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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

Love793 said:
try this site.


This is practice aptitude test suggested by CFRC.

I took that test and got 57%

I have to say, i saw some Math 12 problems in there and some Math 11.  As for some of the Vocab, never heard of the word "OSTRACIZE" before.

I sure as hell hope that the CFAT isnt that hard, every question i guessed on that test, i got wrong. Must be some goverment secret  :p

If it is, ill have to learn words like SUCCINCT, TANTAMOUNT, ANOMALY and FRUGAL
That was a rather succinct post.  It is tantamount to genius.  Your frugal use of words will make you an anomaly on course.  I hope that you don't get ostracised by your course mates.


George Wallace said:
That was a rather succinct post.  It is tantamount to genius.  Your frugal use of words will make you an anomaly on course.  I hope that you don't get ostracised by your course mates.



Fantastic!  ;D

Made my evening
George Wallace said:
That was a rather succinct post.   It is tantamount to genius.   Your frugal use of words will make you an anomaly on course.   I hope that you don't get ostracised by your course mates.



However brilliant it was, it failed to answer my question.
What is your question again?

This is an aptitude test. It tests your aptitude. Ie, it is not focused on your learned knowledge.

Just do the tests, the best way to improve your score is to get a feel of how the questions will be formed, and to get into that mode of thinking... If I recall correctly, lots of pattern-related stuff, using deductive logic, etc.

They are testing to ensure you will be able to pick up things and apply logical thinking. Depending on the trade, some require more advanced levels of spatial ability ie AirCrew vs RMS Clerk...  and so on.

Don't worry about it so much, go over some of the questions, and you should be fine.

BTW, many people don't finish it, or barely finish it... If it was that hard of a test, we wouldn't have so many people on this board wondering when their board will come back. :)

Meridian said:
What is your question again?

This is an aptitude test. It tests your aptitude. Ie, it is not focused on your learned knowledge.

Just do the tests, the best way to improve your score is to get a feel of how the questions will be formed, and to get into that mode of thinking... If I recall correctly, lots of pattern-related stuff, using deductive logic, etc.

They are testing to ensure you will be able to pick up things and apply logical thinking. Depending on the trade, some require more advanced levels of spatial ability ie AirCrew vs RMS Clerk...   and so on.

Don't worry about it so much, go over some of the questions, and you should be fine.

BTW, many people don't finish it, or barely finish it... If it was that hard of a test, we wouldn't have so many people on this board wondering when their board will come back. :)

I have every reason to act insecure, i have one chance and if i fail to recieve the score required for reserve infantry officer, i will miss almost on year before i can write again.
I don't think you understand what Im saying to you here.

The more you worry about it, the more you reduce your chances of doing well. On the other hand, the more you take proactive steps (worrying IMO is not proactive) to get better, the better you will be.

If you are looking for someone on here to tell you its a cakewalk, well, you will either be waiting awhile or being lied to.

I remember doing it, thinking I did terrible and being told I qualififed for every trade possible (Officer). I never got my score.

But really, the best way to prepare is to follow their guidelines. Review similar problems to get a feel for the type of questions, sleep well, relax, and go for it.
I hate to be the bore of the board on this subject but when I see this...

I went in yesterday to do the apptitude test and was off three points what I needed to get Armoured (all Primary Reserve, are the same score by the way) I tell you what killed me were was the problem solving questions, now I have to wait 3-4 months to take it again or change my application and become a Reg Force Cook (Which I qualified for, but still Debating)

This is precisely why it's important not to be complacent about the CFAT.   If you do not meet certain scores assigned to an MOC you will not be offered a position with that MOC. In fact, if your score is low enough then you won't be offered any position.

The bottom line here is this: if you are weak in math or feel uncomfortable with writing aptitude tests then get some practice/help.   Get a personal tutor to help at your school.

And in a marked contrast to the above:

Hey guys,

I'm kinda new in here but I can tell you the CFAT is quite easy to do.. I passed it today with flying colours. I got to dig deep in my memory cause a lot of the math problems (simple operations) were buried very deep under many other things, as I finished high school like 4 years ago.

And it's exactly these kinds of posts that don't help the cause.   It may be easy for this individual who happens to be good at writing aptitude tests, it may not be for others.   Don't let posts like this create a false sense of security.
Christ it's really depressing sometimes thinken about the future.

Last time I took a math course was grade 9.  I'm 18 and I should have graduated, and because I was out of highschool for 2 years I missed a lot of crap (ill/surgery).
This is the last semester in school I can stay before they start maken me pay because my 19th bday is in april.  And I'm hopen to finally move into redo-ing the CFAT,
back in sept. I failed it, come April/May.  But that begs the question, I can't remember a whole lot from the math portion of the CFAT.  But how do I re-learn from grade
9 to 11 in that little time?  I've come a long way since 2 years ago from where I begun my journy, and I'm so close (you don't know how hard it was just getting my
damn transcripts for grade 11).

Any help would be appreciated.  Everything on the cfat I did fine minus the math, which they specifically stated to come back in 3 months once you've fixed it.  I tried
but the school put me in some self paced course that required ME to get the math questions and what not.  And that idea was knoble but ate the curb.  So I'm taken
a course (dunno what grade yet) so hopefully with that along with tutoring I'll be off passing my cfat in april.

KUMON- I don't know if they have this on the west coast, but it did the trick for me. Once you get over the freaky 6 year old Asian girls that can do advanced trigonometry, their was a lot to learn, they start you at your earliest weak points, and build you up.
Hi Intelligere,

Just wondering if you know if test takers who do poorly the first time on CFAT do significantly better the second time around?   cheers, mdh

I am in the same boat. I just got my call yesterday that I will be doing my CFAT on Tuesday of next week and my math skills are horrible to say the least. I work at a gym and I asked one of my colleagues who is good at math to give me a few lessons. He gladly gave me a crash refresher coarse on how to do long division,fractions etc.(yes I am THAT bad). Good Luck and I sure as heck hope I pass mine!

I used to have the multiplcation table all the way up to 12 memorized.

Now I filled my head with Xbox and Rainbow Six Black Arrow.

"he's in the twirly stairs!"

12x7=Who has the canister?
Don't ever view the CFAT results as something "fixed" and beyond improvement.  

Hi Intelligere,

It's good to see someone who has worked worked with the CFAT weigh in on this topic.   My pet peeve on this thread are posters who claim the CFAT is easy - or something you can't prepare for - and end up leadiing some CF hopefuls down the garden path.   I did a a small amount of assisting with reserve unit recruiting and witnessed disappointed kids who didn't achieve the score they needed.

If you have trouble with aptitude tests - then do something about it.   There's lots of help available out there if you look, cheers, mdh

ps one of our more common failures weren't guys out of high school but with guys with degrees who had been out of school for years   :-[  
I'm not so good at math and am applying for Combat Engineer. I have to find some independant sources to refresh my memory. I totally forget the easy ways of solving problems without a calculator, carrying over and such, and I will need those skills as I do not believe they allow calculators during the aptitude test. :(


so if I cant even pass then who can?

Actually a lot of people with less education pass it all the time.

Mislead?  By the examples?  LOL.

Try here:


i took my aptitude test the summer after grade 10 and i passed i. i didn't find the questions on the test all that hard. even some of math ones :eek: hehehehe i got a 52% c- in math in grade 10 lol

the math question are simple all u have to do is think but to like grades7 and 8 and bring back long division and make use of the scrap paper they give you write out and show your work so you can go over it and there you go