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Canadian President

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Army.ca Veteran
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I am just so impressed with how the opposition parties are all touting an antiAmerican line.

I have seen Dion on two separate occasions call the PM a "Canadian President" and a follower of his American Idol, Pres GWB.

I see that the wannabes have nothing better than personal attacks by which to criticize the Government.

Is that a sure sign the CPC is doing a good job in ruling, or is antiamericanism permeating as an underlying election issue?
I think the Granola Brigade automatically associates conservative beliefs with a cowboy gun-nut mentality, i.e Americanism, in their tiny minds.  The Oppo is trying to cash in on that... sad, really.
I honestly dont see why Dion and Layton say Harper is Bush's/America's puppy. All he has done is strengthen our relationship which shouldnt be viewed as negative. Harper bought tanks from Europeans, not Americans.

These opposition parties just use it against Harper because they have nothing else to criticize. Up to now, Harper has done a great job, strengthening the military, affirming Canada's sovereignty in the arctic, he has lowered the unemployment rate to 6%. A record low since the early 70's.

Dion and Layton cant shut the hell up which hopefully will cost them votes.

Lets hope for the Harper majority next elections so he can fix the senate and continue increasing our military power.

It's a concerted effort to smear and paint Harper as a Bush wannabe. They know anti US/Bush sentiment runs high with the ill informed and are hoping that by tying Harper to Bush, they can steal the vote. Typical political move for them. Bullshit baffles brains. Proves they have nothing of substance to bring out.

Lie; Libel; Liberal
The evolution of politics

Just my $00.02
The unemployment rate has been going down for a number of years.
Don't think you can credit the current PM with that.... many things, but not that.

True, the oil industry has helped ALOT.

But Harper is still a great PM.
Brian Mulroney gutted the Conservative party
Jean Chrétien gutted the Liberal party

It took how many new leaders and how many years for the Conservatives to come back?
It'll probably take just as many and just as long for the Liberals to get their act together...

In the meantime, I would hope the Conservatives CAN get a majority so that they can pass thru some real policies.
It will be interesting to see how the Liberal/NDP mutual admiration society reacts if the Democrats win the next US election. I presume that Mr Harper is astute enough to continue the relationships with the new US president.
ModlrMike said:
It will be interesting to see how the Liberal/NDP mutual admiration society reacts if the Democrats win the next US election. I presume that Mr Harper is astute enough to continue the relationships with the new US president.

While Mr Harper may be so astute, the President (Clinton II or Giuliani, or anyone else for that matter) will probably have little reason to spend much time and attention on Canada or our politics. The Liberals and NDP will have to walk a fine line of being anti-American enough to appeal to their supporters without being so shrill as to attract negative attention to themselves from south of the border.
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
or is antiamericanism permeating as an underlying election issue?

IMO anti-Americanism is pretty much the only thing that passes for a universal Canadian cultural value.  We are such a sad mish-mosh of individuals floundering about, the only thing anyone seems to agree on is that we aren't American.  It's funny, if you hear someone railing against the United States try to get them to commit to why they think it is such a bad place, and then ask them what it is about Canada that makes us better.  I've actually heard answers like "well, they think they are so cool, and think their country is the best in the world".  Wow.  Thinking your country is the best.  How completely wretched of them. 
That being said, this isn't an invitation to a dog pile.  I know why Canada is better than the US, but there are a god-awful lot of people that don't.  And it doesn't seem like there is any latitude to accept that the US does some things better than us.  So in the absence of being able to answer what it is that makes us great Canadians, many people can just be content with the unfounded self satisfied smugness of "well, we aren't them". 
That being the case, the Lieberals are the party of nothingness and status quo.  Smoke and mirrors carry the day, with a healthy dash of arrogance.  Look at the disdain that Jean Crouton had for our country in the way he conducted himself at the end of his reign.  And now look at how Celine Stephan Dion is acting.  Who the hell is he to tell the PM what to say to another leader of a foreign nation?!  I can almost guarantee that was as a result of seeing some sort of poll that suggests that Canadians see him as a poofy milquetoast, and he had to get all gangsta 'n stuff an git up in the PM's grill (fo shizzle, yo). 
There has been so much Lieberal crap for so many years, I actually find myself becoming anxious about the next election.  Surely, Canadians have not gotten rocked by decisive leadership, or a party that actually has a plan to move the country forward?  I am so hoping that all of the garbage they have been spewing (that hinges and counts on Canadians being uninformed clods) since the CPC has been in comes back to bite them in the arse.  But there is that gunshy part of me that remembers that the good citizens voted them back into a majority after they dicked away 2 BILLION dollars with no accounting for it whatsoever. 
I dunno.  Time will tell, I guess. 
Things I don't like about the USA:

1. They are governed by the worst president in US history.
2. He took them into Iraq with no plan. Hubris ruled. Bush thought the US was such a dominate superpower that he could create a Middle Eastern centre of  power and influence. As Powell said, "You break it you own it."
3. Health care. I spent four years in the states closely involved with the US system, guess what ? you never go to the hospital unless you are extremely sick. Problem is by the time you are  desperate is also often too late to be saved. Try watching a young man in his 30's die from cancer because he couldn't afford proper care. Oh ya did I forget the old cliche you should pull yourself up by your boot straps and afford health care. How's that working out for American's?
4. Most Americans don't know anything about countries outside the US. 

I could go on but it is rather point less. I do miss the big league aspect of the States. Name an area, computers, medicine, technology, finance and you do realize you are experiencing the top players in the world.
And yes Dion is somewhat justified in calling Harper Bush lite. "President" Harper rules his cabinet, shuffling the bodies will make no difference because he micro manages and has no real trust in his ministers.

Edit: And you better get used to President Clinton because the American public are in no mood to elect another Republican government and president.
3. Health care. I spent four years in the states closely involved with the US system, guess what ? you never go to the hospital unless you are extremely sick. Problem is by the time you are  desperate is also often too late to be saved. Try watching a young man in his 30's die from cancer because he couldn't afford proper care. Oh ya did I forget the old cliche you should pull yourself up by your boot straps and afford health care. How's that working out for American's?

Sorry, but I have  lived here 15 years and never seen evidence to the degree of which you are speaking. Not saying it doesn't exist, but exist to a level where you can class it as indicative? Sorry, not buying it. For an example, look no further than the border states (southern) where emergency rooms are struggling, even closing - because by law they have to treat you if you are sick or injured. Illegal immigrants are flooding hospitals in the southwest.



muskrat89 said:
Sorry, but I have  lived here 15 years and never seen evidence to the degree of which you are speaking. Not saying it doesn't exist, but exist to a level where you can class it as indicative? Sorry, not buying it. For an example, look no further than the border states (southern) where emergency rooms are struggling, even closing - because by law they have to treat you if you are sick or injured. Illegal immigrants are flooding hospitals in the southwest.




Muskrat  I don't deny in the southern states this situation exists. The whole issue of Mexican immigrant labour is being struggled with by the Congress as I am sure you are well aware of.
But....Health care is a gigantic issue in the States, just check out the platform of any parties presidential candidate.

Baden Guy - I agree for the most part. It happens. I don't dispute that the parties make it an issue. Just not sure that it warranted a generalization about "people dying of cancer"...  On the other hand, I also hear about the Canadian Healthcare system, and "cancer patients being sent to the US by their Doctors, because the waits are so long at regional treatment centers".

muskrat89 said:
...  On the other hand, I also hear about the Canadian Healthcare system, and "cancer patients being sent to the US by their Doctors, because the waits are so long at regional treatment centers".

All sorts of anecdotal claims can be made about healthcare in either country.  While some Canadian patients are occasionally sent to facilities south of the border due to immediate needs (recent prominent case is the Calgary quadrulets born in Great Falls), it's not as common as some would have you believe.  If one wanted to get into fingerpointing, we could discuss the increasing referral of US patients (sometimes by their health insurers) to Indian and other Asian surgical facilities.
Blackadder - not fingerpointing at all - simply making the same point that you did. Anecdotes don't warrant broad generalizations. Having lived almost equal portions of my life in both countries, I am well aware of the good things and the warts, in both countries. I also aware of the agendas of the MSM and politicians alike, to promote the aspect of the situation which best reflects their  point of view.
It's easy to be anti-American when you fail to consider alternatives.

Yea, America has it's problems.
So does Canada.

How would the world look if Russia, China, or even France
Had and used the volume of influence the USA has?

In a post 9-11 world, the NDPs tone really is kind of silly.

I would say misinformation has had it's effects in Canada and in the US.

Baden  Guy said:
And yes Dion is somewhat justified in calling Harper Bush lite. "President" Harper rules his cabinet, shuffling the bodies will make no difference because he micro manages and has no real trust in his ministers.

And so what?  He is in charge.  That is what in charge people do, they move their personnel to suit their needs.  It is an inherently Liberal trait to retain performance anchors just because they have lingered around long enough and have a well worn teat they have been sucking at.  As for trusting in his ministers, unless you are in his cabinet, I don't think you can really speak to that.  No doubt the people who got back benched are a bit poo poo'd about it.  Thems the breaks. 
But explain how being decisive makes the leader of a nation a bad person?  And that makes him a GWB puppet?  You can argue all day long as to the value of President Bushes decisions, but regardless he has been decisive.  IMO one of the main reasons that nothing has gotten done in this country in the way of progressive government during the "dark years" was because the Liberals were too worried about catering to whomever favour they were currying.  As horrifying a prospect as it is, there is more to Canada than the GTA and Quebec. 
It would be a very interesting government if Parliamentary seats were allotted by land area (excluding the Territories, sorry guys)  There is a whole heap of the country that might like to see things go somewhere else other than a lawyer from Quebec's imagination. 
Anti-Americanism is the new fad. When I talk to people at university or other in my age group I get the silliest "arguments" as to why they dislike Americans. It's just the trendy thing to do right now, and no one can distinguish between the American government and the average American Joe. It seems the Liberals, like the NDP are only taking opinions that will win them votes, and not mean a thing. This thread was made to discuss Mr. Dion's "American Idol" and other comments, and going back to that...What a ridiculous thing to say on his part. Take the airtime you get to talk about ISSUES, not spew garbage.
Baden  Guy said:
And yes Dion is somewhat justified in calling Harper Bush lite. "President" Harper rules his cabinet, shuffling the bodies will make no difference because he micro manages and has no real trust in his ministers.

It truly baffles me how you can read minds like that but waste your talent hanging around on milnet.ca with just us normal folk..............

Folks, when making unsubstantiated statements about people, please use words that might be a little less libelous like "appears to, I think, in my opinion, etc.

Thank you.
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