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Canadian Military Slang

Redeye said:
Notwithstanding the "official" version above, they are commonly considered "Meals Rejected by Everyone".

When out in the badlands of Iraq, we ate these hidious things. Personally the tootsie rools and gum is all I got out of them that I liked. The hamburger patty smelled and tasted like cat food. However the handy-dandy heaters worked excellent. As for the toilet paper ration, well that was a joke in itself (2 squares per man perhaps), and considereing the 'tap ass', we had from time to time, you'd need 100 MREs to wipe one's ass with success :)
"oxygen thief" - useless individual
"waste of rations" - see above
"numpty" - not a totally useless individual
"egg welder" - Cooks in general
Wesley  Down Under said:
When out in the badlands of Iraq, we ate these hidious things. Personally the tootsie rools and gum is all I got out of them that I liked. The hamburger patty smelled and tasted like cat food. However the handy-dandy heaters worked excellent. As for the toilet paper ration, well that was a joke in itself (2 squares per man perhaps), and considereing the 'tap ***', we had from time to time, you'd need 100 MREs to wipe one's *** with success :)

Tap***??? You'll have to elaborate just a smidge for me... could this be like "touchin' cloth, turtle heads,et al" or more like "**** that hurts, oh no, gotta go again..."??
BinRat55 said:
Tap***??? You'll have to elaborate just a smidge for me... could this be like "touchin' cloth, turtle heads,et al" or more like "**** that hurts, oh no, gotta go again..."??

Faucet bottom.
Unpleasant. Sort of like "Swamp***", especially when your sh|t-tickets are "John Wayne"
ToRN said:
Actually, Bloggins is no longer deemed acceptable to be used, since we now have (at least) one in the CF.

I can say with some authority that there are no actual serving Bloggins in the CF.  There is one in the GAL, a Cpl, but a quick look at the properties will show it's ficticious.

May he/she live on in our legends.  :salute:

I have access to the CF DWAN and there is a Cpl Boggins listed at Sigs in Edmonton, is this who your talking about?

I doubt TIS would put up a ficticious name.........

seccee99 said:

I have access to the CF DWAN and there is a Cpl Boggins listed at Sigs in Edmonton, is this who your talking about?

I doubt TIS would put up a ficticious name.........


But his position is listed as Ops O.  I've never met too many Cpl's that are Op's Os before  ;)
If you dug out some of your old PER's you might find....

F.O.B - Focus of Blame, the person usually identified early in the planning stages in case sh$t happens later on.

RSM - Regimental Sh$t Magnet, always a good choice to be the FOB.
Eye in the sky,

Yah I noticed that to - was scratchin my head at that one!

seccee99 said:

I have access to the CF DWAN and there is a Cpl Boggins listed at Sigs in Edmonton, is this who your talking about?

I doubt TIS would put up a ficticious name.........


I have e-mail him once and I did get a reply. I still got the e-mail at work. On note, he isn't real. Sorry guys. ;D
BinRat55 said:
Tap***??? You'll have to elaborate just a smidge for me... could this be like "touchin' cloth, turtle heads,et al" or more like "**** that hurts, oh no, gotta go again..."??

Tap is in water tap, ha! AKA ass pissing.
Piper said:
I've gone through all 21 pages and haven't seen;

GGFG = Gustav Gone For Good, in reference to the story (real or otherwise, I have yet to hear definitive proof one way or the other) that said reg't left a Carl G behind in the training area on a weekend exercise.

That regiment's other joke acronym is best left unsaid on these means, IMO.

Your "GOOGLEFU really sucks:

Billy~Bob said:
GGHG=God's Gift to Horny Girls
GGFG=Good God Forgot the Gustav!
RWR=Retards with rifles
I'm surprised no one's brought up the 12th Rubber Boot Company yet. I've heard most of these from my old man but my Grand-dad had a few not-so-nice names about the PPCLI. The soemthing Cowboys Learning Italian with regards to them not being involved w/ D-Day.

Mike Bobbitt said:
I'd heard it as Gustav Gone For Good.

trajectomologist said:
SAS - Saturdays and Sundays
SWAT - Some weekends and Thursdays

Soaps - Boring and on every day

PONTI - person of no tactical inportance
POOG - poor old Oshawa garbage
Lawn dart - guess who
mud gunners - Fd arty
bird gunners - air def arty
pointy headed - officers
GGHG - good god he's gay
GGFG - gustav gone for good

Mortar guy said:
Boat = AVGP
SAPFU = Supassing All Previous F*ck Ups
Egg Welder = Cook
LSVW = Loud Squeaky Vehicle Wheeled
SAS = Saturdays and Sundays (i.e. the Militia)
Mo = Militia
Rentals = Militia soldiers
Bachelor's Degree in Applied Ballistics and Crises Management = Infantry Phase Training
Fire and Movement University = Combat Training Centre
Vruh = RCR equivalent to the US Army's Hoo-ah (pronunciation of VRI)
Carl Gustav Gone = Another explaination for the missing Carl G (Canadian Grenadier Guards)
West National Socialist Regiment = West Novies
5e Flash de Bang = 5 RALC (Can also be applied to other French Arty Units i.e. 6e Flash de Bang)
5e Boom de Mine = 5 EGC


portcullisguy said:
Here‘s a few I‘ve heard all summer:

UFI = Useless F‘ing Information

Dirty Billy = A soldier who can‘t be bothered to use good hygeine

Shack hack = Coughing you get from spending too much time around Dirty Billies in the barracks

Wierdo = Anything not recognized, such as a strange bug seen in your mod tent ("Look at this wierdo bug thing")

Bumblast = To wander aimlessly around the field/range/training area

Bumblaster = Someone who wanders aimlessly (see above)

MIR Brigade = Those soldiers who are unfortunate enough to be injured and have to form up in the gimp rank behind the rest of the platoon

Kit Bag Drag = What happens when you get kicked off course

Muckle on (to) = To attach yourself to or go with a person/thing/vehicle  ("Go muckle on to Sgt Bloggins...")

Beetle = To scurry or move quickly

RHFC = Royal Horse F‘ers of Canada (apologies to the Highland Fusiliers, I actually all the ones I‘ve met so far)

GGFG = Gustav Gone For Good (apparently they lost a Carl G or two)

G ‘N‘ SF = Ground Nuclear Special Forces.  Doesn‘t really work though, because their abbreviation is "G _AND_ S F", so I‘ve also heard "Gay and Silly F‘ers".  I wouldn‘t dare tell them that, though, most of their NCO‘s are hard as ‘poop‘.

Ankle Buster = Tank ruts at Meaford (or any other base, I guess)

That‘s all I can think of from this summer.

[moderator note:  veiled profanity edited out.  Please keep your language civil, especially for young and impressionable readers]

Michael Dorosh said:
The GooGooFooGoos apparently put a Gustav down beside an ML one day, loading up on a public highway after an exercise.  They left, realized their mistake some time afterwards, and of course the Gustav was gone when they returned...

I heard about it from a Guardslady I was with on course two summers ago.  She was a six footer and looked every inch the Guard.  She also topped our RMS course.