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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

The Ottawa memorial is not the only one to have been defamed or defaced... several communities have had to deal with vandalism....

Proper illumination will help.
a physical presence will help.

On that note.... this horse has been whipped enough.
Locked for now.  Please ask a Mod to reopen if any newly released news items appear that can be added, or if you have something original to offer.
Ottawa boosts security at National War Memorial
Updated Wed. Jun. 27 2007 1:57 PM ET Canadian Press
Article Link

OTTAWA -- The federal government is instituting a series of year-round security measures at the National War Memorial and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after Canada Day revellers urinated on the site last year.

Beginning Saturday, two sentries will stand guard at the site throughout the summer tourist season, while year-round electronic surveillance of the memorial in central Ottawa has been boosted.

Additional security patrols will also be dispatched during the tourist season while guards and crowd-control measures will be deployed during Canada Day and other special events.

The steps come after an outcry from citizens and veterans' organizations over the desecration of what Veterans Affairs Minister Greg Thompson calls a "sacred site."

Two teenagers - one of whom had been photographed relieving himself at the monument - publicly apologized, agreed to perform community service, and were not charged.

A mischief charge against a third man, 23-year-old Stephen Fernandes of Montreal, who was also photographed urinating on the memorial, was dropped in February after he wrote a letter of apology and completed 50 hours of community service at a veterans' home.

The National War Memorial with its Tomb of the Unknown Soldier sits in the middle of a roundabout adjacent to the Parliament buildings. On Canada Day, with roads closed, it's crossed and admired by thousands of revellers and tourists.
More on link
GAP said:
Ottawa boosts security at National War Memorial
Updated Wed. Jun. 27 2007 1:57 PM ET Canadian Press
Article Link

......at the National War Memorial and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after Canada Day revellers urinated on the site last year.

More on link

That is one of the most disgusting things I have heard in a while, and is totally un-Canadian!

Shame on them!!

They should have given these guys some community service at a Vets hospital!


This incident last year was very unfourtunate. These men were drunk and should have drank responsably. But from what i've seen these men are TRULY sorry and did community service. But it still does not take away the fact of their action.
Its great news secuirty is being tightened up this year, hopfully no more drunk out of control young adults will be stupid. This is the main reason why I dont drink and never will.  :cdn:
This should have been done at the Memorials conception. To many idiots who are not yet in politics still roaming around trying to be important and just looking for such a juicy target to attack deface or ridicule in the name of free speech. How about Taliban Jack to give lectures on the Memorials significance with that special touchy hug speech lefties swoon over. He could explain away decapitations,murders,and kidnapping as right wing propaganda while he awaits his passport to teach in the hills and backwaters of Afghanistan. He would probably speak of his great plans and ideas for the people of Afghanistan as the Taliban yell at him to shut up and kneel down. Heads up Jack! 
MedTech said:
So where do I sign up to be a sentry? No. I'm serious.

Transfer to the GGFG. ;D

Seriously though, they and Ceremonial Guard are taking on those duties.
I think it should be a tasking one can earn from the chain of command.. if one puts their name in as a volunteer.  I know it's something I would do as a matter of pride.
Bzzliteyr said:
I think it should be a tasking one can earn from the chain of command.. if one puts their name in as a volunteer.  I know it's something I would do as a matter of pride.
This is really the first year that security will be stepped up at this extent. I think after they see how it works out this year they will change it around.
It also boils down to logistics.  Ceremonial Guard already employs 200 soldiers or so that are trained to do this exact type of duty.  You'll  need about 8 to 12 guys give or take per day to man the cenotaph.  Do that over the summer for say 60 days, that's a lot of volunteers.  Relying on the goodwill of that many members makes manning a little unpredictable.  Plus you'd have to train them all.  Part of the training the guards do is to condition them to the summer heat, you might not have enough time to do that with an all volunteer sentry drawn from who knows where.  Which leads to another problem, where do you draw these volunteers from?  Ottawa?  NDHQ?  Petawawa? Val?  Now you could set something up like the Gun run with volunteers for teh summer and get the training and conditioniing done but who pays for it and do we really need the added expense? This plan has no cost since the troops to do this are already in place.

Don't get me wrong, I think a merit based volunteer system would be great too, just not very practical or cost effective. 
Pooh... I won't be army soon anyways... but still they should make it Tri-Service... open to all. I would sign up in a heart beat...
Rice said:
Nope, I think like Crantor mentioned, the GGFG are taking care of this.
At least from what I have heard.
CG plus this security thing?

Does that unit want to do any other taskings?
Rice said:
Nope, I think like Crantor mentioned, the GGFG are taking care of this.
At least from what I have heard.

The Ceremonial Guard is a standing task assigned to Land Force Command (they are not a unit, an important point many seem not to understand).

The Ceremonial Guard draws its personnel primarily from the two (Edit - Infantry) Guards regiments in the Army Reserve - the GGFG and the CGG.  However, the task is (likely) assigned to Ceremonial Guard, not to the GGFG.

(Though the more pednatic among us (who's pointing at me?) would observe that officially the Ceremonial Guard is a sub-unit of the GGFG, so really the GGFG is doing the task - but the CG is treated as independent from the GGFG, so let's avoid that whole rabbit hole...)

(Edited in an Orwellian manner to prove (post facto) that I am always right  :P)
good point DAP
BTW - plenty of saffers have been employed as a member of the CG for the summer

I am positive that with a little bit of juggling, the CG could cover off the Memorial in their daily duties for the period June thru to labour day...

It'll be an expensive crapshoot ($ and personnel) to cover off the +/-260 othe days
dapaterson said:
The Ceremonial Guard draws its personnel primarily from the two Guards regiments in the Army Reserve - the GGFG and the CGG.  However, the task is (likely) assigned to Ceremonial Guard, not to the GGFG.

*ahem* I do believe there are THREE Guards regiments in the Army Reserve. *ahem*  ;)
and lets be a little realistic as well if your quibbling on the units -- please dont pretend they are regiments, as they are not even Bn's in anything more than paper.  I dont think the GGHQ does CG stuff as its an Infantry thing (I could be wrong -- my closest exposire to CG was banging one of the bandies in the early 90's)

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