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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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I know you have to do Aptitude test but will there be a separate test that is only math like fractions, algebra,geometry and etc...

Im sorry if this topic as been made before but i couldnt find anything about it in the thread thats locked.
Giving you an easy answer but next time I suggest researching the actual Canadian Forces website before you ask a simple questions like this one. Spending 5 Minutes on the Forces website can change your life. :)

1.Verbal Skills (15 questions, maximum time allowed for completion: 5 minutes)
2.Spatial Ability (15 questions, maximum time allowed for completion: 10 minutes)
3.Problem Solving (30 questions, maximum time allowed for completion: 30 minutes)

Good Luck
Normanz1 said:
I know you have to do Aptitude test but will there be a separate test that is only math like fractions, algebra,geometry and etc...

Im sorry if this topic as been made before but i couldnt find anything about it in the thread thats locked.

The aptitude test is made up of three sections, one of which is math. Math is not on a separate test, just a separate section of the one test.

For more information, you can go to: http://www.forces.ca/en/page/theapplicationprocess-106#step3-3
hey guys, I'm sitting in the RC with a HUGE smile on my face right now awaiting my medical. After the test we were waiting in the lobby and a staff member came out with two names on a piece of paper out of the 10 of us. My name was one of them and we were quickly rushed off to another room to be told how exceptional our marks were on the test.. Its unbelievable how releiving that can feel. Has anyone else experienced this were you are moved into the next room?  ;D
LOL.  Congrats.  When I did mine back in 84 it was the other way around.  The ones ushered away were never seen again................  :)
LOL.  Congrats.  When I did mine back in 84 it was the other way around.  The ones ushered away were never seen again................  :)

I can still remember when I did mine that there were 12 of us awaiting the results. They started calling people 1 by 1 and after about an hour there were only 3 of us still waiting. The recruiter came out and congratulated us because we were the only ones who passed. I was certain I failed and was racking my brain trying to figure out where I went wrong. I guess they were having a bit of fun...
They really know how to build suspense... So ive got my Interview booked.. whats the process after that? do I get a call for a job availability?
Stacked said:
Well, you could be waiting a while. I've been waiting over 8 months now since being merit listed (CFAT, Medical, Interview complete) You will be waiting until at least April.

As for my CFAT, we were all called in one by one, I was the last person to be called. Everyone but one person just before me had failed, (We were all pretty chatty, and on the way out they told us if they passed or failed). I was pretty nervous at this point.. I went in, they told me I did well and was eligible for all the trades I had selected. They then on the spot asked me if I wanted to wait an hour because they wanted to try and get me my medical. So I sat patiently for an hour for the med. tech to return... They asked her if she would mind staying late that day to complete it.. And she did! So it was a great day. I had a lot of fun actually.

My experience was identical.  Was a huge relief to know that I qualified for all trades.

Merit listed in June '10...... April cant come soon enough  :crybaby:
Hmm.  Nobody ever did tell me my results.  Do you suppose my last 25 years in the CF have all been under false pretenses? ;D
I also qualified for all trades (officer and NCM) when I did my CFAT.  No one moved me to a "special" room and I was still able to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.    ;)  That was over 25 years ago......oh, and we had a different CFAT then.  :nod:
Reg Force, applied as a NET C ( Which is apparently being combined with all of them now.) got an advancement on my interview because the trade is in such high demand.
PMedMoe said:
I also qualified for all trades (officer and NCM) when I did my CFAT.  No one moved me to a "special" room and I was still able to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.    ;)  That was over 25 years ago......oh, and we had a different CFAT then.  :nod:

You had to write it while running up hill in no shoes! ;D
PMedMoe said:
I also qualified for all trades (officer and NCM) when I did my CFAT.  No one moved me to a "special" room and I was still able to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.    ;)  That was over 25 years ago......oh, and we had a different CFAT then.  :nod:

Stone tablet and chisel.......

G.McDonnell said:
hey guys, I'm sitting in the RC with a HUGE smile on my face right now awaiting my medical. After the test we were waiting in the lobby and a staff member came out with two names on a piece of paper out of the 10 of us. My name was one of them and we were quickly rushed off to another room to be told how exceptional our marks were on the test.. Its unbelievable how releiving that can feel. Has anyone else experienced this were you are moved into the next room?  ;D

Would you mind if I ask how you prepared for the test?

Edit: Congrats!
There was five of us when I did the test. I was forth to get called into the office. The three before me left rather quickly and never told us remaining how they did so I'm unsure about them. I was told I did rather well on it and qualified for all my trades. He asked me if I wanted to get my medical and interview done right then and I was the only one offered to have it done immediately after. He told me to sit in the lobby and wait for the medical. The fifth guy that went in left just as quickly as the others. So, it left me feeling extremely lucky!

So, I got all three done on the same day, which seems like quite a rarity compared to others going through the process.
Denimboy: to prepare I made sure I completley understood every question and how to do it that are provided on the example CFAT. After that I searched all over tis site for advice, found some info on websites that review math 10, I looked over my sisters police exam guide and did IQ tests. Finally I did simple math in a GED book I have.... Some may say I over-prepared, but the results speak for themselves. The people in the room before the exam that were discussing "oh how do you do that question with 4/5 sailors? I just guessed it" were the people who failed. And work on being efficient. Time management is imparitive, make sure you answer EVERY question before time runs out.. Even if you gotta guess.
Hope this helps? :P
G.McDonnell said:
Denimboy: to prepare I made sure I completley understood every question and how to do it that are provided on the example CFAT. After that I searched all over tis site for advice, found some info on websites that review math 10, I looked over my sisters police exam guide and did IQ tests. Finally I did simple math in a GED book I have.... Some may say I over-prepared, but the results speak for themselves. The people in the room before the exam that were discussing "oh how do you do that question with 4/5 sailors? I just guessed it" were the people who failed. And work on being efficient. Time management is imparitive, make sure you answer EVERY question before time runs out.. Even if you gotta guess.
Hope this helps? :P

Yes! Thanks you!  :salute: