5 pages.

Question on hair regulations 

Cutting your own hair 

haircut question 

BMQ Male Hair Regulations 

Hair Regulations On Future Courses 

Hair Regulations - Female Members of CF 
6 pages.

Head Shaving/BMQ (merged)
3 pages.


Haven't had an SMP haircut in a long time. But, I still have it cut the same way ( "Caucasian style"? ) once a week. :)



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