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Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR)

M Feetham said:
Does anyone have any other information about screening or stories to pass on about making it thru. A buddy of mine at the school just did his BPSO interview, he said there was like 400 questions covering just about any topic you can think of. He said his interview was almost three hours all told.

Nobody I know about has been officially told yet they have made it thru the screening for the CAT 1 posns. There are all sorts of prepositioned people posted in. Remember if you are applying right now, it is unlikely you will make it in for 1 Apr. The first DA coy is primarily pers from 3 RCR, with add ons from the other 2 inf regts. Looks like Sept is when most others will be brought in.

As for the BPSO interviews. Some guys are redoing the CFAT, some are doing 3 hr psych testing. The BPSO interviews are taking 2-3 hrs each.
Can I apply through the year?Im sorta busy right now and will be for a ehile but wish to join up in a few months.I can meet the physical requirements but just wondering about deadlines.
you can apply at any time but the first course starts april 18th. the next course will be next year some time
OK so I'm not sure if this has been posted here yet and if it has not then it should be.

Having just yesterday availed myself of the a practice for the swim portion of the Special Operations Regiment PT test
I highly reccomend that any and persons thinking of attempting selection to try and arrange through PSP a timing for people to come and practice the swim, having talked to the PSP staff at one point they were only getting a 30% pass rate on it. For those of you that think

"hey I can do the regular combat swim test and I do alright, I'll be fine"

I tell you think hard on that attitude, I am a very strong swimmer, I used to life guard and competitive swim and swimming with a rifle and boots on was challenging, had I not a very good base to work from I would have really struggled, as it was it took me a good 10-15 mins to really figure out how to complete the swim, and even then when I did I was a bit bagged when I finished it.

For you really fit, good swimmers I suggest that you also avail yourself of a practice session if your base is having one, but do a work out first before you enter the pool, being tired will help you get a feel for how the swim portion will go during your actual test. This was advice given to me by PSP staff for any future times I head to a session, I also tried maxing out on push ups and sit ups before attempting the swim a second time and I noticed a real difference from when I did the swim fresh.

Thats all the advice I can really give, If your base is not having a practice swim session I suggest you ask them why not and show them how many people are intrested, because as it stand right now the swim portion is the one part that you cannot train for.
rcac_011 said:
Can I apply through the year?Im sorta busy right now and will be for a ehile but wish to join up in a few months.I can meet the physical requirements but just wondering about deadlines.
Come and see me at J7. I have all the info. Pain, the next course I was told is in Oct. My name is in for second Selection. missed first one. This was from the message I recieve from the PSO.
Hey hitormiss,
That is exactly what I did, I went to PSP and went thru the whole test except for the 13k. I am not the best swimmer in the world,(divers take air with them) so you are right it is a real bag drive. I didn't make it the first time and had to try again the following week. What I do now is use these bricks that they have at the base pool and practice the swimming motion doing a few lenghts. It is not the same as the rifle and uniform but at least I can practice. I am hoping my application will make it thru in time for second selection, but I am hearing nasty rumours about it being held back due to the anchor on my beret. Nothing concrete there just scuttlebutt. Am going to talk to my Div Captain and as a couple of questions. Good luck to any one who makes selection.
Cheers Marc :cdn:
Marc, is the drogue / anchor a problem from CSOR perspective, or is the Mob unwilling to let you go?
Not sure, the chief of the school is an old bos'n and his whole job is to staff the srecruit school. There are more and more sailors being posted in here every day. I think he doesn't want to let them go. We will see. I think I wil also ask for my jump course. Who knows I may even get it.
Cheers marc :cdn:
UberCree said:
This arguement is as old as soldiering... and I'm sure will never be finalized to both sides satisfaction.

All I can say speaking for myself and others in my position is that I joined the U.S. military specifically because I did not want to be a 'peacekeeper', I wanted to be part of a unit that I knew would be hard, that I knew would suck and that I knew may go to war.  At the time I signed up there was no Airborne and no JTF.  There are still many people in Canada, believe it or not, that honour the warrior spirit.  Many of my treaty (status Indian) brethren have volunteered to serve in the U.S. specifically to go to war.  My community right now has two people over in Iraq with the U.S. military.  Canada wide there are many.
There is nothing wrong in my eyes with having a unit or units that epitomize the pinnacle of soldiering and the warrior spirit.  It gives us free agents (I consider a reservists in Canada to be a free agents, as they get to pick and chose what they want to do) something attractive to be a part of that would pull us away from our cush jobs or aspiring careers. 
You must be old the CND Airborne was around in the 2nd WW, 60's in Edmonton,70's in Pet - 90's.
bilton090 said:
You must be old the CND Airborne was around in the 2nd WW, 60's in Edmonton,70's in Pet - 90's.
Exactly.  In fact, in 1994, I was on a course in Gagetown in which some candidates were from the Canadian Airborne Regiment, and some were from JTF-2.
For anybody who is interested, I was told yesterday that the application date has been moved back indefinitly. Due largely I think to the fact that they are not getting the applicants that they were expecting. A very good thing for me cause they gave me my signed and approved application and told me to carry on with it. So my PT test is scheduled for the 30th and 31st of March, and I will book my BPSO interview once that is complete. As for the course I don't know when I will be loaded or when the course will be run. However I am pumped. So if anyone is looking to apply, go for it now.
Cheers Marc. :cdn:
Hi everyone!
is there somebody who knows the COS date for the CSOR, or is there somebody who received their posting message???
Thanks, greenbox >:D
greenbox said:
Hi everyone!
is there somebody who knows the COS date for the CSOR, or is there somebody who received their posting message???
Thanks, greenbox >:D


CAT 1 – positions are dependant on successful completion of the course – or TBA.

CAT 2 – regular APS and case-by-case.

helpful, ain’t I.
M Feetham said:
For anybody who is interested, I was told yesterday that the application date has been moved back indefinitly. Due largely I think to the fact that they are not getting the applicants that they were expecting. A very good thing for me cause they gave me my signed and approved application and told me to carry on with it.
Cheers Marc. :cdn:

Diver Feetham, congrats, you may enter the water when ready.
M Feetham said:
For anybody who is interested, I was told yesterday that the application date has been moved back indefinitly. Due largely I think to the fact that they are not getting the applicants that they were expecting. A very good thing for me cause they gave me my signed and approved application and told me to carry on with it. So my PT test is scheduled for the 30th and 31st of March, and I will book my BPSO interview once that is complete. As for the course I don't know when I will be loaded or when the course will be run. However I am pumped. So if anyone is looking to apply, go for it now.
Cheers Marc. :cdn:

Well congrats. I filled out my app to go cat 2 but was told today that my CoC feels that I need to try out for cat 1 so it appears that I will be joining you on the 30th. All the best to anyone who gives it a go.

I am new to the forum. I have been monitoring some of the posts on the CSOR subject. I submitted my application at the end of February and have been waiting for word to come down on weather or not I've been selected. Has anyone heard anything on there application status, or if they have in fact been selected?
patria said:
I am new to the forum. I have been monitoring some of the posts on the CSOR subject. I submitted my application at the end of February and have been waiting for word to come down on weather or not I've been selected. Has anyone heard anything?

Whether you've been selected or not? Sorry, no I haven't heard  ;D

Seriously though, my application Cat B application was out in February, and I know it's gone up my C of C, and is at CANSOFCOM now. I haven't heard anything on selection dates or anything.

Best of luck to you.
Hey, Canadian Sig,
I don't know what course I will be loaded on yet, I am doing my PT test tomorrow afternoon and then my 13k on Friday afternoon. Once that is done I still have to do my BPSO interview. Once all that is done and the BPSO is happy my file should be sent to Pet. and it will be up to them whether or not I get loaded on a course. Right now I am focused on getting my PTdone and getting to the BPSO. Wish me luck. and good luck to whoever else is thinking of applying.
Cheers Marc :cdn: