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Canadian vs. US West????

The Bread Guy

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I was kinda surprised seeing someone write that "Rocky & Bullwinkle" was banned in Canada because of Dudley Do Right's cartoon - I remember watching both in my youth.....

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Canada has mild, mild west
By Kelly Jane Torrance, Washington Times, 7 Jul 06
The American West was won. The Canadian West was negotiated. Or so an old saying goes. Though Americans are familiar with the first half of that story, interested Washingtonians can savor a part of the Canadian West on their home turf. The province of Alberta is featured at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival this month, with a host of related events -- from art exhibits to music shows -- around town. The Canadian Embassy also is exhibiting "All About Alberta" in its art gallery.

    Yet despite the interest, perhaps the most striking thing about the Canadian West is its lack of representation in popular culture, especially in contrast to its American counterpart.

    The American West was a rowdy place, a vast territory filled with gunfights and barroom brawls. There were plenty of heroes and villains, sheriffs and outlaws. It was only tamed, ironically enough, through sheer aggression.

    At least that's what I learned as an Alberta schoolgirl. My teachers always contrasted the United States' assertive motto of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" with the more sober Canadian slogan, "peace, order, and good government."

    The story of the Canadian West was different. There were no shootouts at the OK Corral for us. The simplified story is that Westerners went from being under the control of the Hudson's Bay Co. to being part of the Dominion of Canada -- and somewhat peacefully, at that.

    Westerners, in both the U.S. and its northern neighbor, are an independent bunch. In Canada, though, independence somehow didn't manifest itself politically -- the Canadian cowboys allowed themselves to fall directly under federal control.

    These historical differences may explain why representations of the West in popular culture are so different in the two countries. America, of course, has the long and proud tradition of the Western. John Wayne personified the tough, independent cowboy in more than 200 movies. Cowboy culture also helped inspire one of the great American vernacular music traditions, country and Western. The cowboy spirit of self-reliance is inextricably tied with the American spirit itself.

    The American cowboy is so iconic -- and still relevant -- that director Ang Lee caused the biggest Hollywood stir in years with "Brokeback Mountain," which subverted cowboy archetypes.

    The Canadian West doesn't have such a film tradition. There are no Canadian cowboy stars on stage or screen. In fact, the quintessential Canadian Western figure isn't a vigilante or renegade. Instead, it's the Mountie, a figure of law and order.

    The Royal Canadian Mounted Police began life in 1873 as the North-West Mounted Police. The red-suited men on horseback are a particularly Canadian institution; the American frontier had nothing remotely similar.

    Unfortunately, a bureaucracy of lawgivers isn't quite as romantic as an independent brotherhood -- even if, like the cowboys, they also did their work on horseback. The Mounties never inspired great art. The most famous Mountie in popular culture is probably Dudley Do-Right from TV's animated "The Bullwinkle Show." The Mounties' unofficial slogan might be that they always catch their man, but Dudley never seemed to get hold of archnemesis Snidely Whiplash.

    It's no surprise, then, that Canadian authorities banned "The Bullwinkle Show" because they didn't like the portrayal of a character whose man always got away ... even after he was caught.

  The modern update of Dudley, Constable Benton Fraser -- the central character of the 1990s Canadian TV series "Due South" -- wasn't much better. Seen on CBS, the program was the most popular Canadian series ever shown on American television at the time. Constable Fraser (played by Paul Gross) was the stereotypical Canadian: polite, thoughtful -- and kind of boring.

    Maybe history isn't the only problem. American actors, directors and musicians have fallen in love with the West time and time again, but Canadian artists seem discontented with the very place that might have inspired them.

    As proof, consider "All About Alberta," a collection of fine crafts on display at the Canadian Embassy through Sept.16. Walking through the rooms, one easily could get the impression that these Alberta pieces could have come from anywhere in the West -- whether in the U.S. or Canada.

    Upon first glance, there's nothing that clearly cries "Canadian." There are beautiful sterling silver and brass chalices by Calgary artist Crys Harse with elegant, decorative wild horses. Glass blower Julia Reimer encases her work "Ascendency of Nature" in a cylinder of steel, symbolizing the universal Western desire to tame nature.

    However, a closer look reveals that these works could not have come from the States. (Not just because the exhibition notes are in both English and French.) Brian McArthur's terra cotta "Trojan Beaver," with curling stones "walking" out of its opening, is a witty piece of wishful thinking, poking fun at Canada's lack of cultural hegemony.

    Why the Canadian West hasn't reached the iconic status of its American counterpart might be better illustrated through a comment made by one of its artists, Darren Petersen, a glass blower from Red Deer, Alberta. "Silver Trout," his entry in the exhibit, is a simple but striking statuette of the popular fish.

    His comment, though, is far more interesting. "Alberta has been home for my whole life," Mr. Petersen writes in a placard accompanying his work. "Although I care little for its politics and the way the land is abused, I feel a strong connection to it and to its natural inhabitants." Please note: Not the "unnatural" inhabitants -- people -- with whom Western Canadian artists often are out of touch.

    Artists in general tend to be a progressive bunch, supporters of government social programs and concerned about environmental degradation. However, the average Westerner, particularly in oil-rich Alberta, is more conservative. Like his Texas or Montana brethren, he believes people should rely on themselves and their community, not the government. He also believes that natural resources should be used to bring prosperity.

    It's a tension that might not make for friendly bedfellows. While the independent cowboy spirit shares much with the American ethos, things are different in Canada. The Canadian cowboy, detached in many ways from the feelings of his countrymen, is somewhat resentful. Proceeds from the natural resources the Albertan sees as his birthright often have been confiscated by the federal government; Easterners complain about burning fossil fuels even while they benefit from Alberta's booming oil industry.

    The result is dissatisfaction with confederation: A poll last year commissioned by Western Standard magazine found that 35.6 percent of Western Canadians believed the region should seriously consider forming its own country.

    That's why Western Canadians have been at the forefront of political reform in the nation. They have tried (albeit unsuccessfully) to move the country to an elected senate with equal representation from all over Canada, for example.

    Maybe divergent histories aren't the sole reason the cowboy is so well-loved here and practically nonexistent in Canada.

    Maybe the Canadian cowboy is too busy agitating for political change to worry about making art.
milnewstbay said:
In fact, the quintessential Canadian Western figure isn't a vigilante or renegade. Instead, it's the Mountie, a figure of law and order.

I thought it was Ralph Klein.
pure crap. Read the account of themarch west and the chasing out of renegade whiskey traders or how law along the railways was handled out west- it was wild as well. This is pure tripe.The author has been selective in what she has chosen to use as "facts"
Just goes to show how little American journalists and scholars know about Canadian History.  Sam Steele doesn't mean anything south of the 49th Parallel.  No one down there has even heard of the Riel Rebellion.  I wonder how many even wonder what Robert W. Service was writting about, if they even heard of him?
I'd have liked to heard more reference to Donald Smith, too.

As a young fella growing up out west, I'd never heard of him.  Wasn't until I joined the army that I did.  He certainly contributed a great deal to the development of Western Canada, well beyond starting the finest military unit ever to exist.  Ever.
Rocky banned from Canada? Not when I was a kid. Watched him every Saturday morning! As far as Americans having an appreciation of Canadian history...forget it. In my time in the U.S., I found the average American had virtually no knowledge of Canada. Now before I'm accused of anti-Americanism let me follow that by saying I also found that the average guy or gal was eager to learn anything about us. It’s not their fault. The American education system places the focus elsewhere. Not only are they unaware of Canada, they for the most part are unaware of most other countries as well. To be fair the average Canadian is no better informed these days. Most Americans and Canadians get their historical information from Hollywood! How many times have we all cringed when we heard someone say “I saw (insert name of movie) and that’s how it really was!”
ExSarge said:
The American education system places the focus elsewhere. Not only are they unaware of Canada, they for the most part are unaware of most other countries as well.

I totally agree with you there. My children attended school in Washington State for 3 years.
They spent a total of one day learning about Canada and 3 weeks learning about Mexico.
I could understand if we had been living in California, but living only 2 hours(or less depending on the lead foot) from the Canadian border, you would think they would have spent more time on Canada.

Here is the Social Studies curriculum, from K-12, in Kent, WA

I also agree that in school, we did not learn as much as we could have about the US, but we did spend more time then 1 day on it.

The writer may have a point in that the old western culture of Canada seems to have been overlooked by the area's artists and other so-called elites.  I can tell you the same thing has happened, to a degree down here.  Some people can't manage to see past the real inequities and lawlessness of the old west and appreciate the cultural influence of the times -- before the artsy-fartsy types decided to become embarassed by the whole era.

However, anyone who's ever read much about the early lumber industry, ranching and mining in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Alberta and British Columbia can tell you how wild and woolly the late 1800s and early 1900s were all across the area. 

Maybe that sort of thing isn't celebrated like it once was.  But that's true in the States too.  The most telling comment in the article for me was the artists note wherein he celebrated the "natural" elements of Alberta and attributed nothing but destruction to "unnatural" types -- like people.

The simplified story is that Westerners went from being under the control of the Hudson's Bay Co.

Westerners were never "under the control of" the HBC.  The HBC merely supplied a commercial outlet for what they were selling.  They did try to monopolize the trade but they never had the capability to impose law, much less order, outside of their own trading posts and even there it was fairly tenuous.  The HBC certainly weren't telling the Cree, the Assiniboine, the Athabaskans and the Sto"Lo how to organize their societies and there weren't many other folks out here until the railroads followed the Mounties.  We got settlers that wanted Peace, Order and Good Governance.

In the US their railways followed the wagon trains, the flat boats and the "frontiersmen" that were actively distancing themselves from Governance of any sort.  They didn't like the rules of the majority and sought to live by rules that they found acceptable.  The majority's rules, "law and order" if you will were imposed on them.  Curiously that puts the American Scotch-Irish redneck that dominates the Old West culture, the military and the "Red States" into the same camp as the Bedouin "Camel-Jockey".  Both are strongly religious, individualistic, scornful of compromise and prefer hardship to accomodation.  Both reject urban life and are scorned by effete and cowering urbanites, whether Mesopotamian, Democrat or Liberal.  >:D