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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

Showed all the ****-heads on the CBC tonight, hope they all get whats coming to them.
George forgot all the hot chicks attention.Post a couple young single guys there,imagine the booty they get after working hours!Guard in scarlets at the tomb,good for publicity,the tombs protection AND the troops giving their time.
rcac_011 said:
George forgot all the hot chicks attention.Post a couple young single guys there,imagine the booty they get after working hours!Guard in scarlets at the tomb,goof for publicity,the tombs protection AND the troops giving their time.

The attention is overrated. Mostly what we get are middle aged tourists trying to make us grin. The occasional gorgeous woman is nice, but by and large the spectators aren't eye candy.  :'(

There are some, though...
I think we all want a military guard of some sort so we can personally lay down the punishment but I have an idea that may work just as well. As previously mentioned, make the site DND property but still accesible to the general public.

Post cameras covering every angle and signs that say "You are being monitored on closed circuit cameras at a federal site", then you pay some secuirity company $12/hour to have a security guard (with a hotline to the local po po) monitor the site 24/7. Anyone caught defacing the site faces automatic federal charges, and military members can borrow a copy of the tape to lay down their own version of justice.

Do you propose the same be done at the Peacekeeper Memorial, and several of the other Memorials around that area, all military related?
Wow this very disturbing to make an understatement. Last year during Stalwart Guardian part of my "job" ( and I use the term job loosely) was to run video tapes into Ottawa for editing. During one such run my co-driver (yes I had one, yes I know there were areas understaffed - let's not get into that can of worms) we had to wait for a few hours for the tapes to get completed. The troop with me had never been to Ottawa so we went down to the memorials, tomb of the unknown soldier, parliment hill, etc.... you get the idea.

We spent quite a bit of time at the tomb and got stopped by an unending line of tourists for pictures and questions.

Hope this person get's what's coming to them, karma can be a real bitch some days...
A small thought...

Much if not all of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment spent this Canada day in France for the 90th anniversary of the battle of Beaumont Hamel, July 1st is a day of rather sombre rememberance as well as celebration in Newfoundland... if manning is the question, shouldn't be hard to find enough pers in the RNFLDR willing to gaurd the monument on July 1st...
rcac_011 said:
George forgot all the hot chicks attention.Post a couple young single guys there,imagine the booty they get after working hours!Guard in scarlets at the tomb,good for publicity,the tombs protection AND the troops giving their time.
Not quite like the CDS dropping in and having chat over coffee with you.....but....
If you have ever been to any city in England you most likely noticed a plethora of cameras everywhere. I don't think Canadian cities should go this way but I do feel that our military sites such as the war memorial, peacekeeping memorial and even the national war cemetary should be "monitored" and any
vandalism be treated with a harsher punishment than our "justice" system currently dishes out.

In my mind, its the least we can do for those that gave their all.
Just a Sig Op said:
A small thought...

Much if not all of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment spent this Canada day in France for the 90th anniversary of the battle of Beaumont Hamel, July 1st is a day of rather sombre rememberance as well as celebration in Newfoundland... if manning is the question, shouldn't be hard to find enough pers in the RNFLDR willing to gaurd the monument on July 1st...

An interesting proposal for an 'annual vigil' to be set up by the CF and RNR for this occasion.
With all the controversy this is stirring up, watch some bubble-head decide to equal or top it in the next short while....might be worth keeping an eye open.  :)

Our Judicial System is 'Soft'.  They don't have the will, nor the gonads to enforce any such sentences.  Stop and look who most of these Judicial members are.  How many have any inkling of what the military is, or what Canada's military history is?  They are part of the problem, not the solution, at the present time.
I reallly hope pictures of all 3 assholes are published along with their names.

Obviously the police need to tread carefully because if their names and pictures ARE released it's going to be a witch hunt and their lives will be in danger or at the very least their going to get their face smashed in.  But hey, to that I say f*ck them if they can't take a joke :)

If they ARE actually soldiers or whatever, well I can't see them enjoying much of anything for a while.

With regards to placing a guard or security I don't like that idea.  Placing soldiers around there is only going to draw the attention of assholes wanting to protest or people wanting to get on the news or someone wanting to make a sceen.  And hey what makes for a better terrorist target than soldiers guarding the unknown soldiers tomb?

Throw up some security cameras. Don't make a big deal about it. If someone does something stupid at the tomb then you hopelly have them on tape and you can charge their ass with little or no fan fair, the oppisite of what they probably want.
Public mischief is what they are most likely to be charged with says CTV news.
I got charged as a youth for mischief which caused me to have to write a apology letter to a certain group and that was it.This is horse****.

I guess he hasn't turned himself in yet.To weak to even admit hes a idiot.
What foolishness.

Maybe sentenced to scrubbing the monument with a tooth brush each Remembrance day, while vets watch and guide his work.

I can hear them now....not so fast laddie you missed a spot, thats it put your heart into it.

edit typo
I tried doing a google on the defacing of the war memorial and instead came up with list of instances in other countries where defacers were arrested and charged. Its interesting to see how desecrating a monument in some countries is a crime by itself.

France -- "defacing monument in concerted action," an offense punishable by a five-year sentence and a 75,000 fine.

Japan -- Man given 32 months for vandalizing Hiroshima A-bomb monument

USA -- Defacing a state monument. (no detailed punishment but its a crime on its own)

Australia -- The new section enables the court that convicts a person of an offence under proposed section 8 to order the payment of compensation for damage caused to a shrine, monument or statue located in a public place, including a war memorial. The maximum compensation that can be ordered to be paid is an amount equal to 20 penalty units (currently $2200).

A Realist's Utopia -- A punch in the throat
www.army.ca  ;)

I'd like to know what they do in Israel, China or Russia... life sentence anyone?

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