I tried doing a google on the defacing of the war memorial and instead came up with list of instances in other countries where defacers were arrested and charged. Its interesting to see how desecrating a monument in some countries is a crime by itself.
France -- "defacing monument in concerted action," an offense punishable by a five-year sentence and a 75,000 fine.
Japan -- Man given 32 months for vandalizing Hiroshima A-bomb monument
USA -- Defacing a state monument. (no detailed punishment but its a crime on its own)
Australia -- The new section enables the court that convicts a person of an offence under proposed section 8 to order the payment of compensation for damage caused to a shrine, monument or statue located in a public place, including a war memorial. The maximum compensation that can be ordered to be paid is an amount equal to 20 penalty units (currently $2200).
A Realist's Utopia -- A punch in the throat
I'd like to know what they do in Israel, China or Russia... life sentence anyone?