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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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dapaterson said:
CFAT is only disregarded if (a) you're a skilled NCM applicant - that is, you have a diploma or certification relevant to your selected military occupation or (b) you're a DEO with one of the preferred degrees for your selected occupation.

If you're an unskilled applicant or ROTP applicant, CFAT is still used to qualify you for occupational choices.

Above posts made me realize I may have missed this post.
Just to clarify a "skilled applicant" is someone who has prior military service in a given occupation.
If you have experience in an occupation but no military service you are a semi-skilled applicant.
"Please note that although it's not required to "pass" the CFAT anymore (for the situations above) that it is still a competition / selection process.  What this means is that even though it's no longer required to meet the minimum cut-off score anymore, the following could apply: if only 10 positions are being hired this year and there are 20 people who've scored above the cut-off and 10 people who haven't scored above the cut-off, the reality is that those have haven't score above likely will not receive an offer of employment."

Hi Buck,

I understand the policies have changed in relation to passing the CFAT (Re: DEO Reg. Force etc.), but my question is why did they change the policy? The reason I ask is due to the fact a number of posts have indicated a file would not be competitive and more than likely would not receive an offer of employment when being compared to those who have passed the CFAT.

Thank you
Hi, sorry if this is silly or has been posted before...

The CFAT looks like it's super simple, is it actually?

I've done the one that's on the forces website as well as all the free stuff on that app that's meant to practice for it. It seems so simple. I'm not trying to be rude or cocky or anything, but is it really just basic vocab, painfully simple math, and spacial ability? Honestly, it seems like if you speak whatever language you're taking it in, have done middle school math, and roughly know how shapes work, it's a cake walk. This seems odd to me. I've heard/read stories about people failing or scoring low and I just don't understand how based off the test on the website and other practice questions I've done.

If it is harder than the one on the forces website, does anyone have recommendations of resources that may actually help in preparing me?

Again, I apologize if this is sounding rude or anything, I don't mean it to be that way. I can't seem to find a phrasing that sounds nicer, oops. :-X

Thanks in advance.
sucreus said:
Hi, sorry if this is silly or has been posted before...

The CFAT looks like it's super simple, is it actually?

I've done the one that's on the forces website as well as all the free stuff on that app that's meant to practice for it. It seems so simple. I'm not trying to be rude or cocky or anything, but is it really just basic vocab, painfully simple math, and spacial ability? Honestly, it seems like if you speak whatever language you're taking it in, have done middle school math, and roughly know how shapes work, it's a cake walk. This seems odd to me. I've heard/read stories about people failing or scoring low and I just don't understand how based off the test on the website and other practice questions I've done.

If it is harder than the one on the forces website, does anyone have recommendations of resources that may actually help in preparing me?

Again, I apologize if this is sounding rude or anything, I don't mean it to be that way. I can't seem to find a phrasing that sounds nicer, oops. :-X

Thanks in advance.

It is what you stated: basic stuff you learned in high school. Note that not everyone's smart.
The sample questions are just to show you the types of questions that are on it. The cfat has harder questions and is timed. The problem solving is based on grade 10 math.

Some find it easy, some do not. You will find out when you write it.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
This is a dream of mine to join the army, and I can’t let Math be the reason I’m not able to become a member.
DawsonR1995 said:
This is a dream of mine to join the army, and I can’t let Math be the reason I’m not able to become a member.

This may help,

"what type of math is on the aptitude test?":

"Math questions on the test":

"CFAT Math Problem Solving": 

"Not the best at math..":

"CFAT Math + other question": 

"How does one 'relearn' math?":

"I suck at math (CFAT worries)":

"If you need help in Math for the CFAT":


Hey !
I write my CFAT test Monday and have using an aptitude prep app to help study. I did level 3 physicsl, math and chemistry in high school and got my diploma in Chemical Process Engineering Technology about a year ago. I applied for Combat Engineer NCM.
Does anyone have any advice on what to focus on most when preparing ? And also do different trades need different scores to be considered good (pass/fail)
Coombs438 said:
Do different trades need different scores to be considered good (pass/fail)
Yes, this is why there isn't a pass/fail to the CFAT - rather an aptitude cut off for the various occupations within the CAF.
Good day everyone,

I thought I’d chime in on this thread because I think I can help a few out who may have failed their first or second CFAT.

I haven’t seen too many people on here who have been given a 3rd rewrite. I just wanted to say that it is possible to get a third try because I have mine on Wednesday (May 2nd; and I say that in a non bragging way). While I’m anxious to get it done as I have been studying for 1-2 hrs a day, everyday since March 11th (when I was approved) and am much more prepared than I was the second time and more so than the first. Much of my preparation has included CDN forces approved CFAT practice books courtesy of the BPSO. To those of you who have failed the CFAT it’s okay, there’s no need to get overly stressed about it because you can get a second and third chance.

On a final note, I don’t care if you’ve aced every math course in high school or university, but please do your research into what kinds of math you’ll see on the test and attempt a few complex math questions because it truly does help. I’m going into my third attempt with far more knowledge and strategies that I will use on the test than I had before. Thank you and good luck to everyone with your future testing.
luttrellfan said:
I thought I’d chime in on this thread because I think I can help a few out who may have failed their first or second CFAT.

To those of you who have failed the CFAT it’s okay, there’s no need to get overly stressed about it because you can get a second and third chance.

There is no such thing as "failing" or "passing" the CFAT.  I have stated in the past and I will continue to do so, it's an aptitude test - it's to test your aptitude towards various occupations in the CAF.  It's not that you failed the test, it's that you didn't meet the threshold for any occupations that the CAF offers.

Best of luck on you rewrite.
Interesting attitude, when communicating with an actual Recruiter...

I await your tales of similar statements to DS on your courses should you pass attain the necessary score for your chosen occupation(s) and make it in.
Loachman said:
Interesting attitude, when communicating with an actual Recruiter...

I await your tales of similar statements to DS on your courses should you pass attain the necessary score for your chosen occupation(s) and make it in.

I see where you're coming from Loachman. I guess with the past few years of going through this process of studying and attempting the CFAT(s) I've formed a different opinion on how I view the test than other people. I didn't mean any disrespect with my reply to Buck_HRA I just see it differently.

Take care.
Roger, and, yes, I understood.

The concept of "Pass" and "Fail", in this situation, will vary with the points of view of different people. To the applicant who does not attain the required score for his/her desired occupation(s), or even for entry, "fail" is a natural term to use, as is "pass" for successful applicants. I would not call that interpretation wrong.

The Recruiter's  - and CF's - point of view has already been explained.

The vision of a Recruit telling an Instructor "I guess we'll have to agree to disagree", however, was most amusing.

In any case, I hope that you succeeded this time around.
Hi everyone.
I had a CFAT scheduled for a date, and I missed it.

The email they sent me for the CFAT appointment confirmation said,
"If you do not notify us beforehand that you are unable to attend the scheduled appointment, your file will be closed."

Does this mean that my file is closed?
If so, how can I re-open my file.

milkytea said:
The email they sent me for the CFAT appointment confirmation said,
"If you do not notify us beforehand that you are unable to attend the scheduled appointment, your file will be closed."

Does this mean that my file is closed?
If so, how can I re-open my file.

I hope this doesn't come across as rude, but the answer is pretty evident to me based on the email you quoted in your post. I'd say that the person to talk to in order to re-open your file would be whoever is at the recruiting centre that you were dealing with. Take the initiative and call them.
milkytea said:
If so, how can I re-open my file.

Re-opening file,

As always, Recruiting is your most trusted source of official, up to date information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."
milkytea said:
Hi everyone.
I had a CFAT scheduled for a date, and I missed it.

The email they sent me for the CFAT appointment confirmation said,
"If you do not notify us beforehand that you are unable to attend the scheduled appointment, your file will be closed."

Does this mean that my file is closed?
If so, how can I re-open my file.

Yes your file would have been closed if you were a no show and didn't inform them that you couldn't make the appointment.  The CFRC's are very busy with testing and only so many seats are available per test; so when someone doesn't show up without notifying the CFRC their file is closed.

To reopen your file you are going to have to get in touch with your CFRC (email, phone or in person) and ask them to reopen your file and you will have to wait for a new testing date.
Are required CFAT scores the same for the Reg Force?  If a person joins the Reserves in a particular trade and later wants to CT to the Reg force in the same MOSID, will they be required to re-write the CFAT?