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Capt Francis, Capt Dawe, M/Cpl Bason, Cpl Anderson, Cpl. Bartsch, Pte. Watkins

Bason was on my QL3. I can't say that we were close friends but I knew him and liked him very much. He was an outgoing guy with a good sense of humour. This is the first time I've known one of these faces that appears on the news. I've been dreading this day.

RIP Bason. I'm unspeakably proud to have known you, even a little bit, and unspeakably sad for your family. You did your job and you made the ultimate sacrifice for your country. No matter the details of how you went, you died a hero.

I hope that one day I can get off my ass and measure up to your example.

I wish I'd known you more. Maybe we'll have a few beers one day in a better place.

God bless you. RIP
My deepest condolences to the friends and families of the fallen. May they find comfort and strength in each other in thier time of loss. So sorry to hear this news.


Good fruit lost to weeds in the field.

God bless them and use us who live on to honour them.

We have left the garden. In the morning man toils the earth to plant crops and in the evening man toils.  Good men toil until their day is done, not knowing which will bear fruit.

This breaks my heart!

My sincerest and most heartfelt condolences to all that knew those who gave their lives.

RIP brothers in arms. You will not be forgotten


Battle-tested officer with military pedigree was top RMC graduate

July 5, 2007

Captain Matthew Dawe, commander of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 3rd Battalion Charlie Company, came from a family steeped in military tradition. His father is a retired lieutenant-colonel, and two of his brothers served in Afghanistan in 2002.

Originally from Kingston, Ont., he is one of the highest-ranking Canadian officers killed to date in Afghanistan. He graduated at the top of his class at the Royal Military College, and at 27 was already battle-tested and six weeks away from completing his tour. He was looking forward to being reunited with his wife, Tara, and their one-year-old son, Lucas, in Edmonton.

My fears have been realized. It has hit far too close to home this time. One of the fallen had made regular appearances on my livingroom couch and had easy access to my beer fridge.

He went through training with my hubby from the start...they even joined through the same CFRC on the same day. My husband was hanging out with him just Saturday...and will now likely be one of the pall bearers.

My heart is truely with the family, friends and comrades of the fallen.
The fifth soldier has been identified as Cpl Jordan Anderson, 3 PPCLI


RIP and God bless your souls.  Sincerest condolences to the families and loved ones. :cdnsalute:
I served along side Jordan in '02.  I also believe he was "GO" a regular contributor on our forums.  I will miss you brother. 

RIP Colin Bason
You will be missed
I remember Colin as the guy who liked to help out the noobs
He loved the infantry so much.
Just before I left for my SQ, he told me to help out others
and did that man ever love beer..
We'll miss you Colin
        Very difficult time for all.....my heart go's out to the families and their comrades....really hits you when you see Colin Bason's photo on the news and the cap badge of the Westie's.....
Another horrible horrible day. Again, as with the boys 2 weeks ago, they were great soldiers, it was an honour to serve with them. Godspeed guys.