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Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

What is every ones fascination with Super Troopers?
Give it a break!
All's they are,are men/women who have that special quality that 98% don't have.
Get over it.

Everyone is (secretly) curious to see if they can make the grade!
Canadian Special Operations Regiment - sounds good enough for me. At least we've now got a good idea and the ball is rolling. Glad to hear things are going ahead and the first element of the new outfit will be operational next year. I'm still wondering about the equipment though specifically aircraft. I know we are getting 16 new Hercs but don't we need more (again I'm just assuming this "regiment" will be complete jump capable - I mean that would only make sense)? And what about helicopters? I'm pretty sure this unit will need more than just a few Griffons especially since we are planning on having a SOF aviation capability as outlined on DWAN (I think that's where I saw the slideshow) and other places.
Regarding the acronym: it will be more like "see soar"... as in "watch it take off" !!!
Right now its all rumours and speculation, breifing notes and planning.

I don't care what its called, I want somewhere where I can work, teach and lead jr medics, medics who want to be there, want to be the best and will strive to constantly improve.

I could care less what it is called, or what colour beret they wear.

I could care less who fill it, as long as we bring back that old army "airborne" attitude the Regt brought to us.
Have serious doubts anyone in the Gov't will ever approve the resurection of something called the CAR..... a unit that has the same capabilities as they had - certainly... but not by that name

I am hyped and I am proud we have this unit on the go.

I have had the privilege to serve under some who have been assigned to organize it, and am sure have worked with some who will be posted to it.

Damn wish I was still in  :'(


"soar" is not necessarily a bad thing...as in 160th SOAR(A)....


It'll be interesting so see what the aviation side produces.  Yeah, the Griffons will stay domestic, but something will definately be needed for out of area ops.  But that's a whole other can of worms that's been discussed to death around here.
It will be interesting to see how this whole thing pans out. JATF or CSOR, who cares about the name. Its what they do and how they do it that really matters. I understand their will be some kind of selection process or initial training period.
I am curious as to what its going to include. Before anybody screams OP SEC, just a point to ponder here. Look hard in book stores and on the net and you can basically get a very detailed description of UK SAS, US SF or SEALS training course outline and you will not be any closer to being an SF soldier. Its knowing how to apply the knowledge and practicing it. For those of us in uniform, is there any thing on the DIN about selection or training? I know some switched on troopies asking about it.
There is nothing on the DIN and there won't be. If they post the qualities that they are looking for then people will attempt to tailor themselves to it (Hollywood). If you are interested contact your Career manager. As well the official word as of now is that the 3rd battalions will stay in place and recruitment is forces wide not specific trades i.e. 031 however there are some hard positions for specialist i.e. Rigger, JM, MFFJM, and the initial recruitment will take a heavy toll on 031's. If your trade is under strength then the career managers have been instructed not to accept applicants. 
mstorey said:
There is nothing on the DIN and there won't be. If they post the qualities that they are looking for then people will attempt to tailor themselves to it (Hollywood). If you are interested contact your Career manager. As well the official word as of now is that the 3rd battalions will stay in place and recruitment is forces wide not specific trades i.e. 031 however there are some hard positions for specialist i.e. Rigger, JM, MFFJM, and the initial recruitment will take a heavy toll on 031's. If your trade is under strength then the career managers have been instructed not to accept applicants.  
Does this mean that NOBODY will be allowed to apply?  (I thought we were ALL under strength!)  :P
we also got that if your BN is slated to go on deployment then you won't be given a chance to apply.
mstorey said:
If your trade is under strength then the career managers have been instructed not to accept applicants.  

I guess this ties in with what was said earlier where the new unit will not accept people directly from civvy street. Just curious, anyone know how much time in is needed before eligible to apply (e.g. for JTF2 you need 2 years)?
you just have to take your lumps like everyone else and show your stuff.
some people will need 6 years while others can get away with 2 or 3....

Get the qualification(s), get some decent PERs, become useful and an asset that they will feel they must have...
I don't think this link has been posted yet

Very good video. Lost of detailed informative and highly recommended. While it doesn't have too many flashy action scenes people may want to view this first as it answers lots of questions before posting on the forum. Best part of all is it's official - no rumours, no bull, just the facts. Thanks rogi.
Just some food for thought, but in 3RCR right now they are taking names for those who are intrested in trying for CSOR. 

And from the company commanders hour we had the other day the word is that 3RCR will be providing roughly 115 troops by summer 06'.  CSOR will also be stood up in the Oscar coy lines, and O coy will be pretty much disbanded.  CSOR will also be taking over the NEO tasking, as the new unit will be a full company by spring in size capable of handling the NEO tasking (It will have elements from Combat Engineer, Medics, and Arty as well from what I understand).  Lots of buzz coming from a lot of guys in 3RCR about, but we shall wait and see what, if anything comes of it.  As far as it stands right now, if they take 115 fit troops out of 3RCR you are going to cripple the unit for a while yet.  And though we've been told that 3RCR will be getting the focus for new troops and more rest time I still see problems.  One problem being is that they are taking from the senior NCO's those with the courses and the experience (obviously), and from the Pte's/Cpl's those in top shape / switched on - leaving the leftovers for 3RCR - which isn't exactly bad troops, but shall we say not exactly the best example for fresh out of battleschool troops.

From talking with a lot of guys here, there is a helluva lot of grumbling going on about 3RCR not getting deployment since ROTO0.  A lot of the troops joined for that, and are pissed they aren't getting it - we've been the brigade's bi+ch workers for the last while, constantly training other people to go but not doing anything for ourselves.  Young combat arms guys really join for a couple things, overseas work - and a bit of action.  Troops stagnating in Petawawa start making problems for themselves, discplinary, and motivation bottoms out.  This last comment is not really my own take on things, but was being brought up during the company commanders hour by several individuals - and I can only guess that that is the same throughout the bn.  With troops being siphoned off to CSOR, that can only mean 3RCR's recoup time is going to increase - which has already clearly agitated many guys who may not have any intention of trying for CSOR.  Quite a few cpl's just finishing their PLQ's are worried as well, figuring they'll get promo'd to Mcpl in time to see experienced Mcpl's off to the new unit and them stuck to fill their place in a unit not going anywhere for a while. 

Anywho, CSOR is definently a -go-, its just a question of where its going, and how it will do it; that has yet to be answered. :cdn: