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Cardio vs Fatburn


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My school (UWO) just opened a state of the art gym, and I've been taking full advantage.  However, when on cardio machines I frequently wonder about the heart rate target 'zones' ie. fat burn zone, cardio zone.  Cardio is a higher rate than fat burn, so a question has been nagging at me:  If I go at the cardio rate, does that mean I'm now not burning fat as efficiently, despite being at a higher heart rate than the 'fat burn zone'? ie lets say fat burn is 60% of max heart rate, cardio is 80% of max heart rate (theoretical numbers).

Hope someone knows the answer to this one!
A few other things WRT to 'fat loss' that you might consider are;

1.  What you eat, when you eat it and how you eat it (5 smaller meals are better than 3 larger ones)

2.  Exercises that keep your RMR (resting metabolic rate) up longer after you stop doing the exercise (weight lifting keeps your RMR up higher for longer than riding a stationary bike will, as an example).

Ignore that Cardio/Fat burn stuff.  Workout with intensity and frequently (as well as eating more of the good stuff less of the bad), and you will lose fat, and improve your cardio.